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VEModelScale Class

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Represents the scale of a 3D model with respect to the map.


Name Description

VEModelScale Constructor

Initializes a new instance of a VEModelScale object.

Public Properties

Name Description

VEModelScale.X Property

A floating-point value specifying the x-axis scale factor of a 3D model.

VEModelScale.Y Property

A floating-point value specifying the y-axis scale factor of a 3D model.

VEModelScale.Z Property

A floating-point value specifying the z-axis scale factor of a 3D model.


The model scale can be set to a specific unit of measurement by passing the VEModelScale Constructor a VEModelScaleUnit Enumeration value. Alternatively, each VEModelScale property can be set to a VEModelScaleUnit Enumeration value.

By default one scale unit is equal to one meter. This can be modified by setting the VEModelScale properties to the appropriate VEModelScaleUnit Enumeration value.

Using large scale values may prevent the 3D model from rendering.

See Also


VEMap.Import3DModel Method