MetadataWorkspaceExtensions Members

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Provides extension methods for navigating and querying item collections in the System.Data.Metadata.Edm namespace.

The MetadataWorkspaceExtensions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member GetAllAssociations Returns an enumerable collection of all AssociationType objects in the specified ItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetAllAssociationSets Returns an enumerable collection of all AssociationSet objects in the specified ItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetAllEntitySets Returns an enumerable collection of all EntitySet objects in the specified ItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetAllEntityTypes Returns an enumerable collection of all EntityType objects in the specified ItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetAllReferentialConstraints Returns an enumerable collection of all ReferentialConstraint objects in the specified StoreItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetAssociation Returns the AssociationType object in the specified AssociationSet.
Public methodStatic member GetContainingTypes Returns a collection of all EntityType objects within the specified EntitySet and ItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetDbProviderManifest Returns the DbProviderManifest for the provider that has the specified invariant name and manifest token.
Public methodStatic member GetDependentEnd Returns the dependent end of the specified AssociationType object.
Public methodStatic member GetDependentProperty Returns the property on the dependent end of the specified referential constraint that corresponds to the property on the principal end.
Public methodStatic member GetEnd1 Returns the first AssociationEndMember in the AssociationEndMembers property of the specified AssociationType.
Public methodStatic member GetEnd2 Returns the second AssociationEndMember in the AssociationEndMembers property of the specified AssociationType.
Public methodStatic member GetEntityContainerName Returns the value of the Name attribute of the EntityContainer element in the specified ItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetEntityType Returns the EntityType for the specified RelationshipEndMember.
Public methodStatic member GetKeyProperties Overloaded. Returns the key properties of an entity type.
Public methodStatic member GetNamespace Returns the namespace name of the first StructuralType found in the specified ItemCollection.
Public methodStatic member GetOnDelete Returns the value of the OnDelete element for the specified association End.
Public methodStatic member GetOtherEnd Returns the other association End for the specified association End.
Public methodStatic member GetPrincipalEnd Returns the principal end of the specified association.
Public methodStatic member GetRootOrSelf Returns the entity type at the root of an inheritance hierarchy.
Public methodStatic member GetSchemaName Returns the schema name for the specified EntitySet.
Public methodStatic member GetStoreGeneratedPatternValue Returns the value of the StoreGeneratedPattern annotation or facet of a property in the conceptual or storage model.
Public methodStatic member GetStoreType Returns the storage type that corresponds to the specified EdmMember by examining the specified DbProviderManifest.
Public methodStatic member GetTableName Returns the name of the table that corresponds to the specified EntitySet.
Public methodStatic member InferSsdlFacetsForCsdlProperty Infers Facets for a property in the storage model based on the corresponding property in the conceptual model.
Public methodStatic member IsComplexProperty Determines whether the type of the specified property is a complex type.
Public methodStatic member IsDerivedType Determines whether the specified entity type is a derived type.
Public methodStatic member IsJoinTable Determines whether the specified storage model entity type represents a join table in the database.
Public methodStatic member IsManyToMany Determines if the specified association is a many-to-many (*:*) association.
Public methodStatic member IsPKToPK Determines if the ends of the specified association involve only primary keys.
Public methodStatic member ToStoreType Translates the conceptual model data type of the specified property to a SQL Server data type.
Public methodStatic member VisitComplexProperty Executes the MetadataWorkspaceExtensions.ScalarInComplexPropertyVisitorDelegate on each scalar property of the specified complex type property.


See Also


MetadataWorkspaceExtensions Class

Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.DatabaseGeneration Namespace