Style.background Property

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Sets or returns a String that represents one or more separate background properties for an element. Corresponds to the background property of a cascading style sheet, which affects the style attribute of a specified element.



expression   Required. A variable that represents a Style object.


Use the background property to set one, all, or any of the values of the background properties at one time. The background property can specify values for up to five of the following space-delimited items, in any order:

Value Description
color Any value available to the backgroundColor property.
image Any value available to the backgroundImage property. When you use the background property to specify a background image, surround the image filename with parentheses and precede it with "url". For example, url(graphics/image.gif).
repeat Any value available to the backgroundRepeat property.
attachment Any value available to the backgroundAttachment property.
position Any value available to the backgroundPosition property.

See Also