4.398 ImageSource

x:Object > DependencyObject > Freezable > Animatable > ImageSource
BitmapSource DrawingImage
<ImageSource> string </ImageSource>
Represents an object type that has a width, height, and ImageMetadata such as a BitmapSource and a DrawingImage.
(used by)
Image ImageBrush ImageDrawing RibbonButton RibbonCheckBox RibbonControlService RibbonGallery RibbonGalleryItem RibbonGroup RibbonMenuButton RibbonMenuItem RibbonRadioButton RibbonSplitButton RibbonSplitMenuItem RibbonTextBox RibbonToggleButton RibbonToolTip TaskbarItemInfo ThumbButtonInfo Window
[is default constructible]
[text syntax]
x:Uri, from [MS-XAML-2017]