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Style Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Represents a style attribute for the cascading style sheet (CSS) for an HTML element.


  Name Description
getAttribute Returns a Variant that represents the value of the specified attribute.
removeAttribute Returns a Boolean that represents whether the attribute was successfully removed. True indicates that the attribute was removed. False indicates that the attribute was not removed.
setAttribute Sets the attribute for an inline style.


  Name Description
background Sets or returns a String that represents one or more separate background properties for an element. Corresponds to the background property of a cascading style sheet, which affects the style attribute of a specified element.
backgroundAttachment Returns or sets String that represents how the background image is displayed in the specified object. The object may be the entire document or an element within the document, such as a table.
backgroundColor Returns or sets a String that represents the background color for a specified object. The object may be the entire document or an element within the document, such as a table.
backgroundImage Returns or sets a String that represents the path and file name for the background image for a specified object. The object may be the entire document or an element within the document, such as a table.
backgroundPosition Returns or sets a String that represents the position of the background image for an object, such as a document or table.
backgroundPositionX Sets or returns a String that represents the horizontal position of the background image.
backgroundPositionY Returns or sets a String that represents the vertical position of the background image.
backgroundRepeat Returns or sets a String that represents how a background image tiles for an object, such as a document or table.
border Returns or sets a String that represents the border style for an inline style.
borderBottom Returns or sets a String that represents the properties for the bottom border of a specified object.
borderBottomColor Sets or returns a String, specifying a color name or red-green-blue (RGB) value, that represents the color of the bottom border of the specified object.
borderBottomStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the line style of the bottom border of a specified object.
borderBottomWidth Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the bottom border of a specified object.
borderColor Returns or sets a String, specifying a color name or red-green-blue (RGB) value, that represents the color of the left, right, top, and bottom borders of the specified object.
borderLeft Returns or sets a String that represents the properties for the left border of a specified object.
borderLeftColor Returns or sets a String, specifying a color name or red-green-blue (RGB) value, that represents the color of the left border of the specified object.
borderLeftStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the line style of the left border of a specified object.
borderLeftWidth Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the left border of a specified object.
borderRight Returns or sets a String that represents the properties for the right border of a specified object.
borderRightColor Returns or sets a String, specifying a color name or red-green-blue (RGB) value, that represents the color of the right border of the specified object.
borderRightStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the line style of the right border of a specified object.
borderRightWidth Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the right border of a specified object.
borderStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the line style of the left, right, top, and bottom borders of a specified object.
borderTop Returns or sets a String that represents the properties for the top border of a specified object.
borderTopColor Returns or sets a String, specifying a color name or red-green-blue (RGB) value, that represents the color of the top border of the specified object.
borderTopStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the line style of the top border of a specified object.
borderTopWidth Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the top border of a specified object.
borderWidth Returns or sets a String that represents the thickness of the left, right, top, and bottom borders for the specified object.
clear Returns or sets a String that represents whether the object allows floating objects on its left and/or right sides, so that the next line of text is displayed past the floating objects.
clip Returns or sets a String that represents which part of a positioned element is visible.
color Sets or returns a String specifying a color name or red-green-blue (RGB) value, which represents the color of an HTML element.
cssText Returns or sets a String that represents the value of an inline style for a specified element.
cursor Sets or returns a String that represents how to display the mouse pointer as it moves over a specified object when a page is displayed in the browser window.
display Sets or returns a String that represents whether the browser displays the object.
font Sets or returns a String that represents up to six separate font properties for an inline style.
fontFamily Sets or returns a String that represents the name of the font used to format the text within an HTML element.
fontSize Sets or returns a String that represents the size of the font used for text in an inline style.
fontStyle Sets or returns a String that represents the font-style setting for an inline style.
fontVariant Sets or returns a String that represents whether the text in an inline style displays normally or in small capital letters.
fontWeight Sets or returns a String that represents the weight of the font in an inline style.
height Returns or sets a String that represents the height of an inline style.
left Returns or sets a Variant that represents the position of the left edge of an element for a cascading style sheet.
letterSpacing Returns or sets a Variant that represents the amount of space between letters in the specified object.
lineHeight Returns or sets a Variant that represents the distance between lines in the object. Corresponds to the line-height property for the style attribute.
listStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the setting for a list-style attribute for an cascading style sheet.
listStyleImage Returns or sets a String that represents the image to use as a bullet in an unordered list.
listStylePosition Returns or sets a String that represents the position of the bullet in relation to where text is wrapped for each line in a list.
listStyleType Returns or sets a String that represents the type of bullet that is displayed for an ordered or unordered list.
margin Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the top, bottom, left, and right margins for the specified object. Corresponds to the margin property of an inline style attribute.
marginBottom Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the bottom margin for a page or block element. Corresponds to the marginBottom property of an inline style attribute.
marginLeft Sets or returns a String that represents the width of the left margin for a page or block element. Corresponds to the marginLeft property of an inline style attribute.
marginRight Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the right margin for a page or block element. Corresponds to the marginRight property of an inline style attribute.
marginTop Returns or sets a String that represents the width of the top margin for a page or block element. Corresponds to the marginTop property of an inline style attribute.
overflow Sets or returns a String that represents how to manage the content of the object when the content exceeds the height and/or width of the object.
padding Returns a String that represents the amount of space between the element and its margin or, if there is a border, between the element and its border.
paddingBottom Returns a String that represents the amount of space between the bottom edge of the element and its margin or, if there is a border, between the bottom edge of the element and its border.
paddingLeft Returns a String that represents the amount of space between the left edge of the element and its margin or, if there is a border, between the left edge of the element and its border.
paddingRight Returns a String that represents the amount of space between the right edge of the element and its margin or, if there is a border, between the right edge of the element and its border.
paddingTop Returns a String that represents the amount of space between the top edge of the element and its margin or, if there is a border, between the top edge of the element and its border.
pageBreakAfter Sets or returns a String that represents whether a page break occurs after the element when the document is printed. Corresponds to the page-break-after attribute for a cascading style sheet.
pageBreakBefore Sets or returns a String that represents whether a page break occurs before the element when the document is printed. Corresponds to the page-break-before attribute for a cascading style sheet.
posHeight Sets or returns a Single that represents the height of an element in the units specified by the cascading style sheets (CSS) height attribute.
position Returns and sets a String that represents the type of positioning used for the specified object.
posLeft Sets or returns a Single that represents the left position of an element in the units specified by the cascading style sheets left attribute.
posTop Sets or returns a Single that represents the top position of an element in the units specified by the cascading style sheets top attribute.
posWidth Sets or returns a Single that represents the width of an element in the units specified by the cascading style sheets (CSS) width attribute.
styleFloat Returns or sets a String that represents the side of the page on which an element is positioned. Text flows around the object on the opposite side.
textAlign Returns and sets a String that represents how text is aligned in an element.
textDecoration Returns a String that represents whether the text in the object has strikethrough, overline, or underline text decorations.
textDecorationBlink Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether text is set to blink. The blink text decoration has not been implemented in the Internet Explorer browser.
textDecorationLineThrough Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether text is displayed with a line through it.
textDecorationNone Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether to remove text decoration formatting from text.
textDecorationOverline Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether there is a line above the text in an element.
textDecorationUnderline Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether text is underlined.
textIndent Sets or returns the indentation of text in an element. Corresponds to the text-indent property for a cascading style sheet.
textTransform Sets or returns a String that represents whether text is displayed by using uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.
top Sets or returns a Variant that represents the position of an element relative to the top of the next positioned element in the document hierarchy. Corresponds to the top attribute of a cascading style sheet.
verticalAlign Sets or returns a Variant that represents the vertical positioning of an element or the text within an element.
visibility Sets or returns a String that represents whether or not the contents of an element are visible.
whiteSpace Sets or returns a String that represents the whiteSpace attribute for inline HTML styles.
width Sets or returns a Variant that represents the value of the width attribute of an element. Corresponds to the width property for an inline cascading style sheet.
zIndex Sets or returns a Variant that represents the stacking order of positioned objects.