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IFPDocument Object

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Represents a Microsoft FrontPage document. The IFPDocument object includes properties and methods that return objects compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and later, but not with the Internet Explorer 5 Dynamic HTML object model. See also the FPHTMLDocument object and the IHTMLDocument object.

Using the IFPDocument object

Use the ActiveDocument property to return an IFPDocument object. The following example creates an IFPDocument object variable, assigns it to the active document, and then uses the isDirty property to see if the page has changed. If the page has changed, the example saves it.

Sub SaveChangedPage()
    Dim objDoc As IFPDocument
    On Error GoTo UnableToSavePage
    Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
    If objDoc.IsDirty = True Then ActivePageWindow.Save

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Unable to save the page.  " & _
        "If you haven't saved the page previously, " & _
        vbCrLf & "you need to save it first before " & _
        "you can use the Save method."
    GoTo ExitSub
End Sub

Use the DocumentHTML property to return a String that contains the entire HTML and text within the specified document. The following statement retrieves the HTML in the active document, replaces every occurrence of "red" with "green", and writes the changed HTML back to the document.

Sub ViewDocumentHTML()
    Dim objDoc As IFPDocument
    Dim strHTML As String
    Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
    strHTML = objDoc.DocumentHTML
    strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "red", "green")
    objDoc.DocumentHTML = strHTML
End Sub

Properties | behaviorElement Property | currentStyleState Property | DocumentHTML Property | dynamicTemplate Property | hasSharedBorders Property | htmlViewText Property | ignoreSharedBorders Property | isDirty Property | layoutTablesAndCells Property | mseMode Property | pageContentElement Property | templateRegions Property | ViewMode Property | web Property | webbots Property | webParts Property | webPartZones Property

Methods | addScript Method | applyDynamicTemplate Method | createStyleState Method | createUndoTransaction Method | Find Method | getScript Method | InsertInteractiveButton Method | optimizeHTML Method | parseCodeChanges Method | reapplyScript Method | removeScript Method | save Method | updateDynamicTemplate Method | writeFile Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects | IFPLayoutTablesAndCells Object | IFPStyleState Object | IHTMLElement Object | IHTMLElementCollection Object