How to: Monitor Speech Server with Performance Console

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The Performance console provides two tools for monitoring and collecting Speech Server performance data:

  • System Monitor displays a graph showing performance counter data in real time.
  • With Performance Logs and Alerts, you can create performance logs that capture Speech Server performance counters for later analysis.

To create performance logs, see How to: Create a Speech Server Performance Log.

For more information about using the Performance console, see Performance Logs and Alerts Help.

Monitoring Speech Server with System Monitor

To monitor Speech Server with System Monitor

  1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Performance.

  2. In the Performance console, right-click the System Monitor graph, and then click Add Counters.

  3. In the Performance object box, select one of the Speech Server objects:

    • SpeechService
    • Telephony Interface Manager Connector

    For more information, see Speech Server Performance Counters.

  4. Click Select counters from list, and then select the counters you want to monitor.

  5. Click Add, and then click Close.