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Client-Side Routines

The Commerce Server Business Desk Framework defines the following client-side routines for use by modules developers.

Routine Description
AddCDATANode Adds a CDATA type item node to the specified Extensible Markup Language (XML) document.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

AddClass Adds an additional customizable style sheet (CSS) class to an HTML element.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

AddItemNode Adds an item node to the specified XML document.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

BDHALsizeButtons Ensures that all button elements in the specified collection with the specified class name have the same width.

Defined in the file BDHALUtil.htm.

BDHALsizeSelects Ensures that all EditField elements of type 'select' in the specified collection with the specified class name have the same width.

Defined in the file BDHALUtil.htm.

bGetPubRequired Returns a Boolean that indicates whether data publication has been flagged as required.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

bHasClass Determines whether an HTML element has a specific CSS class associated with it.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

bIsDate Determines whether a string contains a valid date.

Defined in the file ClientDateUtil.asp.

ChangeControlStylesheet Resets style sheet for edit controls so that input can be in a different language than specified by the main style sheet.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ClearStatusText Clears the text in the status bar.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ClearTemp Removes a value from the Client State Dictionary.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

clickContextMenuItem Runs the routine specified by the onContextClick attribute for a clicked context menu item. This routine should be set as the value of the onClick attribute of the context menu element so it will act on all child menu items.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

closeContextMenu Hides the context menu and releases the mouse. Use this routine as the value of the onClose attribute for a context menu element.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

dClearServerState Clears the server-state Dictionary object stored in the Session object on the server.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

dDictFromXML Converts a standard XML document into a Dictionary object.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

dGetServerState Makes a client-side copy of the server-state Dictionary object stored in the Session object on the server.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

DisableTask Disables the specified task.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

DisableTaskMenuItem Disables the specified task menu item.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

dSetServerState Saves a client-side version of the server-state Dictionary object to the Session object on the server.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

dtGetDate Formats a date string into a date variant.

Defined in the file ClientDateUtil.asp.

elGetTaskBtn Returns the specified task button element.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

EnableAllTaskMenuItems Enables or disables all menu items for the specified task.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

EnableAllTasks Enables or disables all tasks.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

EnableTask Enables the specified task.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

EnableTaskMenuItem Enables the specified task menu item.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

execDefaultTask Serves as the handler for the ListSheet onDblClick event.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

execTaskFromContextMenu Serves as the handler for the ListSheet onContextClick event.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

GetTemp Returns a specific value from the Client State Dictionary.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

HideFindBy Hides the find pane.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

HideStatusAnimation Hides the status animation and text.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

HideStatusLegend Hides the status legend in the status bar.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

HideWaitDisplay Hides the wait display.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

nGetDay Returns the day from a date string, as a number.

Defined in the file ClientDateUtil.asp.

nGetMonth Returns the month from a date string, as a number.

Defined in the file ClientDateUtil.asp.

nGetYear Returns the year from a date string, as a number.

Defined in the file ClientDateUtil.asp.

OpenEditPage Opens a nested edit page.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

OpenHelp Opens the help window and displays the specified topic.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

RemoveClass Removes a specified CSS class from an HTML element.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ReplaceClass Replaces one CSS class with another within an HTML element.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ResetSaveBtns Enables or disables the save buttons (Save, SaveBack, and SaveNew) based on the dirty, valid, and required states.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetDirty Sets the dirty flag for the page and establishes a confirmation message.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetFindByHeight Sets the height of the find pane.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetPageTitleText Sets the page title.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetPubRequired Flags data publication as required so that a warning dialog displays.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetRequired Sets the required flag for the page and establishes a warning message. Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.
SetStatusText Displays a specified string in the status area.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetTaskTooltip Sets a tooltip string for the specified task.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetTemp Stores a value in the Client State Dictionary.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetValid Sets the valid flag for the page and establishes a warning message.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

SetWaitDisplayText Sets new text in the wait display.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

sFormatString Performs string formatting using a format string with variable insertion points, similar to the C++ printf function.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

sGetFormattedDate Returns a date string constructed from numbers representing day, month, and year.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

sGetScriptError Formats a script error into a string containing HTML table formatting directives.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

sGetXMLError Formats an XML error into a string containing HTML table formatting directives.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

showContextMenu Displays a right-click context menu under the current mouse position. This routine should be set as the value of the onContextMenu attribute for the element to which you want to attach a context menu.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ShowErrorDlg Displays a standard error dialog box.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ShowFindBy Shows the find pane.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

showPermissionsDialog Displays the permissions dialog box.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ShowWaitDisplay Shows the wait display.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ShowXMLNodeErrors Displays an error dialog box for each error node in the specified XML document.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

sMergeGroups2 Merges two single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single two-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as a string.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

sMergeGroups3 Merges three single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single three-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as a string.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

toggleContextMenuHighlight Toggles the highlight for a context menu item. Use this routine as the value of the onHighlight and onUnhighlight attributes of a context menu element.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ToggleFindBy Displays or hides the find pane to the opposite of its current display state.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

ToggleTask Toggles the enabled/disabled state of the specified task.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

xmlGetSiteTermsValue Displays a standard Site Terms Picker dialog box, allowing the user to choose one of several values for a given property.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

xmlGetXMLDOMDoc Returns an empty XML DOM Document.

Defined in HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

xmlMergeGroups2 Merges two single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single two-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as an XML document node.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

xmlMergeGroups3 Merges three single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single three-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as an XML document node.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

xmlMergeGroupsByID2 Merges two single-tiered XML data-islands in the standard XML data record format into a single two-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as an XML document node.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

xmlMergeGroupsByID3 Merges three single-tiered XML data-islands in the standard XML data record format into a single three-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as an XML document node.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

xmlPostFormViaXML Posts a form via XMLHTTP transfer and then returns the XML response from the action page.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

xmlXMLFromDict Converts a Dictionary object into a standard XML document.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

xmlXMLFromForm Converts the element values within a form element to a standard XML format.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm.

The following lists show client-side routines that are not intended to be called by module code, organized alphabetically and by the include file in which they appear.

  • ActionPageUtil.asp
    CloseMenu, DoTask, ExecuteTask, GotoAction, PosttoAction, RemoveSelection, SetEditMode, SetSelection, doc_onContextMenu, doc_onDragStart, doc_onKeyDown, doc_onSelectStart, InsertContextMenu, menu_onClick, menu_onKeyDown, menu_onMouseMove, menu_onMouseOver, oGetAdminEventLog, task_onKeyDown, task_onMouseDown, task_onMouseOut, task_onMouseOver, task_onMouseUp, taskWindow_onBeforeUnload, taskWindow_onClick, taskWindow_onLoad, winerr1_onLoad
  • ClientDateUtil.asp
  • dlg_confirm.asp
  • dlg_error.asp
    closeWindow, sFormatString, toggleDetails
  • dlg_warn.asp
  • HTTPXMLUtil.asp

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