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MulticastDelegate Classe


Rappresenta un delegato multicast, ossia un delegato che può avere più di un elemento nell'elenco chiamate.

public ref class MulticastDelegate abstract : Delegate
public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate
public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate
public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate
type MulticastDelegate = class
    inherit Delegate
type MulticastDelegate = class
    inherit Delegate
type MulticastDelegate = class
    inherit Delegate
Public MustInherit Class MulticastDelegate
Inherits Delegate


Nell'esempio seguente viene definita una classe , che StringContainerinclude una raccolta di stringhe. Uno dei suoi membri è il CheckAndDisplayDelegate delegato, che viene usato per visualizzare stringhe archiviate in un StringContainer oggetto che soddisfa criteri specifici. Il delegato accetta una singola stringa come parametro e restituisce void (o, in Visual Basic, è una Sub routine). Include anche un metodo, , DisplayAllQualifiedche ha un singolo parametro, un CheckAndDisplayDelegate delegato. Ciò consente di chiamare il metodo e di visualizzare un set di stringhe filtrate in base ai metodi contenuti dal delegato.

L'esempio definisce anche una classe di utilità, , StringExtensionsche include due metodi:

  • ConStart, che visualizza stringhe che iniziano con una consonante.

  • VowelStart, che visualizza le stringhe che iniziano con un vocale.

Si noti che entrambi i metodi includono un singolo parametro stringa e restituiscono void. In altre parole, entrambi i metodi possono essere assegnati al CheckAndDisplayDelegate delegato.

Il Test.Main metodo è il punto di ingresso dell'applicazione. Crea un'istanza di un StringContainer oggetto, lo popola con stringhe e crea due CheckAndDisplayDelegate delegati conStart e vowelStart, che richiamano un singolo metodo. Chiama quindi il metodo per creare il Delegate.CombinemultipleDelegates delegato, che inizialmente contiene i ConStart delegati e VowelStart . Si noti che quando il multipleDelegates delegato viene richiamato, visualizza tutte le stringhe della raccolta nell'ordine originale. Ciò avviee perché ogni lettera viene passata separatamente a ogni delegato e ogni lettera soddisfa i criteri di filtro di uno dei due delegati. Infine, dopo le chiamate a Delegate.Remove e Delegate.Combine, multipleDelegates contiene due conStart delegati. Quando viene richiamata, ogni stringa nell'oggetto StringContainer viene visualizzata due volte.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

ref class StringContainer
   // A generic list object that holds the strings.
   List<String^>^ container = gcnew List<String^>;

   // Define a delegate to handle string display.
   delegate void CheckAndDisplayDelegate(String^ str);

   // A method that adds more strings to the collection.
   void AddString(String^ str)

   // Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
   void DisplayAllQualified(CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ displayDelegate)
      for each (String^ str in container)
//       System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = container->GetEnumerator();
//       while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
//       {
//          String^ str = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
//          displayDelegate(str);
//      }

//end of class StringContainer
// This class contains a few sample methods
ref class StringFuncs

   // This method prints a String* that it is passed if the String* starts with a vowel
   static void ConStart(String^ str)
      if (  !(str[ 0 ] == 'a' || str[ 0 ] == 'e' || str[ 0 ] == 'i' || str[ 0 ] == 'o' || str[ 0 ] == 'u') )
            Console::WriteLine( str );

   // This method prints a String* that it is passed if the String* starts with a consonant
   static void VowelStart( String^ str )
      if ( (str[ 0 ] == 'a' || str[ 0 ] == 'e' || str[ 0 ] == 'i' || str[ 0 ] == 'o' || str[ 0 ] == 'u') )
            Console::WriteLine( str );

// This function demonstrates using Delegates, including using the Remove and
// Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations.
int main()
   // Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
   StringContainer^ container = gcnew StringContainer;
   container->AddString( "This" );
   container->AddString( "is" );
   container->AddString( "a" );
   container->AddString( "multicast" );
   container->AddString( "delegate" );
   container->AddString( "example" );

   // Create two delegates individually using different methods
   StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ conStart = gcnew StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate( StringFuncs::ConStart );
   StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ vowelStart = gcnew StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate( StringFuncs::VowelStart );

   // Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance. 
   array<Delegate^>^ delegateList = conStart->GetInvocationList();
   Console::WriteLine("conStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList->Length);
   delegateList = vowelStart->GetInvocationList();
   Console::WriteLine("vowelStart contains {0} delegate(s).\n", delegateList->Length );

   // Determine whether the delegates are System::Multicast delegates
   if ( dynamic_cast<System::MulticastDelegate^>(conStart) && dynamic_cast<System::MulticastDelegate^>(vowelStart) )
      Console::WriteLine("conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.\n");

   // Execute the two delegates.
   Console::WriteLine("Executing the conStart delegate:" );
   Console::WriteLine("Executing the vowelStart delegate:" );

   // Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
   StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ multipleDelegates =
           dynamic_cast<StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^>(Delegate::Combine(conStart, vowelStart));

   // How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
   delegateList = multipleDelegates->GetInvocationList();
   Console::WriteLine("\nmultipleDelegates contains {0} delegates.\n", 
                      delegateList->Length );

   //       // Pass this multicast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
   Console::WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.");
   // Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
   multipleDelegates = dynamic_cast<StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^>
                      (Delegate::Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart));
   multipleDelegates = dynamic_cast<StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^>
                      (Delegate::Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart));

   // Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
   Console::WriteLine("\nExecuting the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:");
// The example displays the following output:
//    conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
//    vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
//    conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
//    Executing the conStart delegate:
//    This
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    Executing the vowelStart delegate:
//    is
//    a
//    example
//    multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
//    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
//    This
//    is
//    a
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    example
//    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
//    This
//    This
//    multicast
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    delegate
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class StringContainer
   // Define a delegate to handle string display.
   public delegate void CheckAndDisplayDelegate(string str);

   // A generic list object that holds the strings.
   private List<String> container = new List<String>();

   // A method that adds strings to the collection.
   public void AddString(string str)

   // Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
   public void DisplayAllQualified(CheckAndDisplayDelegate displayDelegate)
      foreach (var str in container) {

// This class defines some methods to display strings.
class StringExtensions
   // Display a string if it starts with a consonant.
   public static void ConStart(string str)
      if (!(str[0]=='a'||str[0]=='e'||str[0]=='i'||str[0]=='o'||str[0]=='u'))

   // Display a string if it starts with a vowel.
   public static void VowelStart(string str)
      if ((str[0]=='a'||str[0]=='e'||str[0]=='i'||str[0]=='o'||str[0]=='u'))

// Demonstrate the use of delegates, including the Remove and
// Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations.
class Test
   static public void Main()
      // Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
      StringContainer container = new StringContainer();

      // Create two delegates individually using different methods.
      StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate conStart = StringExtensions.ConStart;
      StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate vowelStart = StringExtensions.VowelStart;

      // Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance.
      Delegate[] delegateList = conStart.GetInvocationList();
      Console.WriteLine("conStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList.Length);
      delegateList = vowelStart.GetInvocationList();
      Console.WriteLine("vowelStart contains {0} delegate(s).\n", delegateList.Length);

      // Determine whether the delegates are System.Multicast delegates.
      if (conStart is System.MulticastDelegate && vowelStart is System.MulticastDelegate)
          Console.WriteLine("conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.\n");

      // Execute the two delegates.
      Console.WriteLine("Executing the conStart delegate:");
      Console.WriteLine("Executing the vowelStart delegate:");

      // Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
      StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate multipleDelegates =
            (StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate) Delegate.Combine(conStart, vowelStart);

      // How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
      delegateList = multipleDelegates.GetInvocationList();
      Console.WriteLine("\nmultipleDelegates contains {0} delegates.\n",

      // Pass this multicast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
      Console.WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.");

      // Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
      multipleDelegates = (StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate) Delegate.Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart);
      multipleDelegates = (StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate) Delegate.Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart);

      // Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
      Console.WriteLine("\nExecuting the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:");
// The example displays the following output:
//    conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
//    vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
//    conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
//    Executing the conStart delegate:
//    This
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    Executing the vowelStart delegate:
//    is
//    a
//    example
//    multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
//    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
//    This
//    is
//    a
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    example
//    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
//    This
//    This
//    multicast
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    delegate
module Test

open System

// Define a delegate to handle string display.
type CheckAndDisplayDelegate = delegate of string -> unit

type StringContainer() =
    // A generic ResizeArray object that holds the strings.
    let container = ResizeArray()

    // A method that adds strings to the collection.
    member _.AddString(str) =
        container.Add str

    // Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
    member _.DisplayAllQualified(displayDelegate: CheckAndDisplayDelegate) =
        for str in container do
            displayDelegate.Invoke str

// This module defines some functions to display strings.
module StringExtensions =
    // Display a string if it starts with a consonant.
    let conStart (str: string) =
        match str[0] with
        | 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' -> ()
        | _ -> printfn $"{str}"
    // Display a string if it starts with a vowel.
    let vowelStart (str: string) =
        match str[0] with
        | 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' -> printfn $"{str}"
        | _ -> ()
// Demonstrate the use of delegates, including the Remove and
// Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations.
let main _ =
    // Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
    let container = StringContainer()
    container.AddString "This"
    container.AddString "is"
    container.AddString "a"
    container.AddString "multicast"
    container.AddString "delegate"
    container.AddString "example"

    // Create two delegates individually using different methods.
    let conStart = CheckAndDisplayDelegate StringExtensions.conStart
    let vowelStart = CheckAndDisplayDelegate StringExtensions.vowelStart 

    // Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance.
    let delegateList = conStart.GetInvocationList()
    printfn $"conStart contains {delegateList.Length} delegate(s)."
    let delegateList = vowelStart.GetInvocationList()
    printfn $"vowelStart contains {delegateList.Length} delegate(s).\n"

    // Determine whether the delegates are System.Multicast delegates.
    if box conStart :? System.MulticastDelegate && box vowelStart :? System.MulticastDelegate then
        printfn "conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.\n"

    // Execute the two delegates.
    printfn "Executing the conStart delegate:"
    container.DisplayAllQualified conStart
    printfn "\nExecuting the vowelStart delegate:"
    container.DisplayAllQualified vowelStart
    printfn ""

    // Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
    let multipleDelegates =
        Delegate.Combine(conStart, vowelStart) :?> CheckAndDisplayDelegate

    // How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
    let delegateList = multipleDelegates.GetInvocationList()
    printfn $"\nmultipleDelegates contains {delegateList.Length} delegates.\n"

    // Pass this multicast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
    printfn "Executing the multipleDelegate delegate."
    container.DisplayAllQualified multipleDelegates

    // Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
    let multipleDelegates = Delegate.Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart) :?> CheckAndDisplayDelegate
    let multipleDelegates = Delegate.Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart) :?> CheckAndDisplayDelegate

    // Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
    printfn "\nExecuting the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:"
    printfn $"{multipleDelegates}"
// The example displays the following output:
//    conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
//    vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
//    conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
//    Executing the conStart delegate:
//    This
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    Executing the vowelStart delegate:
//    is
//    a
//    example
//    multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
//    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
//    This
//    is
//    a
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    example
//    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
//    This
//    This
//    multicast
//    multicast
//    delegate
//    delegate
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Class StringContainer
    ' Define a delegate to handle string display. 
    Delegate Sub CheckAndPrintDelegate(ByVal str As String)

    ' A generic list object that holds the strings.
    Private container As New List(Of String)()

     ' A method that adds strings to the collection. 
     Public Sub AddString(ByVal s As String)
    End Sub

    ' Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
    Public Sub DisplayAllQualified(ByVal displayDelegate As CheckAndPrintDelegate)
        For Each s In container
    End Sub
End Class

' This class defines some methods to display strings. 
Class StringExtensions
    ' Display a string if it starts with a consonant. 
    Public Shared Sub ConStart(ByVal str As String)
        If Not (str.Chars(0) = "a"c Or str.Chars(0) = "e"c Or str.Chars(0) = "i"c _ 
                Or str.Chars(0) = "o"c Or str.Chars(0) = "u"c) Then
        End If
    End Sub 

    ' Display a string if it starts with a vowel.
    Public Shared Sub VowelStart(ByVal str As String)
        If (str.Chars(0) = "a"c Or str.Chars(0) = "e"c Or str.Chars(0) = "i"c _
            Or str.Chars(0) = "o"c Or str.Chars(0) = "u"c) Then
        End If
    End Sub 
End Class 

' Demonstrate the use of delegates, including the Remove and 
' Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations. 
Class Test
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
        Dim container As New StringContainer()

        ' Create two delegates individually using different methods.
        Dim constart As StringContainer.CheckAndPrintDelegate = AddressOf StringExtensions.ConStart
        Dim vowelStart As StringContainer.CheckAndPrintDelegate = AddressOf StringExtensions.VowelStart

        ' Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance. 
        Dim delegateList() As [Delegate] = conStart.GetInvocationList()
        Console.WriteLine("conStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList.Length)
        delegateList = vowelStart.GetInvocationList()
        Console.WriteLine("vowelStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList.Length)
        ' Determine whether the delegates are System.Multicast delegates
        If TypeOf conStart Is System.MulticastDelegate And TypeOf vowelStart Is System.MulticastDelegate Then
            Console.WriteLine("conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.")
        End If

        ' Run the two single delegates one after the other.
        Console.WriteLine("Executing the conStart delegate:")
        Console.WriteLine("Executing the vowelStart delegate:")

        ' Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
        Dim multipleDelegates As StringContainer.CheckAndPrintDelegate = 
                  CType([Delegate].Combine(conStart, vowelStart), 

        ' How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
        delegateList = multipleDelegates.GetInvocationList()
        Console.WriteLine("{1}multipleDelegates contains {0} delegates.{1}",
                          delegateList.Length, vbCrLf)

        ' Pass this mulitcast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
        Console.WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.")

        ' Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
        multipleDelegates = CType([Delegate].Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart), 
        multipleDelegates = CType([Delegate].Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart), 

        ' Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
        Console.WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:")
    End Sub 
End Class 
' The example displays the following output:
'    conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
'    vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
'    conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
'    Executing the conStart delegate:
'    This
'    multicast
'    delegate
'    Executing the vowelStart delegate:
'    is
'    a
'    example
'    multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
'    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
'    This
'    is
'    a
'    multicast
'    delegate
'    example
'    Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
'    This
'    This
'    multicast
'    multicast
'    delegate
'    delegate


MulticastDelegate è una classe speciale. I compilatori e altri strumenti possono derivare da questa classe, ma non è possibile derivarlo in modo esplicito. Lo stesso vale per la Delegate classe.

Oltre ai metodi che delegano i tipi ereditano da MulticastDelegate, Common Language Runtime fornisce due metodi speciali: BeginInvoke e EndInvoke. Per altre informazioni su questi metodi, vedere Chiamata di metodi sincroni in modo asincrono.

Un MulticastDelegate oggetto ha un elenco collegato di delegati, denominato elenco di chiamate, costituito da uno o più elementi. Quando viene richiamato un delegato multicast, i delegati nell'elenco di chiamate vengono chiamati in modo sincrono nell'ordine in cui vengono visualizzati. Se si verifica un errore durante l'esecuzione dell'elenco, viene generata un'eccezione.


MulticastDelegate(Object, String)

Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe MulticastDelegate.

MulticastDelegate(Type, String)

Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe MulticastDelegate.



Rappresenta un delegato multicast, ossia un delegato che può avere più di un elemento nell'elenco chiamate.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Ottiene il metodo rappresentato dal delegato.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Ottiene l'istanza di classe sulla quale il metodo di istanza viene richiamato dal delegato corrente.

(Ereditato da Delegate)



Crea una copia superficiale del delegato.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Associa l'oggetto Delegate con l'oggetto Delegate specificato per creare un nuovo delegato.


Esegue la concatenazione degli elenchi chiamate dei delegati multicast o combinabili specificati e del delegato multicast o combinabile corrente.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Richiama dinamicamente, ovvero ad associazione tardiva, il metodo rappresentato dal delegato corrente.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Elabora l'elenco completo delle chiamate.


Richiama dinamicamente, ovvero ad associazione tardiva, il metodo rappresentato dal delegato corrente.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Determina se questo delegato multicast e l'oggetto specificato sono uguali.


Restituisce il codice hash per l'istanza.


Restituisce l'elenco chiamate di questo delegato multicast, in ordine di chiamata.


Restituisce un metodo rappresentato dall'oggetto corrente MulticastDelegate.


Ottiene il metodo rappresentato dal delegato corrente.

(Ereditato da Delegate)
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

Compila un oggetto SerializationInfo con tutti i dati necessari per serializzare questa istanza.

GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

Non supportato.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Ottiene l'oggetto Type dell'istanza corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Crea una copia superficiale dell'oggetto Object corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Rimuove un elemento uguale al delegato specificato dall'elenco chiamate di questo MulticastDelegate.


Rimuove l'elenco chiamate di un delegato dall'elenco chiamate di un altro delegato.

(Ereditato da Delegate)

Restituisce una stringa che rappresenta l'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)


Equality(MulticastDelegate, MulticastDelegate)

Determina se due oggetti MulticastDelegate sono uguali.

Inequality(MulticastDelegate, MulticastDelegate)

Determina se due oggetti MulticastDelegate non sono uguali.

Metodi di estensione


Ottiene un oggetto che rappresenta il metodo rappresentato dal delegato specificato.

Si applica a