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Getting Started with Geospatial Applications using SharePoint 2010, SQL Azure and Bing Maps

Version: 1.0


This lab provides an introduction to working with SQL Azure, SharePoint 2010 and the Bing Maps Silverlight Control demonstrating the techniques to display data that lives in SQL Azure, but is rendered using the Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in SharePoint through an external list (which dynamically loads data from external data systems).


This lab provides and introduction to working with SQL Azure, SharePoint and the Bing Maps Silverlight Control demonstrating the techniques to display data that lives in SQL Azure, but is rendered using the Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in SharePoint through an external list (which dynamically loads data from external data systems).

To obtain geo-code data for street addresses, consider using the Bing Maps SOAP or REST Web Services:

For loading more complex spatial data with SharePoint, considering using the DataConnector project on Codeplex:

System Requirements

You must have the following items to complete this lab:

Estimated time to complete this lab: 45 minutes.