BlobRequest.Get 方法 (Uri, Int32, 泛型 Nullable, Int64, Int64, String)

Constructs a web request to return a specified range of the blob's content, together with its properties and metadata.

命名空間: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol
組件: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient (在 microsoft.windowsazure.storageclient.dll 中)


Dim uri As Uri
Dim timeout As Integer
Dim snapshot As Nullable(Of DateTime)
Dim offset As Long
Dim count As Long
Dim leaseId As String
Dim returnValue As HttpWebRequest

returnValue = BlobRequest.Get(uri, timeout, snapshot, offset, count, leaseId)


Public Shared Function Get ( _
    uri As Uri, _
    timeout As Integer, _
    snapshot As Nullable(Of DateTime), _
    offset As Long, _
    count As Long, _
    leaseId As String _
) As HttpWebRequest
public static HttpWebRequest Get (
    Uri uri,
    int timeout,
    Nullable<DateTime> snapshot,
    long offset,
    long count,
    string leaseId
static HttpWebRequest^ Get (
    Uri^ uri, 
    int timeout, 
    Nullable<DateTime> snapshot, 
    long long offset, 
    long long count, 
    String^ leaseId
public static HttpWebRequest Get (
    Uri uri, 
    int timeout, 
    Nullable<DateTime> snapshot, 
    long offset, 
    long count, 
    String leaseId
public static function Get (
    uri : Uri, 
    timeout : int, 
    snapshot : Nullable<DateTime>, 
    offset : long, 
    count : long, 
    leaseId : String
) : HttpWebRequest


  • uri
    The absolute URI to the blob.
  • timeout
    The server timeout interval.
  • snapshot
    The snapshot version, if the blob is a snapshot.
  • offset
    The offset at which to begin returning content.
  • count
    The number of bytes to return.
  • leaseId
    The lease ID for the blob, if it has an active lease.


A web request to use to perform the operation.


任何這個類型的公用靜態 (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared) 成員都具備執行緒安全。 並非所有的執行個體成員都是安全執行緒。



Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003、Windows Server 2008 和 Windows 2000




BlobRequest 類別
BlobRequest 成員
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol 命名空間