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ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync Method



ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(String, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(TransactionalBehavior, String, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(String, CancellationToken, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(TransactionalBehavior, String, CancellationToken, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(String, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> ExecuteStoreCommandAsync (string commandText, params object[] parameters);
member this.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync : string * obj[] -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int>
Public Function ExecuteStoreCommandAsync (commandText As String, ParamArray parameters As Object()) As Task(Of Integer)



The command specified in the server's native query language.


The parameter values to use for the query.


A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of rows affected.


Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context.

If there isn't an existing local transaction a new transaction will be used to execute the command.

Applies to

ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(TransactionalBehavior, String, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> ExecuteStoreCommandAsync (System.Data.Entity.TransactionalBehavior transactionalBehavior, string commandText, params object[] parameters);
member this.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync : System.Data.Entity.TransactionalBehavior * string * obj[] -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int>



Controls the creation of a transaction for this command.


The command specified in the server's native query language.


The parameter values to use for the query.


A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of rows affected.


Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context.

Applies to

ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(String, CancellationToken, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> ExecuteStoreCommandAsync (string commandText, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, params object[] parameters);
abstract member ExecuteStoreCommandAsync : string * System.Threading.CancellationToken * obj[] -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int>
override this.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync : string * System.Threading.CancellationToken * obj[] -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int>



The command specified in the server's native query language.


A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete.


The parameter values to use for the query.


A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of rows affected.


Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context.

If there isn't an existing local transaction a new transaction will be used to execute the command.

Applies to

ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(TransactionalBehavior, String, CancellationToken, Object[])

Asynchronously executes an arbitrary command directly against the data source using the existing connection. The command is specified using the server's native query language, such as SQL.

As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @p0", userSuppliedAuthor); Alternatively, you can also construct a DbParameter and supply it to SqlQuery. This allows you to use named parameters in the SQL query string. context.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync("UPDATE dbo.Posts SET Rating = 5 WHERE Author = @author", new SqlParameter("@author", userSuppliedAuthor));

public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> ExecuteStoreCommandAsync (System.Data.Entity.TransactionalBehavior transactionalBehavior, string commandText, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, params object[] parameters);
abstract member ExecuteStoreCommandAsync : System.Data.Entity.TransactionalBehavior * string * System.Threading.CancellationToken * obj[] -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int>
override this.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync : System.Data.Entity.TransactionalBehavior * string * System.Threading.CancellationToken * obj[] -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int>



Controls the creation of a transaction for this command.


The command specified in the server's native query language.


A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete.


The parameter values to use for the query.


A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of rows affected.


Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context.

Applies to