FPHTMLStyle Object


Represents a style attribute for the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) for an HTML element. See also the IHTMLStyle object.

Using the FPHTMLStyle object

Use the style property to return an FPHTMLStyle object. The following example accesses the style attribute for the body of the active document.

Dim objStyle As FPHTMLStyle

Set objStyle = ActiveDocument.body.Style

Properties | background Property | backgroundAttachment Property | backgroundColor Property | backgroundImage Property | backgroundPosition Property | backgroundPositionX Property | backgroundPositionY Property | backgroundRepeat Property | border Property | borderBottom Property | borderBottomColor Property | borderBottomStyle Property | borderBottomWidth Property | borderColor Property | borderLeft Property | borderLeftColor Property | borderLeftStyle Property | borderLeftWidth Property | borderRight Property | borderRightColor Property | borderRightStyle Property | borderRightWidth Property | borderStyle Property | borderTop Property | borderTopColor Property | borderTopStyle Property | borderTopWidth Property | borderWidth Property | clear Property | clip Property | color Property | cssText Property | cursor Property | display Property | filter Property | font Property | fontFamily Property | fontSize Property | fontStyle Property | fontVariant Property | fontWeight Property | height Property | left Property | letterSpacing Property | lineHeight Property | listStyle Property | listStyleImage Property | listStylePosition Property | listStyleType Property | margin Property | marginBottom Property | marginLeft Property | marginRight Property | marginTop Property | overflow Property | padding Property | paddingBottom Property | paddingLeft Property | paddingRight Property | paddingTop Property | pageBreakAfter Property | pageBreakBefore Property | posHeight Property | position Property | posLeft Property | posTop Property | posWidth Property | styleFloat Property | textAlign Property | textDecoration Property | textDecorationBlink Property | textDecorationLineThrough Property | textDecorationNone Property | textDecorationOverline Property | textDecorationUnderline Property | textIndent Property | textTransform Property | top Property | verticalAlign Property | visibility Property | whiteSpace Property | width Property | wordSpacing Property | zIndex Property

Methods | getAttribute Method | removeAttribute Method | setAttribute Method | toString Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects