
The Site ADM element describes the attributes of an MSMQ site.

This ADM element extends the DirectoryObject ADM element. It contains the following directory attributes:

Name: Specifies the name of the site. This name MUST be unique for all the sites that belong to the same enterprise.

PrimarySiteController: Specifies the NetBIOS name of the computer that acts as the Primary Site Controller (PSC) for this site.

IntraSiteReplicationInterval: The default replication time within a site in seconds.

InterSiteReplicationInterval: The default replication time between sites in seconds.

FullPath: A Distinguished Name (DN) that can be used to lookup this site object in the directory.

ForeignSite: A Boolean indicating whether the site is a foreign site.

  • True: Indicates that the site is a foreign site.

  • False: Indicates that the site is not a foreign site.

PublicSigningKeyList: An MQDSPUBLICKEYS ([MS-MQMQ] section 2.2.2) structure that contains the public keys used for signing by the Primary Site Controller (PSC) of a site.

MigratedFromMsmq10: A Boolean value that indicates whether the site was migrated from MSMQ version 1.0.

  • True: The site was migrated from MSMQ version 1.0.

  • False: The site was never an MSMQ version 1.0 site.

Security: Contains the security descriptor of the site. The ACEs ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.4) for this security descriptor MUST use the ACCESS_MASK ([MS-DTYP] section 2.4.3) values listed in the MQSITEACCESSMASK ([MS-MQMQ] section 2.2.25) enumeration.

This ADM element contains the following attributes that cannot be published in the directory:

SiteGateCollection: A collection of QueueManager (section ADM element instances that act as MSMQ site gates for this site.