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IWMSServer Interface

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IWMSServer Interface

The IWMSServer interface resides at the top of the server hierarchy. You can use it to specify and retrieve server properties, and to create objects needed to manage a server.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMSServer interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
CreatePlaylist Creates an IXMLDOMDocument interface.
DownloadContent Downloads audio or video content locally using the WMS Archive Data Writer plug-in.
ExportXML Creates an XML document containing the server configuration data.
get_AllowClientsToConnect Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the server can receive client connections.
get_Authenticators Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of authentication plug-ins. You can use authentication plug-ins to establish the identity of clients that are requesting connections.
get_AvailableIPAddresses Retrieves an IWMSAvailableIPAddresses interface containing a collection of IP addresses that can be used by the server to publish content.
get_CacheProxy Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of cache plug-ins that can be used to control the caching policy of the server.
get_ControlProtocols Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of control protocol plug-ins that can be used to interpret and respond to client requests.
get_CPUUtilization Retrieves the CPU utilization of the computer on which the server is running.
get_CurrentCounters Retrieves an IWMSServerCurrentCounters interface that contains information about the server counters.
get_DataSources Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface that contains a collection of data source plug-ins.
get_DefaultPath Retrieves the default path name of the server.
get_DefaultPluginLoadType Retrieves an enumeration value that indicates whether the server loads authentication, event notification, and authorization plug-ins as in-process or out-of-process objects.
get_DiagnosticEvents Retrieves an IWMSDiagnosticEvents interface that you can use to retrieve information about critical errors and warnings.
get_EnableReverseProxyMode Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the server sends all requested content to cache and proxy plug-ins.
get_EventHandlers Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of event notification and authorization plug-ins.
get_FileDescriptions Retrieves an IWMSFileDescriptions interface containing a collection of IWMSFileDescription interfaces that describe content files, playlist files, and directories.
get_FileType Retrieves the type of a content file identified by a specific path.
get_Limits Retrieves an IWMSServerLimits interface that contains the limits specified for the server.
get_MediaParsers Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of media parser plug-ins.
get_MonikerName Retrieves the moniker display name that can be used to create and initialize a WMSServer object.
get_Name Retrieves the server name.
get_OSProductType Retrieves the operating system product type that Windows Media Services is running on.
get_OutgoingDistributionConnections Retrieves an IWMSOutgoingDistributionConnections interface that contains a collection of the streams being distributed to the server.
get_PeakCounters Retrieves an IWMSServerPeakCounters interface that contains methods that can be used to retrieve peak counter information collected by a running server.
get_Players Retrieves an IWMSPlayers interface containing a collection of IWMSPlayer interfaces, each of which contains specific information about a connected client.
get_PlaylistParsers Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of playlist parser plug-ins. You can use a playlist parser plug-in to support a playlist format.
get_Properties Retrieves an IWMSNamedValues interface containing a collection of name-value pairs that contain descriptive information about the server.
get_PublishingPoints Retrieves an IWMSPublishingPoints interface containing a collection of IWMSPublishingPoint interfaces.
get_RootDirectories Retrieves an IWMSRootDirectories interface containing a collection of server root directories.
get_StartTime Retrieves the date and time at which the Windows Media server was started.
get_Status Retrieves an enumeration value indicating the current state of the server.
get_StreamFilters Reserved for future use.
get_TotalCounters Retrieves an IWMSServerTotalCounters interface that can be used to obtain information about various totals maintained by the server.
get_UnicastDataSinks Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of unicast data sink plug-ins that can be used to send data packets to a client.
get_Version Retrieves the version number of the server.
put_AllowClientsToConnect Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether the server can receive client connections.
put_DefaultPath Specifies the default path name of the server.
put_DefaultPluginLoadType Specifies an enumeration value that indicates whether the server loads authentication, event notification, and authorization plug-ins as in-process or out-of-process objects.
put_EnableReverseProxyMode Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the server sends all requested content to cache and proxy plug-ins.

Example Code

The following example illustrates how to retrieve a pointer to an IWMSServer interface.

    // TODO: Release temporary COM objects and uninitialize COM.

See Also

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