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DtsEventHandlers.GetEnumerator Méthode


Retourne un énumérateur à utiliser pour effectuer une itération au sein de la collection DtsEventHandlers.

 Microsoft::SqlServer::Dts::Runtime::DtsEventHandlerEnumerator ^ GetEnumerator();
public Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsEventHandlerEnumerator GetEnumerator ();
override this.GetEnumerator : unit -> Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsEventHandlerEnumerator
Public Function GetEnumerator () As DtsEventHandlerEnumerator


Objet DtsEventHandlerEnumerator à utiliser pour effectuer une itération au sein de la collection.


L’exemple de code suivant crée deux gestionnaires d’événements pour le package. Pour un gestionnaire d’événements, deux tâches sont ajoutées. Ensuite, un est DtsEventHandlerEnumerator créé à partir de la Package``EventHandlers collection et utilise les méthodes et MoveNext les Current méthodes pour parcourir la collection.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.SendMailTask;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.BulkInsertTask;  

namespace DtsEventHandler_API  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            Package pkg = new Package();  

            // Set up a DtsEventHandler for the OnError event of the package.  
            DtsEventHandler dtsEHOE = (DtsEventHandler)pkg.EventHandlers.Add("OnError");  
            DtsEventHandler dtsEHW = (DtsEventHandler)pkg.EventHandlers.Add("OnWarning");  

            // When an OnError Event occurs, the Executables collection contains  
            // the items to run. For this example, there will be a SendMailtTask  
            // and a BulkInsertTask with a precedence constraint between them.  
            Executable dtsEH1 = dtsEHOE.Executables.Add("STOCK:SendMailTask");  
            TaskHost th = (TaskHost)dtsEH1;  
            SendMailTask smTask = (SendMailTask)th.InnerObject;  
            smTask.Subject = "Send Mail task";  

            // Add a second executable to the DtsEventHandler.  
            Executable dtsEH2 = dtsEHOE.Executables.Add("STOCK:BulkInsertTask");  
            TaskHost th2 = (TaskHost)dtsEH2;  

            //Create the Enumerator. Since we added the DtsEventhandler to the   
            // package, then that's where to get the EventHandlers collection.  
            DtsEventHandlerEnumerator myEnum = pkg.EventHandlers.GetEnumerator();  
            Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following values:");  
            int i = 0;  
            while ((myEnum.MoveNext()) && (myEnum.Current != null))  
                Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", i++, myEnum.Current.Name);  
Imports System  
Imports System.Collections.Generic  
Imports System.Text  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.SendMailTask  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.BulkInsertTask  

Namespace DtsEventHandler_API  
    Class Program  
        Shared  Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)  
            Dim pkg As Package =  New Package()   

            ' Set up a DtsEventHandler for the OnError event of the package.  
            Dim dtsEHOE As DtsEventHandler = CType(pkg.EventHandlers.Add("OnError"), DtsEventHandler)  
            Dim dtsEHW As DtsEventHandler = CType(pkg.EventHandlers.Add("OnWarning"), DtsEventHandler)  

            ' When an OnError Event occurs, the Executables collection contains  
            ' the items to run. For this example, there will be a SendMailtTask  
            ' and a BulkInsertTask with a precedence constraint between them.  
            Dim dtsEH1 As Executable =  dtsEHOE.Executables.Add("STOCK:SendMailTask")   
            Dim th As TaskHost = CType(dtsEH1, TaskHost)  
            Dim smTask As SendMailTask = CType(th.InnerObject, SendMailTask)  
            smTask.Subject = "Send Mail task"  

            ' Add a second executable to the DtsEventHandler.  
            Dim dtsEH2 As Executable =  dtsEHOE.Executables.Add("STOCK:BulkInsertTask")   
            Dim th2 As TaskHost = CType(dtsEH2, TaskHost)  

            'Create the Enumerator. Since we added the DtsEventhandler to the   
            ' package, then that's where to get the EventHandlers collection.  
            Dim myEnum As DtsEventHandlerEnumerator =  pkg.EventHandlers.GetEnumerator()   
            Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following values:")  
            Dim i As Integer =  0   
            While (myEnum.MoveNext()) &&(myEnum.Current <> Nothing)  
            Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}",i = Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}",i + 1  
            End While  
        End Sub  
    End Class  
End Namespace  

Exemple de sortie :

La collection contient les valeurs suivantes :

[0] OnError

[1] OnWarning


Le conteneur à partir duquel vous retenez la collection EventHandlers est le conteneur auquel l’événement a été ajouté. Par exemple, si vous écrivez cette ligne de code, DtsEventHandler dtsEHOE = (DtsEventHandler)pkg.EventHandlers.Add("OnError");le GetEnumerator sera dans la pkg.EventHandlers collection. Si un événement a été ajouté à un Sequence conteneur à l’aide de la Add méthode de la Sequence's``EventHandlers collection, récupérez l’énumérateur à partir de la Sequence collection de gestionnaires d’événements.

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