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ChartFillFormat Object [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

Used only with charts. Represents fill formatting for chart elements.

Using the ChartFillFormat Object

Use the Fill property to return a ChartFillFormat object. The following example sets the foreground color, background color, and gradient for the chart area fill on chart one.

With Charts(1).ChartArea.Fill
    .Visible = True
    .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 15
    .BackColor.SchemeColor = 17
    .TwoColorGradient Style:=msoGradientHorizontal, Variant:=1
End With

Properties | Application Property | BackColor Property | Creator Property | ForeColor Property | GradientColorType Property | GradientDegree Property | GradientStyle Property | GradientVariant Property | Parent Property | Pattern Property | PresetGradientType Property | PresetTexture Property | TextureName Property | TextureType Property | Type Property | Visible Property

Methods | OneColorGradient Method | Patterned Method | PresetGradient Method | PresetTextured Method | Solid Method | TwoColorGradient Method | UserPicture Method | UserTextured Method

Parent Objects | AxisTitle Object | ChartArea Object | ChartTitle Object | DataLabel Object | DataLabels Collection | DisplayUnitLabel Object | DownBars Object | Floor Object | Legend Object | LegendKey Object | PlotArea Object | Point Object | Series Object | UpBars Object | Walls Object

Child Objects | ChartColorFormat Object