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Use the CallConference method to place a new call to join an existing conference by name.

HRESULT CallConference(
  INmCall **ppCall,  NM_CALL_TYPE callType,  NM_ADDR_TYPE addrType,  BSTR bstrAddr,  BSTR bstrName,  BSTR bstrPassword);


  • ppCall
    [out] Pointer to the location to return an INmCall interface on the new Call object.
  • callType
    [in] A value from the NM_CALL_* type constants that identifies this type of Call object.
  • addrType
    [in] A value from the NM_ADDR_* type enumeration that identifies the type of the user name or address for this call.
  • bstrAddr
    [in] The user's name or address.
  • bstrName
    [in] The conference name.
  • bstrPassword
    [in] A password for the conference.

Return Values

NetMeeting client applications can use the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros in winerror.h to check return values.

Return values can include RPC layer errors or any of the following values.

  • S_OK
    A new call was placed to the named conference successfully.
    The bstrName or bstrAddr string is invalid.
  • E_FAIL
    An internal resource is not available.
    Memory could not be allocated to service the request.
    The Conference Manager object was not initialized.
    NetMeeting is not running.


Whenever possible, use an explicit constant for addrType, such as NM_ADDR_IP, NM_ADDR_CALLTO, or NM_ADDR_H323_GATEWAY, rather than NM_ADDR_UNKNOWN.

Use CallConference to call an existing conference by name on a remote computer. To create a conference on the local computer, use CreateConference. Use CreateCall to place a call to a remote computer when you are not trying to join an existing conference.

BstrName and bstrPassword are used to connect to multipoint control unit (MCU) nodes.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
**  Header:** Imsconf2.idl.