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TabControl Collection [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

A tab control contains multiple pages on which you can place other controls, such as text boxes or option buttons. When a user clicks the corresponding tab, that page becomes active.

Using the TabControl collection

With the tab control, you can construct a single form or dialog box that contains several different tabs, and you can group similar options or data on each tab's page. For example, you might use a tab control on an Employees form to separate general and personal information.

Properties | BackStyle Property | ControlType Property | DisplayWhen Property | Enabled Property | EventProcPrefix Property | FontBold Property | FontItalic Property | FontName Property | FontSize Property | FontUnderline Property | FontWeight Property | Height Property | HelpContextId Property | InSelection Property | IsVisible Property | Left Property | MultiRow Property | Name Property | OldValue Property | OnChange Property | OnClick Property | OnDblClick Property | OnKeyDown Property | OnKeyPress Property | OnKeyUp Property | OnMouseDown Property | OnMouseMove Property | OnMouseUp Property | Pages Property | Properties Property | Section Property | ShortcutMenuBar Property | StatusBarText Property | Style Property | TabFixedHeight Property | TabFixedWidth Property | TabIndex Property | TabStop Property | Tag Property | Top Property | Value Property | Visible Property | Width Property

Methods | Move Method | SizeToFit Method

Events | Change Event | Click Event | DblClick Event | KeyDown Event | KeyPress Event | KeyUp Event | MouseDown Event | MouseMove Event | MouseUp Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Pages Object | Properties Object