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showPermissionsDialog (client-side)

Use this routine to display the permissions dialog box.


function showPermissionsDialog(sEntityID,


  • sEntityID
    A string that specifies the ID of the entity for which the permissions dialog is displayed.
  • sElementID
    A string that specifies the ID of the element for which the permissions dialog is displayed.
  • sRightID
    A string that specifies the ID of the right for which the permissions dialog is displayed.
  • sEntityName
    A string that specifies the display name of the entity for which the permissions dialog is displayed.
  • sElementName
    A string that specifies the display name of the element for which the permissions dialog is displayed.
  • sRightName
    A string that specifies the display name of the right for which the permissions dialog is displayed.

Return Value

The string returned from the routine showModalDialog.


When changes are made in the Permissions dialog, they are automatically saved using WebDAV.

This routine is available in the include file ActionPageUtil.asp.

See Also

Client-Side Routines

ShowErrorDlg (client-side)

Server-Side Routines

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