3.1 Client Details

The following state diagram illustrates the activities of the client during Telnet: NTLM Authentication Protocol processing. The start state is the start of Telnet: NTLM Authentication Protocol message exchanges, and the end state marks the completion of Telnet: NTLM Authentication Protocol message exchanges.

Client activity during Telnet: NTLM Authentication Protocol processing

Figure 4: Client activity during Telnet: NTLM Authentication Protocol processing

  1. send_not_received (start state): This state indicates that the client has not received the SEND command from the server.

  2. negotiate_data_sent: This state indicates that the client received a SEND command from the server, and in response, the client sent an IS command with the NTLM NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE.

  3. authenticate_data_sent: This state indicates that the client received an IS [NTLM Command Code = NTLM_CHALLENGE] from the server, and in response, the client sent an IS command with NTLM AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE.

  4. authentication_complete (end state): This state indicates the completion of Telnet: NTLM Authentication Protocol message exchanges.

The actions that the client takes in response to an incoming message from the server are specified in section 3.1.5.

This state diagram is included for explanatory purposes only. Implementations are not required to use the same state names as used in the diagram. Section 3.1.5 specifies each transaction in the state diagram in detail. The state machine diagram can be used in conjunction with the content in sections 3.1.1 through 3.1.7 to gain a complete understanding of the client role.