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Master Object

Multiple objects

Represents a slide master, title master, handout master, notes master, or design master.

Using the Master Object

To return a Master object, use the Master property of the Slide object or SlideRange collection, or use the HandoutMaster , NotesMaster    , SlideMaster , or TitleMaster property of the Presentation object. Note that some of these properties are also available from the Design object as well. The following example sets the background fill for the slide master for the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Background.Fill _
    .PresetGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 1, msoGradientBrass

To add a title master or design to a presentation and return a Master object that represents the new title master or design, use the AddTitleMaster method. The following example adds a title master to the active presentation and places the title placeholder 10 points from the top of the master.

ActivePresentation.AddTitleMaster.Shapes.Title.Top = 10

Properties | Application Property | Background Property | ColorScheme Property | Design Property | HeadersFooters Property | Height Property | Hyperlinks Property | Name Property | Parent Property | Scripts Property | Shapes Property | SlideShowTransition Property | TextStyles Property | TimeLine Property | Width Property

Methods | Delete Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects | ColorScheme Object | Design Object | HeadersFooters Object | Hyperlinks Object | ShapeRange Object | Shapes Object | SlideShowTransition Object | TextStyles Object | TimeLine Object