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MessageQuery Classe


Definisce il comportamento principale di classi utilizzato per cercare dati correlati specifici in un messaggio.

public ref class MessageQuery abstract
public abstract class MessageQuery
type MessageQuery = class
Public MustInherit Class MessageQuery


Nell'esempio seguente viene effettuata la creazione di un messaggio e delle query del messaggio XPath. Le query vengono valutate dagli oggetti XPathMessageQuery contenuti in un oggetto XPathMessageQueryCollection. I risultati di ogni query vengono testati utilizzando la proprietà ResultType della classe XPathResult.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.Xml.XPath;

namespace MessageQueryExamples

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The XPathMessageQueryCollection inherits from MessageQueryCollection.
            XPathMessageQueryCollection queryCollection = MessageHelper.SetupQueryCollection();

            // Create a message and a copy of the message. You must create a buffered copy to access the message body.
            Message mess = MessageHelper.CreateMessage();
            MessageBuffer mb = mess.CreateBufferedCopy(int.MaxValue);

            // Evaluate every query in the collection.
            foreach (XPathMessageQuery q in queryCollection)
                // Evaluate the query. Note the result type is an XPathResult.
                XPathResult qPathResult = q.Evaluate<XPathResult>(mb);

                // Use the XPathResult to determine the result type.
                Console.WriteLine("Result type: {0}", qPathResult.ResultType);

                // The following code prints the result according to the result type.

                if (qPathResult.ResultType == XPathResultType.String)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", q.Expression, qPathResult.GetResultAsString());

                if (qPathResult.ResultType == XPathResultType.NodeSet)
                    // Iterate through the node set.
                    XPathNodeIterator ns = qPathResult.GetResultAsNodeset();
                    foreach (XPathNavigator n in ns)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t{0} = {1}", q.Expression, n.Value);
                if (qPathResult.ResultType == XPathResultType.Number)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} = {1}", q.Expression, qPathResult.GetResultAsNumber());

                if (qPathResult.ResultType == XPathResultType.Boolean)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} ={1}", q.Expression, qPathResult.GetResultAsBoolean());

                if (qPathResult.ResultType == XPathResultType.Error)


            // The alternate code below demonstrates similar funcionality using a MessageQueryTable.
            // The difference is the KeyValuePair that requires a key to index each value.
            // The code uses the expression as the key, and an arbitrary value for the value.

            //MessageQueryTable<string> mq = MessageHelper.SetupTable();
            //foreach (KeyValuePair<MessageQuery, string> kv in mq)
            //    XPathMessageQuery xp = (XPathMessageQuery)kv.Key;
            //    Console.WriteLine("Value = {0}", kv.Value);
            //    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", xp.Expression, xp.Evaluate<string>(mb));


    public class MessageHelper
        static string messageBody =
              "<PurchaseOrder date='today'>" +
                  "<Number>ABC-2009-XYZ</Number>" +
                  "<Department>OnlineSales</Department>" +
                  "<Items>" +
                      "<Item product='nail' quantity='1'>item1</Item>" +
                      "<Item product='screw' quantity='2'>item2</Item>" +
                      "<Item product='brad' quantity='3'>" +
                          "<SpecialOffer/>" +
                          "Special item4" +
                      "</Item>" +
                      "<Item product='SpecialNails' quantity='9'>item5</Item>" +
                      "<Item product='SpecialBrads' quantity='11'>" +
                          "<SpecialOffer/>" +
                          "Special item6" +
                      "</Item>" +
                      "<Item product='hammer' quantity='1'>item7</Item>" +
                      "<Item product='wrench' quantity='2'>item8</Item>" +
                  "</Items>" +
                "<Comments>" +
                "Rush order" +
                "</Comments>" +

        public static string xpath = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@quantity = 1]";
        public static string xpath2 = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@product = 'nail']";
        public static string xpath3 = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Comments";
        public static string xpath4 = "count(/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item)";
        public static string xpath5 = "substring(string(/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Number),5,4)";
        public static string xpath6 = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Department='OnlineSales'";
        public static string xpath7 = "//PurchaseOrder/@date";
        public static string xpath8 = "//SpecialOffer/ancestor::Item[@product = 'brad']";

        // Invoke the correlation data function.
        public static string xpath9 = "sm:correlation-data('CorrelationData1')";
        public static string xpath10 = "sm:correlation-data('CorrelationData2')";

        public static string xpath11 = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@quantity = 2]";

        public static Message CreateMessage()
            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(messageBody);
            XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader);
            Message message = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Soap12WSAddressing10, "http://purchaseorder", xmlReader);

            // Add two correlation properties using lambda expressions. The property names are
            // CorrelationData1 and CorrelationData2. The first goes to "value1" and the
            // second to "value2". You can use your own property names and values.
            CorrelationDataMessageProperty data = new CorrelationDataMessageProperty();

            data.Add("CorrelationData1", () => "value1");
            data.Add("CorrelationData2", () => "value2");
            message.Properties[CorrelationDataMessageProperty.Name] = data;

            return message;

        public static XPathMessageQueryCollection SetupQueryCollection()
            // Create the query collection and add the XPath queries to it. To create
            // the query, you must also use a new XPathMessageContext.

            XPathMessageQueryCollection queryCollection = new XPathMessageQueryCollection();

            XPathMessageContext context = new XPathMessageContext();
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath2, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath3, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath4, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath5, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath6, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath7, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath8, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath9, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath10, context));
            queryCollection.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath11, context));

            return queryCollection;

        public static MessageQueryTable<string> SetupTable()
            // This is optional code to demonstrate using a MessageQueryTable.
            // Compare this to the MessageQueryCollection.
            MessageQueryTable<string> table = new MessageQueryTable<string>();
            XPathMessageContext context = new XPathMessageContext();

            // The code adds a KeyValuePair to the table. Each pair requires
            // a query used as the Key, and a value that is paired to the key.
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath, context), "value10");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath2, context), "value20");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath3, context), "value30");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath4, context), "value40");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath5, context), "value50");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath6, context), "value60");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath7, context), "value70");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath8, context), "value80");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath9, context), "value90");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath10, context), "value100");
            table.Add(new XPathMessageQuery(xpath11, context), "value110");
            return table;
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.ServiceModel.Channels
Imports System.Xml.XPath

Namespace MessageQueryExamples

    Public Class Program

        Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

            ' The XPathMessageQueryCollection inherits from MessageQueryCollection.
            Dim queryCollection As XPathMessageQueryCollection = MessageHelper.SetupQueryCollection()

            ' Create a message and a copy of the message. You must create a buffered copy to access the message body.
            Dim mess As Message = MessageHelper.CreateMessage()
            Dim mb As MessageBuffer = mess.CreateBufferedCopy(Integer.MaxValue)

            ' Evaluate every query in the collection. 
            Dim q As XPathMessageQuery
            For Each q In queryCollection

                ' Evaluate the query. Note the result type is an XPathResult.
                Dim qPathResult As XPathResult = q.Evaluate(Of XPathResult)(mb)

                ' Use the XPathResult to determine the result type.
                Console.WriteLine("Result type: {0}", qPathResult.ResultType)

                ' The following code prints the result according to the result type.

                If qPathResult.ResultType = XPathResultType.String Then
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", q.Expression, qPathResult.GetResultAsString())
                End If
                If (qPathResult.ResultType = XPathResultType.NodeSet) Then

                    ' Iterate through the node set.
                    Dim ns As XPathNodeIterator = qPathResult.GetResultAsNodeset()
                    Dim n As XPathNavigator
                    For Each n In ns
                        Console.WriteLine("     {0} = {1}", q.Expression, n.Value)
                End If
                If qPathResult.ResultType = XPathResultType.Number Then
                    Console.WriteLine("    {0} = {1}", q.Expression, qPathResult.GetResultAsNumber())
                End If
                If qPathResult.ResultType = XPathResultType.Boolean Then
                    Console.WriteLine("    {0} ={1}", q.Expression, qPathResult.GetResultAsBoolean())
                End If

                If qPathResult.ResultType = XPathResultType.Error Then
                    Console.WriteLine("    Error!")
                End If



            ' The alternate code below demonstrates similar funcionality using a MessageQueryTable.
            ' The difference is the KeyValuePair that requires a key to index each value.
            ' The code uses the expression as the key, and an arbitrary value for the value.           

            'Dim mq As MessageQueryTable(Of String) = MessageHelper.SetupTable()
            'Dim kv As KeyValuePair(Of MessageQuery, String)
            'For Each kv In mq
            '    '
            '    Dim xp As XPathMessageQuery = CType(kv.Key, XPathMessageQuery)
            '    Console.WriteLine("Value = {0}", kv.Value)
            '    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", xp.Expression, xp.Evaluate(Of String)(mb))

        End Sub
        Private Shared Sub Evaluate(ByVal p1 As Object)
            Throw New NotImplementedException
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Class MessageHelper

        Shared messageBody As String = _
              "<PurchaseOrder date='today'>" + _
                  "<Number>ABC-2009-XYZ</Number>" + _
                  "<Department>OnlineSales</Department>" + _
                  "<Items>" + _
                      "<Item product='nail' quantity='1'>item1</Item>" + _
                      "<Item product='screw' quantity='2'>item2</Item>" + _
                      "<Item product='brad' quantity='3'>" + _
                          "<SpecialOffer/>" + _
                          "Special item4" + _
                      "</Item>" + _
                      "<Item product='SpecialNails' quantity='9'>item5</Item>" + _
                      "<Item product='SpecialBrads' quantity='11'>" + _
                          "<SpecialOffer/>" + _
                          "Special item6" + _
                      "</Item>" + _
                      "<Item product='hammer' quantity='1'>item7</Item>" + _
                      "<Item product='wrench' quantity='2'>item8</Item>" + _
                  "</Items>" + _
                "<Comments>" + _
                "Rush order" + _
                "</Comments>" + _

        Public Shared xpath As String = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@quantity = 1]"
        Public Shared xpath2 As String = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@product = 'nail']"
        Public Shared xpath3 As String = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Comments"
        Public Shared xpath4 As String = "count(/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item)"
        Public Shared xpath5 As String = "substring(string(/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Number),5,4)"
        Public Shared xpath6 As String = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Department='OnlineSales'"
        Public Shared xpath7 As String = "//PurchaseOrder/@date"
        Public Shared xpath8 As String = "//SpecialOffer/ancestor::Item[@product = 'brad']"

        ' Invoke the correlation data function.

        Public Shared xpath9 As String = "sm:correlation-data('CorrelationData1')"
        Public Shared xpath10 As String = "sm:correlation-data('CorrelationData2')"

        Public Shared xpath11 As String = "/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@quantity = 2]"

        Public Shared Function CreateMessage() As Message

            Dim stringReader As New StringReader(messageBody)
            Dim xmlReader As New XmlTextReader(stringReader)
            Dim message As Message = message.CreateMessage( _
                MessageVersion.Soap12WSAddressing10, "http://purchaseorder", xmlReader)

            ' Add two correlation properties using lambda expressions. The property names are
            ' CorrelationData1 and CorrelationData2. The first goes to "value1" and the
            ' second to "value2". You can use your own property names and values.
            Dim data As New CorrelationDataMessageProperty()

            data.Add("CorrelationData1", Function() "value1")
            data.Add("CorrelationData2", Function() "value2")
            message.Properties(CorrelationDataMessageProperty.Name) = data

            Return message
        End Function

        Public Shared Function SetupQueryCollection() As XPathMessageQueryCollection

            ' Create the query collection and add the XPath queries to it. To create
            ' the query, you must also use a new XPathMessageContext.

            Dim queryCollection As New XPathMessageQueryCollection()

            Dim context As XPathMessageContext = New XPathMessageContext()
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath2, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath3, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath4, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath5, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath6, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath7, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath8, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath9, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath10, context))
            queryCollection.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath11, context))

            Return queryCollection
        End Function

        Public Shared Function SetupTable() As MessageQueryTable(Of String)

            ' This is optional code to demonstrate using a MessageQueryTable.
            ' Compare this to the MessageQueryCollection.
            Dim table As MessageQueryTable(Of String) = New MessageQueryTable(Of String)()
            Dim context As XPathMessageContext = New XPathMessageContext()

            ' The code adds a KeyValuePair to the table. Each pair requires
            ' a query used as the Key, and a value that is paired to the key.
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath, context), "value10")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath2, context), "value20")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath3, context), "value30")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath4, context), "value40")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath5, context), "value50")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath6, context), "value60")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath7, context), "value70")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath8, context), "value80")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath9, context), "value90")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath10, context), "value100")
            table.Add(New XPathMessageQuery(xpath11, context), "value110")
            Return table
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace


La classe MessageQuery è simile alla classe MessageFilter. Tuttavia, anziché restituire corrispondenze, il metodo Evaluate restituisce i risultati della valutazione di una query rispetto a un messaggio. Il risultato della query è un valore all'interno del messaggio. Utilizzare il valore come chiave per correlare il messaggio agli altri messaggi. Per aggiungere una nuova proprietà per i dati, utilizzare il metodo Add della classe CorrelationDataMessageProperty.


Per una corretta implementazione dell'oggetto MessageQuery, vedere la classe XPathMessageQuery.

Utilizzo delle classi XPathMessageQuery e MessageQueryCollection

È possibile ottimizzare il processo della query creando un set di oggetti query e inserendoli in un'istanza della classe MessageQueryCollection.


Per una corretta implementazione dell'oggetto MessageQueryCollection, vedere la classe XPathMessageQueryCollection.

Un utilizzo comune è quello di popolare la raccolta con query che dispongono dello stesso predicato XPath, ma che differiscono solo nel valore della foglia finale. Ad esempio, le query XPath seguenti sono identiche a eccezione della clausola finale. Le prime query per tutti gli elementi che hanno l'attributo di quantità impostato su 1 e le seconde query per gli elementi con attributo del prodotto impostato su 'Contoso'):

"/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@quantity = 1]"  
"/s12:Envelope/s12:Body/PurchaseOrder/Items/Item[@product = 'Contoso']"  

La classe MessageQueryCollection consente di creare tabelle di query che differiscono solo leggermente, consentendo un'elaborazione più efficiente.

In alternativa, è possibile utilizzare la classe MessageQueryTable<TItem> per archiviare e valutare le query del messaggio.



Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe MessageQuery.



Crea una raccolta di query che restituisce un tipo specifico di dati ad essa associati.


Determina se l'oggetto specificato è uguale all'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Se sottoposto a override in una classe derivata, esegue una query rispetto al messaggio e restituisce un risultato. Non è possibile sottoporre a query il corpo.


Se sottoposto a override in una classe derivata, esegue una query rispetto al messaggio e restituisce un risultato.


Funge da funzione hash predefinita.

(Ereditato da Object)

Ottiene l'oggetto Type dell'istanza corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Crea una copia superficiale dell'oggetto Object corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Restituisce una stringa che rappresenta l'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Si applica a

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