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Sys.UI.DataView Class

Uses a template to render a view of a data source. The data can be set directly through the data property or obtained by fetching data from a data provider.

Namespace: Sys.UI

Inherits: Sys.UI.Control

Implements: Sys.UI.ITemplateContextConsumer

var MyDataView = new Sys.UI.DataView(element);




Sys.UI.DataView Constructor

When called from a derived class, initializes a new instance of the DataView control.




Sys.UI.DataView.command Event

Adds or removes a command event handler to the DataView control.

Sys.UI.DataView.fetchFailed Event

Adds or removes a fetchFailed event handler to the DataView object.

Sys.UI.DataView.fetchSucceeded Event

Adds or removes a fetchSucceeded event handler to the DataView object.

Sys.UI.DataView.itemRendered Event

Adds or removes an itemRendered event handler to the DataView object.

Sys.UI.DataView.itemRendering Event

Adds or removes an itemRendering event handler to the DataView object.

Sys.UI.DataView.rendered Event

Adds or removes an rendered event handler to the DataView object.

Sys.UI.DataView.rendering Event

Adds or removes a rendering event handler to the DataView object.

Sys.UI.DataView.abortFetch Method

Aborts the current fetch request, if a fetch request is in process.

Sys.UI.DataView.dispose Method

Disposes the DataView object.

Sys.UI.DataView.fetchData Method

Retrieves data from the provider using the dataProvider property.

Sys.UI.DataView.findContext Method

Finds the TemplateContext object that corresponds to the rendered template that contains the specified DOM element.

Sys.UI.DataView.initialize Method

Called when the component is initialized.

Sys.UI.DataView.onBubbleEvent Method

Called when an event is raised by the raiseBubbleEvent method.

Sys.UI.DataView.onCommand Method

Raised when a command is raised.

Sys.UI.DataView.onFetchFailed Method

Called when the DataView control is unable to fetch data.

Sys.UI.DataView.onFetchSucceeded Method

Called when the DataView control has successfully fetched data.

Sys.UI.DataView.onItemRendered Method

Called after each item that is rendered.

Sys.UI.DataView.onItemRendering Method

Called before each item that is rendered.

Sys.UI.DataView.onRendering Method

Called when a new set of data is about to be rendered by the DataView control.

Sys.UI.DataView.refresh Method

Forces the rendering of the current data to be refreshed.

Sys.UI.DataView.updated Method

Called when beginUpdate and endUpdate are called.

Sys.UI.DataView.autoFetch Property

Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether data should be retrieved immediately from a data source when the page loads and when either the provider is changed or the fetch operation is changed.

Sys.UI.DataView.contexts Property

Gets an array of TemplateContext objects within the DataView object. Property

Gets or sets the bound data (JavaScript object or array) to be rendered using the template.

Sys.UI.DataView.dataProvider Property

Gets or sets the data provider from which to fetch data.

Sys.UI.DataView.fetchOperation Property

Gets or sets the operation to use when the data provider is queried.

Sys.UI.DataView.fetchParameters Property

Gets or sets a dictionary of parameters to pass to the data provider when a query is performed.

Sys.UI.DataView.httpVerb Property

Gets or sets a string that indicates the HTTP method. The default value is POST.

Sys.UI.DataView.initialSelectedIndex Property

Gets or set the selected index that the selectedIndex property will default to when data is loaded.

Sys.UI.DataView.isFetching Property

Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the data is being retrieved.

Sys.UI.DataView.itemPlaceholder Property

Gets or sets the DOM element or the ID of the DOM element next to which the DataView object renders the item template.

Sys.UI.DataView.itemTemplate Property

Gets or sets (as a DOM element or DOM element ID) the external item template to use to render the data.

Sys.UI.DataView.selectedData Property

Gets the data item that corresponds to the current selectedIndex of the DataView control.

Sys.UI.DataView.selectedIndex Property

Gets or sets the index of the currently selected item.

Sys.UI.DataView.selectedItemClass Property

Gets or sets the CSS class name to apply to the currently selected item.

Sys.UI.DataView.timeout Property

Gets or sets an integer representing the time limit when attempting to fetch data.

Sys.UI.DataView.viewData Property

Gets or sets the data that is used to render the DataView object.


Renders UI bound to data, by rendering an instance of an item template for the data (if an object) or for each item in the data (if an array).

If you only need simple read-only access to data from a standard JSON Web Service, you can set the dataProvider property value to the Service URI.

To use a Web Service proxy instance, set the dataProvider property value to the instance. For an example, to use simple read access to an ADO.NET service, set the dataProvider property value to an instance of an AdoNetServiceProxy. To use a Sys.Data.DataContext instance to enable read/write capabilities and change tracking, set dataProvider property value to a DataContext instance or an AdoNetDataContext instance. You may also implement your own data provider by implementing the IDataProvider interface and set the dataProvider property value to the new implementation.


The following example shows how to declaratively bind data using a DataView object.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">

    <title>Creating DataView Declaratively - DataProvider using Service URI</title>
    <link href="styles/list.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../MicrosoftAjax/MicrosoftAjax.debug.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../MicrosoftAjax/MicrosoftAjaxTemplates.debug.js"></script>

<body xmlns:dataview="javascript:Sys.UI.DataView" xmlns:sys="javascript:Sys">
    <!--DataView calls dataProvider URL directly. No code-->
    <ul id="imagesListView" class="list sys-template"
        dataview:fetchparameters="{{ {orderby: 'Name'} }}"
            <span>{{ Name }}</span>
            <span class="value">{{ Description }}</span>

See Also

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Language Reference