
Using claims-based identity in your Silverlight application can save you the hassle of handling authentication & authorization by yourself, decoupling you from complexity and change. Claims can help you delighting your users with custom-tailored experiences modeled after their identities, without taking any dependency on the environment. Furthermore, claims allow you to more securely tap on data and services across domain and even platform boundaries.

By completing this Hands-On Lab you have learned how to:

  • Take advantage of an existing identity provider (exposed via passive STS) for externalizing authentication for a in-browser Silverlight application
  • Access claims values from the code of a Silverlight application and use them for user experience customization
  • Handle authorization for WCF services hosted in a Silverlight website using the WIF programming model
  • Take advantage of an existing identity provider (exposed via active STS) for externalizing authentication for an out-of-browser Silverlight application
  • Invoke services on other domains using SAML tokens from a Silverlight application

Some of the tasks above required the use of some custom extensions, provided with the lab starting material. Those extensions provide further capabilities, such as the ability of using symmetric keys for achieving higher levels of protection. Please feel free to comment on things you like and don’t like about the model: as we move ahead toward a more complete integration between Silverlight and Windows Identity Foundation, your feedback about the extensions demonstrated in the lab will be extremely valuable.

We hope that the programming skills you learned in this and the other identity labs will enable you to write solutions with the confidence that no matter which kind of application you choose to develop, you took care of identity in consistent and effective manner.