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Building your First Windows Phone 7 Application

Version: 1.2.0


This lab introduces you to the basic building blocks of any Windows Phone Silverlight application. During the course of this lab you will create a simple puzzle game. The lab takes you through the different stages of starting a new project, adding controls and code behind, and testing and debugging. Unlike the "Hello World" lab, this lab focuses on some phone-related topics like navigation, using pages, frames and navigation services, multi-touch, and isolated storage.


This hands-on lab introduces you to the tools and procedures required to build and test Silverlight for Windows Phone applications. It shows the fundamentals of developing Windows Phone applications by walking you through the development of a simple puzzle game and goes through the different stages of starting a new project, adding controls and code behind, and testing and debugging.

The lab covers several key features of the Windows Phone platform including navigation, multi-touch, and isolated storage.


The audience for this lab is developers who are less familiar with Microsoft tools, such as Visual Studio, and are relatively new to Silverlight. If you are comfortable with the Silverlight programming model and already work with Visual Studio and the Microsoft Expression suite, you may consider skipping this lab. On the other hand, if you are completely new to Silverlight, we highly recommend that you enrich your Silverlight skills by first reviewing some Silverlight labs that can be found at

In this hands-on lab, you will:

  • Become familiar with the Windows Phone Developer Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone and Windows Phone Emulator. These tools are all you need to create and test any managed Windows Phone application.
  • Learn the structure underlying a Silverlight for Windows Phone application and the differences between Silverlight and Silverlight for Windows Phone.
  • Write, test, deploy, and debug your Silverlight for Windows Phone application using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone and the Windows Phone Emulator.


The following are required to complete this hands-on lab:


This hands-on lab comprises of the following exercises:

  1. Creating Windows Phone Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone
  2. Creating the Puzzle Board in Visual Studio
  3. Persisting the State of the Game Using Isolated Storage

Estimated time to complete this lab: 60 minutes.