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Server Context

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Server Context

The server context contains name-value pairs that describe a Windows Media server. There is only one server context per server, and it lasts as long as the server is running. The following table identifies the context values defined by Windows Media Services.

Name Value
(data type)
Key Description
WMS_SERVER IUnknown* 7 Contains an IUnknown pointer that you can use to retrieve a pointer to an IWMSServer interface. You can call the GetAndQueryIUnknownValue method on the IWMSContext interface to retrieve a pointer to IWMSServer.
WMS_SERVER_CACHE_MANAGER IUnknown* 19 Contains an IUnknown pointer that you can use to retrieve a pointer to an IWMSCacheProxyServer interface. You can call the GetAndQueryIUnknownValue method on the IWMSContext interface to retrieve a pointer to IWMSCacheProxyServer.
WMS_SERVER_DOMAIN_NAME String 3 Contains the name of the server domain.
WMS_SERVER_EVENT_LOG IUnknown* 17 Contains an IUnknown pointer that you can use to retrieve a pointer to an IWMSEventLog interface. You can call the GetAndQueryIUnknownValue method on the IWMSContext interface to retrieve a pointer to IWMSEventLog.
WMS_SERVER_NAME String 3 Contains the server domain name.
WMS_SERVER_SHUTTING_DOWN long 18 Contains a value indicating whether the server is stopping.
WMS_SERVER_VERSION_BUILD long 26 Contains the build number of the installed version. The format is
WMS_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR long 4 Contains the major version of the server. The format is
WMS_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR long 5 Contains the minor version of the server. The format is
WMS_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR_MINOR long 6 Contains the subminor version of the server.

See Also (General)

See Also (Visual Basic .NET)

See Also (C#)

See Also (C++)

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