IWebProjectManager.InstallPackage Method

Adds the specified package references to the project.

This type/member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Namespace:  System.Web.WebPages.Administration.PackageManager
Assembly:  System.Web.WebPages.Administration (in System.Web.WebPages.Administration.dll)


Function InstallPackage ( _
    package As IPackage, _
    appDomain As AppDomain _
) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Dim instance As IWebProjectManager 
Dim package As IPackage 
Dim appDomain As AppDomain 
Dim returnValue As IEnumerable(Of String)

returnValue = instance.InstallPackage(package, _
IEnumerable<string> InstallPackage(
    IPackage package,
    AppDomain appDomain
IEnumerable<String^>^ InstallPackage(
    IPackage^ package, 
    AppDomain^ appDomain
abstract InstallPackage : 
        package:IPackage * 
        appDomain:AppDomain -> IEnumerable<string> 
function InstallPackage(
    package : IPackage, 
    appDomain : AppDomain
) : IEnumerable<String>


  • package
    Type: IPackage
    The package to install.

Return Value

Type: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<String>
The action logs during the add operation.

See Also


IWebProjectManager Interface

System.Web.WebPages.Administration.PackageManager Namespace