1.1 Glossary

This document uses the following terms:

A1: A reference style in which each column (1) is identified sequentially from left-to-right with a letter or series of letters in alphabetical order. Column headings are ordered A-Z, then AA-AZ, BA-BZ... ZA-ZZ, AAA-AAZ, and so forth. Each row is numbered sequentially from the top down.

absolute path: A string that identifies the location of a file and that begins with a drive identifier and root directory or network share and ends with the complete file name. Examples are C:\Documents\Work\example.txt and \\netshare\Documents\Work\example.txt.

absolute reference: A reference to a fixed location on a sheet. An absolute reference always refers to the same range, even if the formula that contains it is moved or copied to a new location.

absolute URL: The full Internet address of a page or other World Wide Web resource. The absolute URL includes a protocol, such as "http," a network location, and an optional path and file name — for example, http://www.treyresearch.net/.

active cell: The cell that is currently selected in a worksheet.

active sheet: The sheet that is currently selected.

ActiveX control: A reusable software control, such as a check box or button, that uses ActiveX technology and provides options to users or runs macros or scripts that automate a task. See also ActiveX object.

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO): A data access interface that connects to, retrieves, manipulates, and updates data in Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) database-compliant data sources.

ActiveX object: An object that is supplied by a component that supports automation.

add-in: Supplemental functionality that is provided by an external application or macro to extend the capabilities of an application.

add-in function: A worksheet function that is provided by an add-in, instead of being built-in.

aggregation function: A function, such as sum or average, that appears in the total row of a table and is used to summarize data.

ALL: See OLAP All member.

alternate startup directory: A secondary location that stores files to be opened by an application when the application starts.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) character set: A character set defined by a code page approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The term "ANSI" as used to signify Windows code pages is a historical reference and a misnomer that persists in the Windows community. The source of this misnomer stems from the fact that the Windows code page 1252 was originally based on an ANSI draft, which became International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 8859-1 [ISO/IEC-8859-1]. In Windows, the ANSI character set can be any of the following code pages: 1252, 1250, 1251, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 874, 932, 936, 949, or 950. For example, "ANSI application" is usually a reference to a non-Unicode or code-page-based application. Therefore, "ANSI character set" is often misused to refer to one of the character sets defined by a Windows code page that can be used as an active system code page; for example, character sets defined by code page 1252 or character sets defined by code page 950. Windows is now based on Unicode, so the use of ANSI character sets is strongly discouraged unless they are used to interoperate with legacy applications or legacy data.

ARGB: A color space wherein each color is represented as a quad (A, R, G, B), where A represents the alpha (transparency) component, R represents the red component, G represents the green component, and B represents the blue component. The ARGB value is typically stored as a 32-bit integer, wherein the alpha channel is stored in the highest 8 bits and the blue value is stored in the lowest 8 bits.

ascending order: A sort order in which text strings are arranged in alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from smallest to largest, and dates and times are arranged from oldest to newest.

ASCII: The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is an 8-bit character-encoding scheme based on the English alphabet. ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that work with text. ASCII refers to a single 8-bit ASCII character or an array of 8-bit ASCII characters with the high bit of each character set to zero.

attribute: A characteristic of some object or entity, typically encoded as a name/value pair.

attribute drilldown: The process of examining the non-atomic constituent parts, such as properties or data elements, that make up an object.

attribute hierarchy: A single-level hierarchy that uses only an attribute or a column from a source, back-end relational database as its hierarchy. An attribute hierarchy typically has the same name as the attribute and is always associated with the attribute on which it is based. An all-level member can optionally be enabled for an attribute hierarchy. See also OLAP hierarchy.

Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF): A modified version of Backus-Naur Form (BNF), commonly used by Internet specifications. ABNF notation balances compactness and simplicity with reasonable representational power. ABNF differs from standard BNF in its definitions and uses of naming rules, repetition, alternatives, order-independence, and value ranges. For more information, see [RFC5234].

AutoFilter: A mechanism that can be used to filter tabular data based on user-defined criteria such as values, strings, and formatting.

AutoFormat: A built-in set of complementary formatting options that can be applied to ranges of cells and other objects in a document.

automatic calculation mode: A calculation mode in which formulas in a worksheet are recalculated automatically whenever the data changes. See also manual calculation mode.

AutoRecover: A feature that recovers document and application states in the event of a hardware or software failure.

AutoShow: A filter option that enables users to display a specified number of the top- or bottom-most items within a PivotTable field.

background color: A color against which characters, patterns, and graphics are displayed. See also foreground color.

Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF): The binary file formats that are used to save Excel workbooks.

Boolean: An operation or expression that can be evaluated only as either true or false.

border: A line that can be applied to the outer edge of a cell, shape, object, or chart element. A border can be variously formatted for style, color, and thickness.

border formatting: A set of properties that, as a whole, specify the appearance of a border, such as color, line style, and thickness.

border style: See border formatting.

build number: A part of a sequential numbering system that is used to differentiate one version of a software product from another.

built-in name: A member of the group of defined names that are reserved for specific functionality.

calculated column: A column (1) in a table that contains a formula that is copied automatically to each record in the column.

calculation mode: A setting that determines whether the formulas in a worksheet are recalculated automatically or manually. See also automatic calculation mode and manual calculation mode.

caption: One or more characters that can be used as a label for display purposes or as an identifier.

cascading style sheet (CSS): An extension to HTML that enables authors and users of HTML documents to attach style sheets to those documents, as described in [CSS-LEVEL1] and [CSS-LEVEL2]. A style sheet includes typographical information about the appearance of a page, including the font for text on the page.

cell: A box that is formed by the intersection of a row and a column (1) in a worksheet or a table. A cell can contain numbers, strings, and formulas, and various formats can be applied to that data.

cell reference: A set of coordinates that a cell occupies on a worksheet. For example, "B3" is the reference of a cell that appears at the intersection of column "B" and row "3".

cell value: The text or numeric content of a cell, or the results of a formula. A cell value does not include a formula expression, cell formatting, or other metadata.

center-across-selection alignment: A formatting setting that centers cell content horizontally within a selected range of cells.

character set: A mapping between the characters of a written language and the values that are used to represent those characters to a computer.

chart sheet: A single logical container that is used to create and store charts in a workbook.

chart sheet view: A set of display settings, such as zoom level, for a chart sheet window.

child element: In an XML document, an element that is subordinate to and is contained by another element, which is referred to as the parent element.

class identifier (CLSID): A GUID that identifies a software component; for instance, a DCOM object class or a COM class.

code page: An ordered set of characters of a specific script in which a numerical index (code-point value) is associated with each character. Code pages are a means of providing support for character sets and keyboard layouts used in different countries. Devices such as the display and keyboard can be configured to use a specific code page and to switch from one code page (such as the United States) to another (such as Portugal) at the user's request.

collapsed outline state: A state in which the content that is nested within an outline is not displayed.

color scale: A specific range of colors that is used to give additional meaning to data by assigning certain values to colors in the spectrum.

column: (1) A single set of data that is displayed vertically in a worksheet or a table.

(2) See column chart.

comment: An annotation that is associated with a cell, text, or other object to provide context-specific information or reviewer feedback.

compact axis: A state in which PivotTable members from different levels in a hierarchy are displayed in a single column (1).

Component Object Model (COM): An object-oriented programming model that defines how objects interact within a single process or between processes. In COM, clients have access to an object through interfaces implemented on the object. For more information, see [MS-DCOM].

conditional formatting: A mechanism that changes the appearance of a user interface element based on the evaluation of a rule or expression.

connection string: A series of arguments, delimited by a semicolon, that defines the location of a database and how to connect to it.

credential: Previously established, authentication data that is used by a security principal to establish its own identity. When used in reference to the Netlogon Protocol, it is the data that is stored in the NETLOGON_CREDENTIAL structure.

cube: A set of data that is organized and summarized into a multidimensional structure that is defined by a set of dimensions and measures.

cube function: A function that is used to extract and display Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) data sets and values.

custom list: A user-defined list or enumeration that can be used to sort data in a worksheet.

custom view: A collection of display and print settings that users can name and save. Users can switch between custom views to change settings quickly.

Data Access Objects (DAO): A programming interface that can be used to access and manipulate database objects.

data bar: A graphical representation of cell content as a bar graph.

data consolidation: The process of combining tabular data from various worksheets into a single list.

data marker: A customizable symbol or shape that identifies a data point on a line, scatter, or radar chart. A data marker can be formatted with various sizes and colors.

data point: A representation of a PivotTable item in a PivotTable data field contained in a PivotChart report.

data provider: A known data source that is specific to a target type and that provides data to a collector type.

data recovery: A process in which files are repaired through error correction or restored from backup media.

data region: A region of a table that encompasses the range of cells that contains the table records. A data region does not include the header row, insert row, or total row of a table.

data source: A database, web service, disk, file, or other collection of information from which data is queried or submitted. Supported data sources vary based on application and data provider.

data table: A range of cells that is designated to perform what-if analysis for formulas, based on various input values.

data validation: The process of testing the accuracy of data; a set of rules that specify the type and range of data that users can enter.

date system: A method of calculating calendar dates and times.

DDE server: An application that responds to a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) request from a DDE client application.

DDE topic: A general classification of information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server within which multiple, specific data items related to the topic can be exchanged.

defined name: A word or string of characters in a formula that represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value.

diagonal-down: A cell border formatting that displays a line diagonally from the top left corner of a cell to the bottom right corner.

diagonal-up: A cell border formatting that displays a line diagonally from the bottom left corner of a cell to the top right corner.

dialog sheet: A single logical container that is used to create a custom dialog box.

dimension: A structural attribute of a cube, which is an organized hierarchy of categories (levels) that describe data in a fact table. These categories typically describe a similar set of members upon which the user bases an analysis.

display folder: A folder into which attributes, measures, calculated members, and key performance indicators can be organized to facilitate browsing.

distributed alignment: A formatting setting that spreads text evenly, both vertically and horizontally, between the edges of a cell, object, or page. Distributed alignment is used primarily with East Asian languages. See also justify distributed.

double accounting: An underline style that places two lines beneath the formatted text. Double accounting is frequently used to indicate totals.

drawing object: A shape, curve, line, WordArt, or other type of graphical object that can be inserted into a document.

drillthrough: A query that is used to retrieve individual records that were used to calculate an aggregate value.

drop zone: An area of a PivotTable report where fields can be positioned to affect the layout of the report. Each PivotTable report has four drop zones.

dynamic array: An array resulting from a formula whose dimensions may change when the formula is evaluated.

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE): An inter-process communication method that is featured in Windows. DDE allows two or more applications that are running simultaneously to exchange data and commands.

embedded object: An object that is created by using one application and is hosted in a document that was created by using another application. Embedding an object, rather than inserting or pasting it, ensures that the object retains its original format. Users can double-click an embedded object and edit it with the toolbars and menus from the application that was used to create it. See also Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).

English Metric Unit (EMU): A measurement in computer typography. There are 635 EMUs per twip, 6,350 EMUs per half-point, 12,700 EMUs per point, and 914,400 EMUs per inch. These units are used to translate on-screen layouts to printed layouts for specified printer hardware.

Excel Linked Library (XLL): A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that is authored to function as an add-in for Microsoft Excel.

Excel macro (XLM): A programming language that provides development capability in Microsoft Excel. XLM was superseded by Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

expand/collapse button: A user interface control that is used to determine which hierarchical level is displayed in an outline, or in row and column groupings.

expression: A combination of operators, symbols, constants, literal values, functions, names of fields or columns, controls, and properties that evaluates to a single value.

external code service: An external service responsible for executing code and returning result or error.

external data: Data that is stored in a repository outside a workbook.

external link: A reference to a cell, range, defined name, or other object in another worksheet or workbook.

external workbook: A workbook, other than the active workbook, that is on disk or in memory and to which a dependency is implied or intended.

file extension: The sequence of characters in a file's name between the end of the file's name and the last "." character. Vendors of applications choose such sequences for the applications to uniquely identify files that were created by those applications. This allows file management software to determine which application are to be used to open a file.

file format compatibility checker: A tool that identifies whether a workbook has compatibility issues that can cause a significant loss of functionality or a minor loss of fidelity in a different version of Microsoft Excel. The compatibility checker finds any potential compatibility issues and generates a report so that they can be resolved.

fill: A color, pattern, or other attribute that is used to format the background of a cell, shape, or chart element. See also fill color and fill pattern.

fill alignment: A setting that repeats a cell value to fill the horizontal space of a cell. If the cell value exceeds the horizontal width of the cell, the value is truncated.

fill color: A color that is used to fill the background of a cell, shape, or chart element.

fill pattern: A repetitive design that users can add to the background of a cell, shape, or chart element.

filter: A mechanism by which a set of data is scoped to display only those entries that meet specified logical criteria.

fit to page: A printing option that scales a document to print on a specified number of pages.

floating-point number: A number that is represented by a mantissa and an exponent according to a given base. The mantissa is typically a value between "0" and "1". To find the value of a floating-point number, the base is raised to the power of the exponent, and the mantissa is multiplied by the result.

folder: A file system construct. File systems organize a volume's data by providing a hierarchy of objects, which are referred to as folders or directories, that contain files and can also contain other folders.

font: An object that defines the graphic design, or formatting, of a collection of numbers, symbols, and letters. A font specifies the style (such as bold and strikeout), size, family (a typeface such as Times New Roman), and other qualities to describe how the collection is drawn.

font face color: A property of a cell that specifies the color that is used to render a font.

font face weight: A value that specifies the thickness of a font.

font family: A set of fonts that all have common stroke width and serif characteristics. For example, Times Roman and Times Roman Italic are members of the same font family.

font scheme: A combination of complementary fonts in a theme.

foreground color: A color that is used to display text, patterns, and other objects that appear in front of or on top of the background color.

format string: A string that contains the number formatting information to apply to data, such as decimal position, percentage indicator, or currency symbol.

formula: A logical equation or function that produces a result in a spreadsheet application.

formula bar: A user interface element that appears at the top of a worksheet and is used to display and edit cell content.

fragment identifier: A portion of a URI that specifies the destination of a hyperlink within a document.

friendly name: A name for a user or object that can be read and understood easily by a human.

frozen panes: Portions of a worksheet that remain static and do not scroll when the worksheet is displayed in split pane view. See also split pane.

function: A code module that takes a value as input, performs an operation, and returns the results to a worksheet.

function category: A group of worksheet functions that are part of the same broad usage area, such as Finance or Statistical. A function category can be built-in or user-defined.

future function: A function that can be written to but is not implemented in a file.

general alignment: A default formatting setting for the horizontal alignment of cell content in a worksheet. Text is positioned to the left and numbers are positioned to the right.

globally unique identifier (GUID): A term used interchangeably with universally unique identifier (UUID) in Microsoft protocol technical documents (TDs). Interchanging the usage of these terms does not imply or require a specific algorithm or mechanism to generate the value. Specifically, the use of this term does not imply or require that the algorithms described in [RFC4122] or [C706] must be used for generating the GUID. See also universally unique identifier (UUID).

gradient fill: A type of fill that applies gradient formatting to the background of a cell or an object.

gradient stop: A marker on a gradient spectrum that denotes where a specific color is introduced in gradient formatting.

gradient vector: A vector that indicates the direction of a gradient fill. The gradient vector is perpendicular to the bands of color.

grand total: An aggregation of all of the field subtotals in a PivotTable report.

gridline: A line that is drawn on a worksheet or table for use as a visual aid to distinguish between cells.

hash: A fixed-size result that is obtained by applying a one-way mathematical function, which is sometimes referred to as a hash algorithm, to an arbitrary amount of data. If the input data changes, the hash also changes. The hash can be used in many operations, including authentication and digital signing.

header: A line, or lines, of content in the top margin area of a page in a document or a slide in a presentation. A header typically contains elements such as the title of the chapter, the title of the document, a page number, or the name of the author.

header row: A row in a table, typically the first row, that contains labels for columns (1) in the table.

hidden: A condition of an object that prevents it from being displayed in rendered output.

hidden column: A column (1) that does not appear in a worksheet view because its width is set to 0 (zero). A column can be hidden if an outline is collapsed.

hidden protection: A cell protection property that prevents formulas, but not values, from appearing in a cell when a worksheet is protected.

hidden row: A row that does not appear in a worksheet view because its height is set to "0" (zero). A row can be hidden if the data is filtered or an outline is collapsed.

hierarchy: A logical tree structure that organizes the members of a dimension such that each member has one parent member and zero or more child members.

horizontal alignment: A formatting setting that specifies how content is positioned within the horizontal space of a cell, object, or page. Content can be aligned along the left or right edge, or distributed evenly across the horizontal space.

hyperlink: A relationship between two anchors, as described in [RFC1866].

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): An application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) that uses tags to mark elements in a document, as described in [HTML].

icon: A graphical image used to supplement alphanumeric text in the visual identification of an object on a computer monitor. Icons are typically small, relative to the size of the area on which they are displayed.

icon set: A collection of icons that can be used to comment and classify data into categories.

indentation level: A measure of the distance between the position of content that is in a cell and the logical left side of the cell. An indentation level is equal to three spaces.

Information Rights Management (IRM): A technology that provides persistent protection to digital data by using encryption, certificates, and authentication. Authorized recipients or users acquire a license to gain access to the protected files according to the rights or business rules that are set by the content owner.

ink: A process of entering text in handwritten form. Instead of converting handwritten text to typed text, ink is converted to an object and displayed exactly as it was written.

inner rectangle: In a cell that is formatted with a rectangular gradient, a rectangle that is formed by the leftmost, rightmost, topmost, and bottommost lines of pixels in which the initial color of the gradient is completely dissipated. See also rectangular gradient.

input cell: A cell in which each input value from a data table is substituted.

Input Method Editor (IME): An application that is used to enter characters in written Asian languages by using a standard 101-key keyboard. An IME consists of both an engine that converts keystrokes into phonetic and ideographic characters and a dictionary of commonly used ideographic words.

insert row: A placeholder row at the bottom of a table. It is used to enter new records.

iterative calculation: A calculation mode in which calculations are performed until a specific numeric condition is met or a maximum number of iterations is reached.

justify alignment: A formatting setting that spreads text evenly, both vertically and horizontally, between the edges of a cell, object, or page. Also referred to as distributed alignment.

justify distributed: A special, distributed-alignment setting that evenly distributes the last line of text in a cell. The setting is primarily used for East Asian languages. See also distributed alignment.

key performance indicator (KPI): A predefined measure that is used to track performance against a strategic goal, objective, plan, initiative, or business process. A visual cue is frequently used to communicate performance against the measure.

language code identifier (LCID): A 32-bit number that identifies the user interface human language dialect or variation that is supported by an application or a client computer.

left-to-right: A reading order in which characters in words are read from left to right, and words are read from left to right in sentences.

level: A relative position in a hierarchy of data. A level is frequently used when describing how to navigate a hierarchy in an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database or a PivotTable report.

library directory: A directory in which Microsoft Excel add-ins are installed.

line style: A style, including width and dash type, that is applied to and alters the appearance of a line or border.

linear gradient: A type of gradient fill in which the color of a cell or other object gradually changes horizontally, vertically, or diagonally from one edge of the object to the other.

linked object: An object that is inserted into a document and continues to exist in a separate source file. If the object in the source file changes, the object in the document is updated automatically to reflect those changes.

little-endian: Multiple-byte values that are byte-ordered with the least significant byte stored in the memory location with the lowest address.

locale: A collection of rules and data that are specific to a language and a geographical area. A locale can include information about sorting rules, date and time formatting, numeric and monetary conventions, and character classification.

locked: The condition of a cell, worksheet, or other object that restricts edits or modifications to it by users.

locked protection: A cell-protection property that restricts the editing of cell content when a worksheet is protected.

logical left: A position that is relative to the language orientation of a document. Logical left means left, except in a right-to-left language where it means right. Also referred to as leading edge.

logical right: A position that is relative to the language orientation of a document. Logical right means right, except in a right-to-left language where it means left. Also referred to as trailing edge.

logical top-left: A position that is relative to the language orientation of a document. Logical top-left is the upper-left corner of a range or object when in left-to-right mode. It is the upper-right corner when in right-to-left mode.

logical top-right: A position that is relative to the language orientation of a document. Logical top-right is the upper-right corner of a range or object when in left-to-right mode. It is the upper-left corner when in right-to-left mode.

long file name: A folder or file name that is longer than the 8.3 file name standard, which permits as many as eight characters followed by a period and a file name extension of three characters.

macro: A set of instructions that are recorded or written, and then typically saved to a file. When a macro is run, all of the instructions are performed automatically.

macro sheet: A single, logical container that is used to store and run Microsoft Excel 4.0 for Windows macro formulas.

major scheme: A font scheme that is used for primary text elements, such as headings and titles, in a theme.

Mandarin phonetic symbols: A phonetic system for transcribing Chinese through the use of an alphabet that includes characters for all possible sounds in the spoken Mandarin language.

manifest: A file that stores metadata about an expansion pack, such as the name of the expansion pack, the files and resources that are included in the expansion pack, and the dependencies that it has on other files and components.

manual calculation mode: A calculation mode in which the formulas in a workbook are calculated only when specified by a user. See also automatic calculation mode.

MDX query: A query that uses the multidimensional expression (MDX) syntax.

MDX unique name: A unique identifier for a multidimensional expression (MDX) member or value in a given Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube, for example "[Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country].&[Australia]".

measure: In a cube, a set of values that are typically numeric and are based on a column in the fact table of the cube. Measures are the central values that are aggregated and analyzed.

measure group: A collection of related measures in a cube that derive from a single fact table, typically in a data source view.

member: See OLAP member.

member property: An attribute on a data item within a specific dimension in an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database.

merged cell: A single cell that is created by combining two or more adjacent cells.

MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML): A MIME-encapsulated HTML document, as described in [RFC2557].

minimal save: A process that saves only critical workbook data to disk when errors are detected during a file save operation.

minor scheme: A font scheme that is used for secondary text elements, such as body text, in a theme.

module: A collection of routines and data structures that performs a specific task or implements a specific abstract data type. Modules usually consist of two parts, a module header and a module body. A module header is a set of name/value attribute pairs that specify the linguistic characteristics of the module. A module body is the VBA source code, a set of declarations followed by procedures. VBA supports two types of modules, procedural modules and class modules.

module sheet: A sheet type that contains VBA code and was created by using Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Windows or Microsoft Excel for Windows 95.

Multidimensional Expressions (MDX): A syntax that is used for defining multidimensional objects, and for querying and manipulating multidimensional data.

named range: See defined name.

ninched: A condition in which a group of selected cells or objects do not share a specific property. For example, if a selection has three cells and only two of the cells share the same color formatting, the color formatting of the selection is in a ninched state.

non-contiguous range: A selected range that includes non-adjacent cells.

Normal view: A document view that displays text formatting and a simplified page layout of a document. The Normal view hides some layout elements such as the header and footer. Referred to as Draft view in Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Microsoft Word 2010.

number format: A property of a cell or other type of object that determines how numerical data is displayed or interpreted. For example, a currency number format affixes the proper currency symbol to the number.

object: In COM, a software entity that implements the IUnknown interface and zero or more additional interfaces that may be obtained from each other using the IUnknown interface. A COM object can be exposed to remote clients via the DCOM protocol, in which case it is also a DCOM object.

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE): A technology for transferring and sharing information between applications by inserting a file or part of a file into a compound document. The inserted file can be either embedded or linked. See also embedded object and linked object.

object model: A collection of object-oriented APIs that represent data structures and are designed to promote software interoperability.

OLAP All level: An optional level at the top of a hierarchy. It typically contains an OLAP All member that represents an aggregation of all of the lower-level members of that hierarchy.

OLAP All member: A multidimensional expression (MDX) that evaluates a hierarchy and returns a set that contains all of the members of the specified hierarchy.

OLAP allocation: An operation in which the values for members at lower levels in an OLAP hierarchy are changed based on changes to values for members at higher levels in that hierarchy.

OLAP calculated member: An OLAP member whose value is calculated at run time.

OLAP cube: A data structure that aggregates Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) measures by OLAP levels and OLAP hierarchies. An OLAP cube combines several OLAP hierarchies, such as time, geography, and product lines, with OLAP measures, such as sales or inventory figures.

OLAP hierarchy: An attribute hierarchy or a user-defined hierarchy in a data structure. By default, each dimension attribute has an attribute hierarchy. A user-defined hierarchy is a set of related attribute hierarchies that is used to facilitate browsing an OLAP cube.

OLAP KPI: See key performance indicator (KPI).

OLAP level: Within an OLAP hierarchy, a set of data that is organized into a lower or higher level of detail, such as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day levels in a Time hierarchy.

OLAP measure: A set of numeric values in an OLAP cube that is used in aggregation and analysis.

OLAP member: An item that is in an OLAP level. For example, a Canada member in a Country level of a Geography hierarchy.

OLAP member property: A relationship between two OLAP hierarchies, such as a Population member property of a Country member.

OLAP named set: A collection of OLAP tuples that have the same dimensionality. Also referred to as OLAP set.

OLAP subselect: The ability to execute multiple SELECT commands in a FROM clause that is inside a multidimensional expression (MDX) statement.

OLAP tuple: An ordered collection of members that are from different dimensions of an OLAP cube. A single member is a special case of a tuple.

OLAP weight expression: A multidimensional expression (MDX) that is used to apply and allocate modified values to an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) provider. It typically returns a decimal value between "0" and "1".

OLE DB: A set of interfaces that are based on the Component Object Model (COM) programming model and expose data from a variety of sources. These interfaces support the amount of Database Management System (DBMS) functionality that is appropriate for a data store and they enable a data store to share data.

OLE object: An object that supports the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) protocol.

OLE1: See Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).

OLE2: See Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).

one-variable data table: A data table that consists of only one input cell, which is either a row input cell or a column input cell.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is stored in data warehouses in a relational database. See also cube.

Open Data Protocol (OData): A web protocol for querying and updating data specified in the OData protocol.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC): A standard software API method for accessing data that is stored in a variety of proprietary personal computer, minicomputer, and mainframe databases. It is an implementation of [ISO/IEC9075-3:2008] and provides extensions to that standard.

original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code page: A code page used to translate between non-Unicode encoded strings and UTF-16 encoded strings.

outline: A nested grouping of rows or columns (1) that are in a worksheet.

outline level: The number of levels that a task is indented from the top level of an outline; the order associated with an outline.

outline state: A setting that specifies whether an outline is currently outline expanded or outline collapsed.

outline symbol: A user interface control that is used to display or hide subordinate levels in an outline.

page break: A divider that breaks a worksheet into separate pages for printing. Page breaks are inserted automatically based on the paper size, margin settings, scaling options, and the positions of any page breaks that are inserted manually.

Page Break Preview view: A worksheet view that displays the areas to be printed and the locations of page breaks.

Page Layout view: A sheet view that displays a sheet as it would appear on a printed page, including margins, header and footer elements, and pagination.

page margin: The white space at the top, bottom, and sides of a document when a document is printed.

palette color: A specific color among those that are available on the active color palette.

pane: A portion of a software window that has a distinct function and is bounded by and separated from other portions of the window by vertical or horizontal bars.

phonetic guide: A set of supplemental phonetic symbols that appears above text in Japanese and other East Asian languages. A phonetic guide is displayed automatically and can be edited by the user.

phonetic information: A series of characters that appear above text in a cell and provide information that helps users pronounce the text.

phonetic string: A series of characters that appear above a string and provide information that helps users pronounce the string. Phonetic strings are typically used in East Asian languages.

phonetic text run: A series of characters that are within a phonetic string.

PivotChart filter pane: A user interface element that displays a list of active fields in a PivotChart view and is used to apply filters to those fields.

PivotTable: An interactive table that summarizes large amounts of data from various sources by using format and calculation methods. Row and column headings can be rotated to view different summaries of the source data, filter the data, or display detail data for specific areas.

PivotTable data field: A PivotTable field that is contained in the PivotTable area where data values are shown.

PivotTable field: An element in a PivotTable report that represents a logical collection of data. A PivotTable field can represent a dimension hierarchy or actual data values.

PivotTable field list: A user interface element that displays a list of all of the fields in a PivotTable report. It can be used to populate a PivotTable report and to manipulate the fields.

pixel: A discrete unit of display on a computer display device.

placeholder: A character or symbol that is used in place of an actual value, text, or object. The actual value that the placeholder represents is unknown or unavailable at the current time, or is not displayed for security reasons.

plot area: A portion of a chart area that contains the plotted data and axes.

precision as displayed: A calculation setting that permanently changes stored values in cells from full precision (15 digits) to the currently displayed format, including the number of decimal places.

print area: A collection of one or more ranges of cells that are designated to be printed. If a worksheet includes a print area, only the content inside the print area is printed.

print scale: The size of the output that is printed on a page. It is expressed as a percentage of the size of the original page content.

print settings: The settings that specify how a file is printed in a specific print job, such as duplex or landscape orientation. Printer settings are settings that can differ from printer to printer but apply to every print job of a given printer. Print settings are values that typically vary between print jobs.

print titles: The rows or columns (1) that appear on each page when a page is printed. Print titles are typically used to print column headers above tabular data that spans several printed pages.

ProgID: An identifier that is used by the Windows registry to uniquely identify an object and is in the form OLEServerName.ObjectName, for example, "Excel.Sheet" or "PowerPoint.Slide."

protected: A property that is applied manually to a file or a portion of a file, with or without a password, and that helps prevent users from accidentally or deliberately changing, moving, or deleting data.

protection: A mechanism that helps restrict users from making unwanted changes to the data or structure of a workbook.

publish to server: A process that facilitates saving a document or portions of a document to a web server.

published: A condition of portions of a workbook that are marked as being available to the user when that workbook is processed by a protocol server.

Python script: executable code written in the Python programming language.

query: A formalized instruction to a data source to either extract data or perform a specified action. A query can be in the form of a query expression, a method-based query, or a combination of the two. The data source can be in different forms, such as a relational database, XML document, or in-memory object. See also search query.

query table: A two-dimensional table that presents data from an external data source.

R1C1: A reference style in which each row and each column (1) has a numeric heading that is numbered sequentially from top to bottom and left to right, respectively. "R" stands for row and "C" stands for column.

range: An addressable region that is in a workbook. A range typically consists of zero or more cells and represents a single, contiguous rectangle of cells on a single sheet.

reading order: The positioning of characters in words and the positioning of words in sentences. This can be left-to-right or right-to-left.

read-only recommended: A file sharing property that displays an alert when a file is being opened. The text of the alert recommends that the user open the file with read-only permission.

real-time data (RTD): Data that is pushed into a worksheet from an RTD server and is updated continually. Real-time data is frequently used to track stock prices or inventory levels in real time.

rectangular gradient: A type of gradient fill in which the color of a cell or other object gradually changes with each successive inner rectangle of pixels.

red-green-blue (RGB): A color model that describes color information in terms of the red (R), green (G), and blue (B) intensities in a color.

red-green-blue-alpha (RGBA): A color model that describes color information in terms of the red (R), green (G), blue (B), and alpha (A) intensities that comprise a color.

refresh: A process that retrieves values from a data source and populates a workbook with those values.

relative reference: A reference to a location on a sheet that is relative to the cell that contains the reference. A relative reference can be stored as a cell reference or as an offset.

relative security descriptor: A security descriptor that contains all associated security information in a contiguous block of memory.

revision: A change in a document, file, or other object.

revision history: A list of data that describes document updates, such as when and by whom a document was modified.

rich value: A complex representation of data that contains a rich value type, a rich value fallback, and a collection of key value pairs (KVP). A rich value can exist as the value of a cell or nested as the value in a key value pair.

rich value key: The name of the key in the key value pair (KVP).

right-to-left: A reading and display order that is optimized for right-to-left languages.

root element: The top-level element in an XML document. It contains all other elements and is not contained by any other element, as described in [XML].

row: A single set of data that is displayed horizontally in a worksheet or a table.

RTD server: A Component Object Model (COM) Automation server that is used by the real-time data (RTD) function to retrieve data in real time. The RTD server can exist as an ActiveX DLL or as an executable (.exe) file that runs on the same local computer or on a remote server.

RTD topic: A discrete combination of parameters that is used to request data from a real-time data (RTD) server.

ruler: A user interface element that enables users to adjust page margins and to measure and align objects in a document.

safe load: A process of loading a file in which additional error checking is performed and various corruption patterns in the file are detected and repaired.

salt: An additional random quantity, specified as input to an encryption function that is used to increase the strength of the encryption.

scenario: A named set of input values (changing cells) that can be substituted in a worksheet model.

Scenario Manager: A process for creating and managing different sets of input values for calculation models in a worksheet.

security descriptor: A data structure containing the security information associated with a securable object. A security descriptor identifies an object's owner by its security identifier (SID). If access control is configured for the object, its security descriptor contains a discretionary access control list (DACL) with SIDs for the security principals who are allowed or denied access. Applications use this structure to set and query an object's security status. The security descriptor is used to guard access to an object as well as to control which type of auditing takes place when the object is accessed. The security descriptor format is specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6; a string representation of security descriptors, called SDDL, is specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.5.1.

selected: The condition of a set of items that has focus in a workbook.

selection: An item or set of items, such as cells, shapes, objects, and chart elements, that has focus in a document.

server name: The name of a server, as specified in the operating system settings for that server.

session: A representation of application data in system memory. It is used to maintain state for application data that is being manipulated or monitored on a protocol server by a user.

shade: A color that is mixed with black. A 10-percent shade is one part of the original color and nine parts black.

shape: A collection of qualifiers, such as names, and quantifiers, such as coordinates, that is used to represent a geometric object. A shape can be contained in a document, file structure, run-time structure, or other medium.

shared workbook: A workbook that is configured to enable multiple users on a network to view and make changes to it at the same time. Each user who saves the workbook sees the changes that are made by other users.

sheet: A part of an Excel workbook. There are four types of sheets: worksheet, macro sheet, dialog sheet, and chart sheet. Multiple sheets are stored together within a workbook.

sheet tab: A control that is used to select a sheet.

sheet view: A collection of display settings, such as which cells are shown, and the zoom level for a sheet window.

shrink to fit: The process of adjusting the font size of text in a cell to fit the current height and width of the cell.

single accounting: An underline style that places one line beneath the text. Single accounting can be used to indicate subtotals.

single sign-on (SSO): A process that enables users who have a domain user account to log on to a network and gain access to any computer or resource in the domain without entering their credentials multiple times.

smart document: A file that is programmed to assist the user as the user creates or updates the document. Several types of files, such as forms and templates, can also function as smart documents.

smart tag: A feature that adds the ability to recognize and label specific data types, such as people's names, within a document and displays an action button that enables users to perform common tasks for that data type.

smart tag actions button: A user interface control that displays a menu of actions that are associated with a specific smart tag.

smart tag indicator: A triangular symbol that appears in the bottom right corner of a cell and indicates that the cell contains a smart tag.

smart tag recognizer: An add-in that can interpret a specific type of smart tag, such as an address or a financial symbol, in a document and display an action button that enables users to perform common tasks for that data type.

sort: A process that arranges cells in ascending or descending order, based on cell content.

sort condition: A condition that determines how to sort cells in a range.

sort order: (1) A set of rules in a search query that defines the ordering of rows in the search result. Each rule consists of a managed property, such as modified date or size, and a direction for order, such as ascending or descending. Multiple rules are applied sequentially.

(2) A specific arrangement of cells that is based on cell content. The order can be ascending or descending.

source data: The data that is used as the basis for charts, PivotTable reports, and other data visualization features.

sparkline: A miniature chart that can be inserted into text or embedded in a cell on a worksheet to illustrate highs, lows, and trends in data.

split pane: A pane that consists of two or more discrete areas of a window. Each area displays content and scrolls independently from other areas of the window. See also frozen panes.

spreadsheet data model: A local Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) storage of data used by a spreadsheet application.

startup directory: The directory from which an application opens data files when the application starts.

strikethrough formatting: A formatting option in which characters are crossed out by horizontal line.

stripe band: One or more adjacent columns (1) or rows that are in a table and have the same stripe formatting.

stripe formatting: A table formatting option that applies background colors to alternating rows or columns (1) to increase legibility.

stroke order: A sort order that arranges items in a sort range according to the number of strokes that is used to write each glyph. Stroke order is used when sorting text that is written in some East Asian languages.

Structured Query Language (SQL): A database query and programming language that is widely used for accessing, querying, updating, and managing data in relational database systems.

style: A set of formatting options that is applied to text, tables, charts, and other objects in a document.

summary: The orientation of outline expand and outline collapse symbols in relation to the data that is outlined.

table: A list that is defined in a workbook.

table header: The top row of a table, where the column names are displayed.

target: An actor to which a task is assigned.

text importation: A process that incorporates textual data into a workbook, either by opening a text file or through an external link.

text run: A string of characters that represents a discrete span of text with the same formatting properties.

theme: A set of unified design elements, such as colors, fonts, graphics, and styles, that define the appearance of a website, document, or data visualization.

time hierarchy: A specialized Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) hierarchy that can be organized into lower and higher levels of detail, such as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day.

tooltip: A window displaying text that is created when the mouse is moved over a window or notification icon.

top N filter: A filter that matches the top or bottom N items or N% of items in a specified column (1).

total row: A row in a list or table that provides a selection of aggregate functions that are useful for working with numerical data.

transfer protocol: A protocol that governs the transfer of files, Internet messages, and webpages between networked computers. On the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model, these are application layer protocols. Examples of transfer protocols are Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

transition formula entry: A worksheet option that enables users to enter formulas that use IBM Lotus 1-2-3 syntax.

transition formula evaluation: A setting that enables formulas in a worksheet to be calculated in a manner that is consistent with IBM Lotus 1-2-3.

tuple: An ordered grouping of members from different dimensions or hierarchies. A single member is a special case of a tuple and can be used as an expression. Every hierarchy does not have to be represented in a tuple.

twip: A unit of measurement that is used in typesetting and desktop publishing. It equals one-twentieth of a printer's point, or 1/1440 of an inch.

two-variable data table: A data table that consists of two input cells, a row input cell and a column input cell.

type library: A binary file that describes the methods, properties, and data structure of a component.

unary operator: A property associated with a dimension member that controls how the member is to be aggregated. The unary operator overrides the defined aggregation function for the measure.

UNC volume: A storage device that is accessible by network protocols and addressed in the standard Universal Naming Convention format, for example, "\\Server Name\Share Name".

Unicode: A character encoding standard developed by the Unicode Consortium that represents almost all of the written languages of the world. The Unicode standard [UNICODE5.0.0/2007] provides three forms (UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32) and seven schemes (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16 BE, UTF-16 LE, UTF-32, UTF-32 LE, and UTF-32 BE).

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): A string that identifies a resource. The URI is an addressing mechanism defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax [RFC3986].

Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A string of characters in a standardized format that identifies a document or resource on the World Wide Web. The format is as specified in [RFC1738].

user-defined function (UDF): A function that is coded in a VBA module, macro sheet, add-in, or Excel Linked Library (XLL). A UDF can be used in formulas to return values to a worksheet, similar to built-in functions.

VBA project: A collection of the modules, class modules, and user forms that are needed to create an application. Modules, class modules, and user forms can be imported into and exported from a project.

Vector Markup Language (VML): A system of marking up or tagging two-dimensional vector graphics for publication on the World Wide Web. VML graphics are scalable and editable, and typically require less disk space and less time to download.

vertical alignment: A formatting setting that specifies how content is positioned within the vertical space of a cell, object, or page. Content can be aligned along the top or bottom edge, or distributed evenly across the vertical space.

visible: A condition of an object that allows it to be displayed in rendered output.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA): A macro-based programming language that derives from Microsoft Visual Basic and can be used to customize and extend an application. Unlike Visual Basic, VBA code and macros can be run only from within a host application that supports VBA.

volatile: A condition of a formula in which the formula is calculated every time the workbook is calculated. This is unlike a non-volatile formula, which is calculated only when dependent values are changed.

watched cell: A cell whose value is monitored in a separate window while formulas that are associated with the cell are calculated.

web query: An external data connection that retrieves a table from a website and inserts table data into a workbook.

window protection: A workbook protection option that prevents users from changing the position and size of a window.

workbook: A container for a collection of sheets.

workbook view: A set of display settings, such as the height and width, for the windows in a workbook.

worksheet: A single logical container for a set of tabular data and other objects in a workbook.

write reservation: A field or condition that is set on a document, workbook, or presentation to help prevent users from modifying it.

write-reservation password: A sequence of characters that need to be entered to modify a document.

XML: The Extensible Markup Language, as described in [XML1.0].

XML map: A feature that is used to import data from databases and applications and to map XML elements and attributes from the associated XML schema to cells in a worksheet. The revised XML data can then be exported for interaction with other databases and applications.

XML namespace: A collection of names that is used to identify elements, types, and attributes in XML documents identified in a URI reference [RFC3986]. A combination of XML namespace and local name allows XML documents to use elements, types, and attributes that have the same names but come from different sources. For more information, see [XMLNS-2ED].

XML node: The smallest unit of a valid, complete structure in an XML document. For example, a node can represent an element, an attribute, or a text string.

XML Path Language (XPath): A language used to create expressions that can address parts of an XML document, manipulate strings, numbers, and Booleans, and can match a set of nodes in the document, as specified in [XPATH]. XPath models an XML document as a tree of nodes of different types, including element, attribute, and text. XPath expressions can identify the nodes in an XML document based on their type, name, and values, as well as the relationship of a node to other nodes in the document.

XML schema: A description of a type of XML document that is typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, in addition to the basic syntax constraints that are imposed by XML itself. An XML schema provides a view of a document type at a relatively high level of abstraction.

XML schema definition (XSD): The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard language that is used in defining XML schemas. Schemas are useful for enforcing structure and constraining the types of data that can be used validly within other XML documents. XML schema definition refers to the fully specified and currently recommended standard for use in authoring XML schemas.

XOR obfuscation: A type of file encryption that helps protect private data by using an exclusive or bitwise operation. This is done by adding a mathematical expression that prevents a simple reverse-engineering process.

XPath expression: An expression that searches an71 XML document and can extract and manipulate data in elements or attributes within that document.

zoom level: The degree to which a portion of an image, document, or other screen object is made to appear closer or farther away relative to its default appearance. This value is usually expressed as a percentage of the default appearance.

MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as defined in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT.