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TextEffectFormat Object [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

Contains properties and methods that apply to WordArt objects.

Using the TextEffectFormat Object

Use the TextEffect property to return a TextEffectFormat object. The following example sets the font name and formatting for shape one on the first page of the active publication. For this example to work, shape one must be a WordArt object.

Sub FormatWordArt()
    With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).TextEffect
        .FontName = "Courier New"
        .FontBold = MsoTrue
        .FontItalic = MsoTrue
    End With
End Sub

Properties | Alignment Property | Application Property | FontBold Property | FontItalic Property | FontName Property | FontSize Property | KernedPairs Property | NormalizedHeight Property | Parent Property | PresetShape Property | PresetTextEffect Property | RotatedChars Property | Text Property | Tracking Property

Methods | ToggleVerticalText Method

Parent Objects | Shape Object | ShapeRange Collection

Child Objects