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FPHTMLNavigator Object

Multiple objects

Represents the Web browser in Microsoft FrontPage.

Using the FPHTMLNavigator Object

Use the navigator property to return an FPHTMLNavigator object. The following code accesses the browser for the active document.

Dim objNav As FPHTMLNavigator

Set objNav = ActiveDocument.parentWindow.navigator

Properties | appCodeName Property | appMinorVersion Property | appName Property | appVersion Property | cookieEnabled Property | cpuClass Property | mimeTypes Property | onLine Property | opsProfile Property | platform Property | plugins Property | systemLanguage Property | userAgent Property | userLanguage Property | userProfile Property

Methods | javaEnabled Method | taintEnabled Method | toString Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects | IHTMLMimeTypesCollection Object | IHTMLOpsProfile Object | IHTMLPluginsCollection Object