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Phonetics Collection Object [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]


A collection of all the Phonetic objects in the specified range. Each Phonetic object contains information about a specific phonetic text string.

Using the Phonetics Collection

Use the Phonetics property to return the Phonetics collection. The following example makes all phonetic text in the range A1:C4 visible.

Range("A1:C4").Phonetics.Visible = True

Use Phonetics(index), where index is the index number of the phonetic text, to return a single Phonetic object. The following example sets the first phonetic text string in the active cell to "furiganafuriganafuriganafurigana".

ActiveCell.Phonetics(1).Text = ""

Properties | Alignment Property | Application Property | CharacterType Property | Count Property | Creator Property | Font Property | Item Property | Length Property | Parent Property | Start Property | Text Property | Visible Property

Methods | Add Method | Delete Method

Parent Objects | Range Collection

Child Objects | Font Object