Assistant Object


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Represents the Microsoft Office Assistant.

Using the Assistant Object

Use the Assistant property to return the Assistant object. There isn't a collection for the Assistant object; only one Assistant object can be active at a time. Use the Visible property to display the Assistant, and use the On property to enable the Assistant.


The default Assistant is Rocky. To select a different Assistant programmatically, use the FileName property.

The following example displays and animates the Assistant.

With Assistant
    .Visible = True
    .Animation = msoAnimationGreeting
End With

Properties | Animation Property | Application Property | AssistWithAlerts Property | AssistWithHelp Property | AssistWithWizards Property | BalloonError Property | Creator Property | FeatureTips Property | FileName Property | GuessHelp Property | HighPriorityTips Property | Item Property | KeyboardShortcutTips Property | Left Property | MouseTips Property | MoveWhenInTheWay Property | Name Property | NewBalloon Property | On Property | Parent Property | Reduced Property | SearchWhenProgramming Property | Sounds Property | TipOfDay Property | Top Property | Visible Property

Methods | ActivateWizard Method | DoAlert Method | EndWizard Method | Help Method | Move Method | ResetTips Method | StartWizard Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Balloon Object

See Also | Animation Property | Overview of the Office Assistant | Using the Office Assistant