Pivot Line Entries

Pivot line entries specify references to the pivot items (section or data items (section of a pivot line (section Pivot line entries are specified by the records that conform to the ISXVIS rule (defined in section in the SXLI rule (defined in section A pivot line entry is an element in the array specified by the rgisxvis field of the BrtBeginIsxvis (section 2.4.98) record.

All pivot line entries with a zero-based index in a pivot line less than the value specified by the cSic field of the BrtBeginSXLI (section 2.4.251) record of this pivot line are specified to be identical to those of the preceding pivot line.

For the purposes of the rest of this section, n specifies a position of the pivot line entry on this pivot line.

If the value of n is less than the cSic field of the BrtBeginSXLI record of a given pivot line (section, then the pivot line entry at position n is identical to the corresponding pivot line entry of the pivot line preceding the given pivot line.

If the value of n is greater than or equal to the cSic field of the BrtBeginSXLI record of this pivot line, then the value of n is equal to the sum of the cSic field of the BrtBeginSXLI record and the current index in the rgisxvis field of the BrtBeginIsxvis (section 2.4.98) record of this pivot line.

If a pivot line entry is in a pivot line in the row area, each pivot line entry at any position n specifies a pivot item (section index of a pivot item in the nth pivot field (section on the row axis or specifies a data item (section index, if the nth field on the row axis is the data field (section

If a pivot line entry is in a pivot line (section in the column (1) area, each pivot line entry at any position n specifies a pivot item index of a pivot item in the nth pivot field on the column (1) axis or specifies a data item index, if the nth field on the column (1) axis is the data field.

If the nth pivot field (section on the row axis or column (1) axis is the data field, the pivot line entry is a data item index, as specified in section

Pivot items (section and data items are specified sequentially from logical left to logical right for row pivot lines, and from top to bottom for column (1) pivot lines.

A pivot line entry with a value of 0x001000FE is used to specify the absence of a pivot item or data item (section