
The OutgoingQueue ADM element describes the attributes of an outgoing queue and extends the Queue (section ADM element.

This ADM element contains the following attributes that cannot be published in the directory:

DestinationFormatName: A format name that identifies the destination queue. This is a persistent attribute.

NextHops: A collection of strings that indicate the possible addresses for routing messages to the destination queue manager. The address string formats are defined in [MS-MQMQ] section 2.1.

Multicast: A Boolean that indicates whether the outgoing queue contains messages sent to an IP multicast address. This is a persistent attribute.

  • True: If the queue contains messages sent to an IP multicast address.

  • False: If the queue does not contain messages sent to an IP multicast address.

OutgoingTransferInfoReference: A reference to an OutgoingTransferInfo (section ADM element instance that contains information about the message transfer from a queue.

State: An enumeration that specifies the state of the outgoing queue. This enumeration MUST have one of the following values:

  • Connected: Indicates that the local queue manager is connected to the destination queue manager and that message transfer is occurring over one of the message transfer protocols.

  • Disconnected: Indicates that the local queue manager is not connected to the destination queue manager and that message transfer is not taking place.

  • Disconnecting: Indicates that the local queue manager is in the process of shutting down the message transfer protocol with the remote queue manager.

  • Inactive: Indicates that the local queue manager is not trying to connect to the destination queue manager.

  • Locked: Indicates that the HardenedSecurity ADM attribute of the QueueManager (section ADM element instance is set to True and that the DestinationFormatName ADM attribute specifies a non-HTTP format name. In hardened security mode, all queues that contain outgoing messages that are to be transmitted over non-HTTP protocols are locked.

  • NeedValidation: Indicates that the queue manager needs to resolve the address of the destination queue manager using the directory.

  • Waiting: Indicates that the queue manager is attempting to connect to the remote queue manager.

  • OnHold: Indicates that message transfer out of this queue is paused.

ConnectionHistory: An array of structures, each of which contains the following members:

  • Status: An enumeration that describes the result of the last connection attempt to the destination queue manager. This MUST have one of the following values:

    • InProcess: A connection is in the process of establishment; no failures have occurred.

    • EstablishPacketReceived: A connection establishment packet has been received.

    • Established: A connection has been successfully established and is ready to send a message.

    • UnknownFailure: Connection failed, and the reason for failure cannot be determined.

    • PingFailure: Failed to ping the remote queue manager.

    • SocketCreateFailure: Failure during socket creation.

    • SocketBindFailure: Failure during socket binding.

    • SocketConnectFailure: Failure during socket connect.

    • TcpNotEnabled: TCP is not enabled on the system.

    • SocketSendFailure: Send operation failed on a socket.

    • ConnectionNotReady: Send operation failed because connection is not ready.

    • DnsFailure: Domain Name Service (DNS) failure.

    • CertificateValidationFailure: Could not validate server certificate.

    • ConnectionLimitReached: Connection limit reached; cannot establish new session to a specific destination.

    • ConnectionRefused: Connection refused by other side.

    • RoutingDataNotAvailable: Routing data cannot be fetched because a directory is not available.

    • LowResource: Failure due to low resource conditions.

  • ConnectionHistoryTime: The time at which the state in the ConnectionHistory ADM attribute was recorded, represented as the number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), Jan 1, 1970 UTC.

  • Error: The HRESULT value indicating the error, or zero if no error occurred.

  • AddressList: An address or a list of possible addresses for routing messages to the destination queue in the next hop.