
The QueueManager ADM element describes the attributes and relationships of an MSMQ queue manager.

This ADM element extends the DirectoryObject ADM element. It contains the following directory  ADM attributes:

ComputerName: The NetBIOS name of the computer.

QueueManagerVersion: A string that MAY<2> represent the version of the MSMQ system.

OperatingSystemVersion: A string representing the version of the operating system of the computer that hosts the queue manager.

OperatingSystemType: An enumeration that specifies the type of the operating system of the computer that hosts the queue manager. This enumeration MUST be one of the following:

  • Foreign: Not a Windows operating system.

  • Win95: The operating system is Windows 95 operating system.

  • WinClient: The operating system is a Windows Client operating system.

  • WinServer: The operating system is a non-Enterprise Edition of applicable Windows Server releases.

  • WinEnt: The operating system is an Enterprise Edition of applicable Windows Server releases.

  • Other: The operating system is not defined in this list.

QualifiedComputerName: The fully-qualified name of the computer.

CreateTime: An integer value representing the time at which the QueueManager ADM element instance was first created. The time is represented as the number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 UTC.

ModifyTime: An integer value representing the time at which the ADM attributes of the QueueManager ADM element instance were last modified in the directory. The time is represented as the number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 UTC.

QueueManagerQuota: The storage space, in bytes, allocated to all queues hosted by the queue manager. The default value for this ADM attribute SHOULD be 0x00100000.<3>

JournalQuota: The system-wide storage space, in kilobytes, allocated to the journal storage for queues hosted by the queue manager. The default value for this ADM attribute is 0xFFFFFFFF.

ForeignSystem: A Boolean value indicating whether the queue manager is actually a foreign system that services foreign queues.

  • True: If the queue manager is a foreign system.

  • False: If the queue manager is not a foreign system. This is the default value.

FullPath: A distinguished name (DN) that can be used to look up this QueueManager ADM element instance in a directory. When a QueueManager ADM element instance is created in the directory, this value is set by the directory server.

SiteIdentifierList: A list that contains the Identifier ADM attribute values for all Site (section ADM element instances for all MSMQ sites to which the queue manager belongs. The default value is an empty list.

ConnectedNetworkIdentifierList: <4>A list that contains the Identifier ADM attribute values of all ConnectedNetwork (section ADM element instances representing all connected networks to which the queue manager belongs. The default value SHOULD be an empty list.<5>

OutRoutingServerIdentifierList: A list that contains the Identifier ADM attribute values of all QueueManager ADM element instances representing all MSMQ routing servers in the enterprise that will be used as intermediaries for outgoing messages from this queue manager. The default value is an empty list.

InRoutingServerIdentifierList: A list that contains the Identifier ADM attribute values of all QueueManager ADM element instances representing all MSMQ routing servers that will be used as intermediaries for incoming messages to a queue manager. The default value is an empty list.

DirectoryServer: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager provides directory service.

  • True: If the queue manager provides directory service.

  • False: If the queue manager does not provide directory service.

RemoteAccessServer: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager is configured as a Remote Access Service (RAS) server.

  • True: If the queue manager is configured as a Remote Access Service (RAS) server.

  • False: If the queue manager is not configured as a Remote Access Service (RAS) server. This is the default value.

RoutingServer: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager is configured as an MSMQ routing server.

  • True: If the queue manager is configured as an MSMQ routing server.

  • False: If the queue manager is not configured as an MSMQ routing server.

SupportingServer: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager is configured as an MSMQ supporting server.

  • True: If the queue manager is configured as an MSMQ supporting server.

  • False: If the queue manager is not configured as an MSMQ supporting server. This SHOULD be the default value.<6>

DirectoryServerType: An enumeration that specifies the type of directory service provided by the queue manager. This value is undefined and MUST not be used if the DirectoryServer ADM attribute is set to False. This enumeration MUST be one of the following:

PublicEncryptionKeyList: An MQDSPUBLICKEYS ([MS-MQMQ] section 2.2.2) structure that contains the public keys used for encryption by the queue manager. When a queue manager is provisioned, the list is empty.

PublicSigningKeyList: An MQDSPUBLICKEYS ([MS-MQMQ] section 2.2.2) structure that contains the public keys used for signing by the queue manager. When a queue manager is provisioned, the list is empty.

Security: The security descriptor of the queue manager. The ACEs ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.4) for this security descriptor MUST use the ACCESS_MASK ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.3) values as listed in the MQQMACCESSMASK enumeration ([MS-MQMQ] section 2.2.23).

Clustered: A Boolean that specifies whether the queue manager is part of a cluster.

  • True: If the queue manager is part of a cluster.

  • False: If the queue manager is not part of a cluster.

The following ADM attributes cannot be published in the directory:

MachineDomainId: A GUID that identifies the domain to which the machine belongs.

LastDomain: A cached value of the MachineDomainId ADM attribute during the last time when the queue manager was initialized. An empty value indicates that the machine was not joined to a domain. It is set to empty when the queue manager is provisioned. This is a persistent ADM attribute.

DirectoryServerList: A list of NetBIOS computer names that refer to the directory servers that the queue manager can use to access the directory. This is a persistent ADM attribute. The default value is an empty list.

DirectoryIntegrated: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager is integrated with a directory service. This is a persistent ADM attribute.

  • True: If the queue manager is integrated with a directory service.

  • False: If the queue manager is not integrated with a directory service.

SrmpHttpSupport: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager supports HTTP-based SRMP message transfer. This is a persistent ADM attribute.

  • True: If the queue manager supports HTTP-based SRMP message transfer.

  • False: If the queue manager does not support HTTP-based SRMP message transfer.

SrmpPgmSupport: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager supports PGM-based SRMP message transfer. This is a persistent ADM attribute.

  • True: If the queue manager supports PGM-based SRMP message transfer.

  • False: If the queue manager does not support PGM-based SRMP message transfer.

DirectoryOffline: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager is running in a constrained mode with no access to the directory. This MUST be False if DirectoryIntegrated is False:

  • True: If the queue manager is running in a constrained mode with no access to the directory.

  • False: If the queue manager is not running in a constrained mode and is able to access the directory.

Throttled: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager is running in a throttled state:

  • True: If the queue manager is running in a throttled state.

  • False: If the queue manager is not running in a throttled state.

ConnectionActive: A Boolean value that indicates whether the queue manager is connected and available for receiving messages from remote queue managers:

  • True: If the queue manager is connected.

  • False: If the queue manager is not connected.

    HardenedSecurity: A Boolean that indicates whether the queue manager is running in a special constrained mode that prevents it from responding to RPC requests and performing message transfer over non-HTTP protocols. This is a persistent ADM attribute.<7>

  • True: If the queue manager is operating in hardened mode.

  • False: If the queue manager is not operating in hardened mode. This is the default value.

QueueManagerState: An enumeration that specifies the state of the queue manager. This enumeration MUST have one of the following values:

  • Stopped: The initial state of the queue manager. In this state, the queue manager does not perform any of its functions.

  • Initializing: The state in which the queue manager performs internal initialization.

  • Ready: The fully functional state of the queue manager in which it provides all functionalities as configured.

  • Stopping: A transient state in which the queue manager performs shutdown of the protocols and prepares to move to the Stopped state.

SystemDeadletterQueue: A reference to a Queue (section ADM element instance that represents the system dead-letter queue.

SystemTransactionalDeadletterQueue: A reference to a Queue ADM element instance that represents the system transactional dead-letter queue.

SystemJournalQueue: A reference to a Queue ADM element instance that represents the system queue journal.

QueueCollection: A collection of references to instances of Queue ADM elements for queues that belong to a queue manager.

SiteCollection: A collection of reference to instances of Site ADM elements for MSMQ sites to which the queue manager belongs. For each Site ADM element instance in this collection, the value of its Identifier ADM attribute MUST exist in the SiteIdentifierList ADM attribute.

ConnectedNetworkCollection: <8>A collection of references to instances of the ConnectedNetwork ADM elements for the connected networks to which the queue manager belongs. For each identifier in the ConnectedNetworkIdentifierList ADM element, a ConnectedNetwork ADM element instance with the same identifier value MUST exist in the collection.

TransactionCollection: A collection of references to instances of Transaction (section ADM elements that are associated with transactions in which the queue manager is enlisted. This is a persistent ADM attribute.

OutRoutingServerCollection: A collection of references to instances of QueueManager ADM elements that are to be used as intermediaries for outgoing messages from this queue manager. For each QueueManager ADM element instance in this collection, the value of its Identifier ADM attribute MUST exist in the OutRoutingServerIdentifierList ADM attribute.

InRoutingServerCollection: A collection of references to instances of QueueManager ADM elements that are to be used as intermediaries for incoming messages to this queue manager. For each QueueManager ADM element instance in this collection, the value of its Identifier ADM attribute MUST exist in the InRoutingServerIdentifierList ADM attribute.

EnterpriseReference: A collection of references to instances of an Enterprise (section ADM element that represents the enterprise to which the queue manager belongs.

InitializationRetryTimerDuration: An integer value that specifies the number of seconds that the Initialization Retry Timer ([MS-MQSO] section runs the next time that the Initialization Retry Timer is started. The value of the InitializationRetryTimerDuration ADM attribute is initialized to 120 at provisioning time and MUST survive across queue manager shutdown and restart cycles.

SequentialID: A 64-bit unsigned integer value. The value is incremented by the Enqueue Message (section event. This is a persistent ADM attribute.

DispatchCollection: A collection of DispatchEntry (section ADM element instances.

InternalCertificateCollection: A collection of InternalCertificate (section ADM element instances. Each User (section ADM element instance referenced by the User ADM attribute of a member InternalCertificate ADM element instance has at most one certificate in the InternalCertificateCollection ADM attribute.