Paym. Journal Batch Table

Shows the payment journal templates that have been set. If you need to create new ones, you do it here.

It is possible to set up several journal batches under each journal template. The same window can be used to display several different journals, each with its own name. For example, this can be practical if every payment needs to have its own journal.

The journal batches can be numbered automatically with each posting by including a number in the journal batch name. For example, the name KBC1 will change by one number with every posting, to KBC2, KBC3, and so on.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
Name Field, Paym. Journal Batch Table Belgium Local Functionality
Status Field, Paym. Journal Batch Table Belgium Local Functionality
Description Field, Paym. Journal Batch Table Belgium Local Functionality
Reason Code Field, Paym. Journal Batch Table Belgium Local Functionality
Journal Template Name Field, Paym. Journal Batch Table Belgium Local Functionality