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Windows Phone Hello World Application

Version: 1.0.0


In this lab, you will create, test, deploy and run your first “Hello World” Silverlight application for Windows Phone. You will learn how to use the Windows Phone Developer Tools like Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and the Windows Phone Emulator.


In this lab, you will create, test, deploy and run your first “Hello World” Silverlight application for Windows Phone. You will learn how to use the Windows Phone Developer Tools like Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and the Windows Phone Emulator.

You will begin by creating a simple Windows Phone Silverlight application and deploy it to the Windows Phone Emulator. You will use controls to add interactions with buttons and text. The lab will also walk through basic Silverlight development concepts required to use XAML, the Silverlight user interface definition language, using Microsoft Expression Blend to apply Windows Phone style resources and behaviors.

Finally, once the code is ready, you learn how to build the application and deploy it to the Windows Phone Emulator to test it. To debug applications running in the emulator, you set up a breakpoint and use the debugger to step through the source code and examine the values of the program variables.


In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to to create a basic Windows Phone Application with Visual Studio 2010. You will learn how to create the application, add controls and pages and create event handlers to react to user input. You will learn how to deploy the Windows Phone 7 application to the Windows Phone Emulator and set breakpoints for debugging.

  • Learn how to create a new Windows Phone 7 application.
  • See how to add controls to the page.
  • Learn how to add event handlers to the controls.
  • Learn how to add application pages to the application.
  • See how to navigate from page to page.
  • See how to set breakpoints and debug the application.
  • Learn how to edit the UI with Expression Blend.


The following is required to complete this hands-on lab:

Note: See Setting Up A SharePoint and Windows Phone 7 Development Environment Module for instructions that describe how to set up the SharePoint and Windows Phone 7 developer machine.