
Use the GetState method to retrieve the current state of the Call object.



  • pState
    [out] Pointer to a value from the NM_CALL_* state enumeration that reflects the current state of the Call object.

Return Values

NetMeeting client applications can use the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros in winerror.h to check return values.

Return values can include RPC layer errors or any of the following values.

  • S_OK
    The call state value was retrieved successfully.
    pState is an invalid pointer.
  • E_FAIL
    Internal resources are not available.


A Call object will not produce state change notifications after an NM_CALL_REJECTED, NM_CALL_ACCEPTED, or NM_CALL_CANCELED state occurs. The Call object may be released after one of these notifications.

A successful outgoing call moves through the following states, in this order: NM_CALL_INIT, NM_CALL_SEARCH, NM_CALL_WAIT, NM_CALL_ACCEPTED.

A successful incoming call moves through the following states, in this order: NM_CALL_INIT, NM_CALL_RING, NM_CALL_ACCEPTED.

NetMeeting 3 Features

When an invalid computer name or address is passed to INmManager::CallConference or INmManager::CreateCall, puState points to the NM_CALL_CANCELED value. Previous versions of NetMeeting used NM_CALL_REJECTED for uState.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
**  Header:** Imsconf2.idl.

See Also

INmCall, Call Object, Call Object Details