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IHTMLWindow2 Object

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Multiple objects

Represents the window in which an HTML document or a frame within an HTML document is displayed. The IHTMLWindow2 object provides access to a limited number of properties and methods related to the window. For access to all properties and methods, use the FPHTMLWindow2 object.

Using the IHTMLWindow2 object

Use the parentWindow property of the FPHTMLDocument object to return an IHTMLWindow2 object. The following example accesses the window in which the active document is displayed.

Dim objWindow As IHTMLWindow2

Set objWindow = ActiveDocument.parentWindow

Properties | clientInformation Property | closed Property | defaultStatus Property | Document Property | event Property | external Property | frames Property | history Property | Image Property | Length Property | location Property | name Property | navigator Property | offscreenBuffering Property | onbeforeunload Property | onblur Property | onerror Property | onfocus Property | onhelp Property | onload Property | onresize Property | onscroll Property | onunload Property | opener Property | Option Property | parent Property | screen Property | self Property | status Property | top Property | Window Property

Methods | alert Method | blur Method | clearInterval Method | clearTimeout Method | close Method | confirm Method | execScript Method | focus Method | item Method | moveBy Method | moveTo Method | navigate Method | open Method | prompt Method | resizeBy Method | resizeTo Method | scroll Method | scrollBy Method | scrollTo Method | setInterval Method | setTimeout Method | showHelp Method | showModalDialog Method | toString Method

Parent Objects | DispFPHTMLDocument Object | FPHTMLDocument Object | FPHTMLWindow2 Object | FPHTMLWindowProxy Object | IHTMLDocument2 Object | IHTMLWindow2 Object

Child Objects | IHTMLDocument2 Object | IHTMLEventObj Object | IHTMLFramesCollection2 Object | IHTMLImageElementFactory Object | IHTMLLocation Object | IHTMLOptionElementFactory Object | IHTMLScreen Object | IHTMLWindow2 Object | IOmHistory Object | IOmNavigator Object