atFunction Reference

atFunction Reference

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The atFunction method descriptions contain several parts:

  • Following the name of the method is a brief description of its purpose.
  • The Availability section states from which object models (Microsoft® Outlook®, Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), or Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO)) the method can be called.
  • The Syntax section shows the method's return value and parameters.
  • Any additional notes are presented in a Usage Notes section.

Functions Organized by Type

The atFunctions perform several different types of tasks. The following table orders the atFunctions by functional type.

Type atFunction method
Strings and characters atAbstract, atBegins, atChar, atContains, atEnds, atExplode, atImplode, atIsMember, atIsNotMember, atIsText, atKeywords, atLeft, atLeftBack, atLength, atLike, atLowerCase, atMiddle, atMiddleBack, atNewLine, atProperCase, atRepeat, atReplace, atReplaceSubstring, atRight, atRightBack, atText, atTrim, atUpperCase, atWord, Concat
Numbers atAbs, atExp, atInteger, atIsNumber, atLn, atLog, atMax, atMember, atMin, atModulo, atPi, atPower, atRandom, atRound, atSign, atSqrt, atSum, atTextToNumber, atUnique
Other mathematical types (including logical) atAcos, atAll, atAsin, atAtan, atAtan2, atCos, atElements, atFalse, atIsText, atIsNumber, atIsTime, atNo, atSin, atSuccess, atTan, atTrue, atYes
Dates and times atAdjust, atDate, atDay, atHour, atIsTime, atMinute, atModified, atMonth, atNow, atSecond, atTextToTime, atTime, atToday, atTomorrow, atWeekday, atYear, atYesterday, atZone
Documents and other database objects atAccessed, atAttachmentNames, atAttachments, atAuthor, atCreated, atDbColumn, atDbCommand, atDbLookup (ODBC), atDbName, atDbTitle, atDocLength, atDocumentUniqueId, atGetDocField, atIsAvailable, atIsDocBeingEdited, atIsNewDoc, atIsUnavailable, atMailSavePreference, atMailSend, atModified, atNoteID, atSetDocField, atSetField
System entities such as user names or product versions atUserName, atV3UserName, atVersion, atZone, CurrentItem
URLs atURLGetHeader, atURLHistory, atURLOpen
Other atError, atPrompt, atSelect, atSubset, atViewTitle
Not implemented atAllChildren, atAllDescendants, atAscii, atAttachmentLengths, atCertificate, atCheckAlarms, atClientType, atCommand, atDbExists, atDbLookup (Notes databases), atDbManager, atDDEExecute, atDDEInitiate, atDDEPoke, atDDETerminate, atDEFAULT, atDeleteDocument, atDeleteField, atDialogBox, atDo, atDocChildren, atDocDescendants, atDocFields, atDocLevel, atDocMark, atDocNumber, atDocParentNumber, atDocSiblings, atDomain, atEditECL, atEditUserECL, atEnableAlarms, atEnvironment, ENVIRONMENT, atFailure, FIELD, atGetPortsList, atGetProfileField, atIf, atInheritedDocumentUniqueID, atIsAgentEnabled, atIsCategory, atIsDocBeingLoaded, atIsDocBeingMailed, atIsDocBeingRecalculated, atIsDocBeingSaved, atIsDocTruncated, atIsError, atIsExpandable, atIsModalHelp, atIsResponseDoc, atIsValid, atMailDbName, atMailEncryptSavedPreference, atMailEncryptSentPreference, atMailSignPreference, atMatches, atName, atOptimizeMailAddress, atPassword, atPickList, atPlatform, atPostedCommand, atRefreshECL, REM, atResponses, atReturn, SELECT, atSet, atSetEnvironment, atSoundex, atTextToNumber, atTextToTime, atUnavailable, atUserAccess, atUserPrivileges, atUserRoles, atV2If

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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