

本文件說明如何建立以資料流程 (而不是控制流程) 為基礎的代理程式架構應用程式。

「控制流程」(Control Flow) 是指程式中作業執行的順序。 控制流程是透過條件陳述式、迴圈等控制結構來規範。 另一方面,「資料流程」(Dataflow) 是指只在所有必要資料皆可用的情況下執行計算的程式撰寫模型。 資料流程程式撰寫模型與訊息傳遞的概念有關,在此模型中,程式的獨立元件可藉由訊息傳送相互通訊。

非同步代理程式支援控制流程和資料流程程式撰寫模型。 雖然控制流程模型適合許多情況,但在某些情況下,資料流程模型更適用,例如當代理程式接收資料並根據該資料的裝載來執行動作時。





  • 建立基本的控制流程代理程式

  • 建立基本的資料流程代理程式

  • 建立訊息記錄代理程式


請考慮下列會定義 control_flow_agent 類別的範例。 control_flow_agent 類別作用於三個訊息緩衝區:一個輸入緩衝區和兩個輸出緩衝區。 run 方法會在迴圈中從來源訊息緩衝區讀取,並使用條件陳述式來導向程式執行流程。 如果是非零的負值,代理程式會遞增一個計數值,如果是非零的正值,則會遞增另一個計數器。 在代理程式收到零的 Sentinel 值之後,它會將計數器的值傳送至輸出訊息緩衝區。 negativespositives 方法可讓應用程式從代理程式讀取負值和正值的計數。

// A basic agent that uses control-flow to regulate the order of program  
// execution. This agent reads numbers from a message buffer and counts the  
// number of positive and negative values. 
class control_flow_agent : public agent
   explicit control_flow_agent(ISource<int>& source)
      : _source(source)

   // Retrieves the count of negative numbers that the agent received.
   size_t negatives() 
      return receive(_negatives);

   // Retrieves the count of positive numbers that the agent received.
   size_t positives()
      return receive(_positives);

   void run()
      // Counts the number of negative and positive values that 
      // the agent receives.
      size_t negative_count = 0;
      size_t positive_count = 0;

      // Read from the source buffer until we receive 
      // the sentinel value of 0. 
      int value = 0;      
      while ((value = receive(_source)) != 0)
         // Send negative values to the first target and 
         // non-negative values to the second target. 
         if (value < 0)

      // Write the counts to the message buffers.
      send(_negatives, negative_count);
      send(_positives, positive_count);

      // Set the agent to the completed state.
   // Source message buffer to read from.
   ISource<int>& _source;

   // Holds the number of negative and positive numbers that the agent receives.
   single_assignment<size_t> _negatives;
   single_assignment<size_t> _positives;

雖然這個範例在代理程式中使用控制流程的基本用法,但是它示範控制流程架構程式設計的序列本質。 每則訊息都必須循序處理,即使在輸入訊息緩衝區中有多個訊息也一樣。 資料流程模型可讓條件陳述式的分支同時評估。 資料流程模型也可讓您建立更複雜的訊息網路,在資料可用時作用於資料。



本節說明如何將 control_flow_agent 類別轉換為使用資料流程模型,執行相同的工作。

資料流程代理程式的運作方式是建立訊息緩衝區網路,每個訊息緩衝區都會做為特定用途。 某些訊息區塊使用篩選函式,根據訊息裝載來接受或拒絕訊息。 篩選函式可確保訊息區塊只接收特定值。


  1. control_flow_agent 類別的主體複製到另一個類別,例如 dataflow_agent。 或者,您可以重新命名 control_flow_agent 類別。

  2. run 方法中移除會呼叫 receive 的迴圈主體。

    void run()
       // Counts the number of negative and positive values that 
       // the agent receives.
       size_t negative_count = 0;
       size_t positive_count = 0;
       // Write the counts to the message buffers.
       send(_negatives, negative_count);
       send(_positives, positive_count);
       // Set the agent to the completed state.
  3. run 方法中,於變數 negative_countpositive_count 的初始化之後,加入 countdown_event 物件,追蹤使用中作業的計數。

    // Tracks the count of active operations.
    countdown_event active;
    // An event that is set by the sentinel. 
    event received_sentinel;

    本主題稍後會說明 countdown_event 類別。

  4. 建立會參與資料流程網路的訊息緩衝區物件。

    // Create the members of the dataflow network. 
    // Increments the active counter.
    transformer<int, int> increment_active(
       [&active](int value) -> int {
          return value;
    // Increments the count of negative values.
    call<int> negatives(
       [&](int value) {
          // Decrement the active counter.
       [](int value) -> bool {
          return value < 0;
    // Increments the count of positive values.
    call<int> positives(
       [&](int value) {
          // Decrement the active counter.
       [](int value) -> bool {
          return value > 0;
    // Receives only the sentinel value of 0.
    call<int> sentinel(
       [&](int value) {            
          // Decrement the active counter.
          // Set the sentinel event.
       [](int value) { 
          return value == 0; 
    // Connects the _source message buffer to the rest of the network.
    unbounded_buffer<int> connector;
  5. 連接訊息緩衝區以形成網路。

    // Connect the network. 
    // Connect the internal nodes of the network.
    // Connect the _source buffer to the internal network to  
    // begin data flow.
  6. 等候 eventcountdown event 物件設定。 這些事件表示代理程式已收到 Sentinel 值,而且所有作業都已完成。

    // Wait for the sentinel event and for all operations to finish.

下圖顯示 dataflow_agent 類別的完整資料流程網路:






concurrency::transformer 物件,會遞增使用中事件計數器,並將輸入值傳遞給網路的其餘部分。

negatives, positives

concurrency::call 物件,會遞增數字計數,並遞減使用中事件計數器。 每個這些物件都會使用篩選條件以接受負數或正數。


concurrency::call 物件,只會接受零的 Sentinel 值,並遞減使用中事件計數器。


concurrency::unbounded_buffer 物件,會將來源訊息緩衝區連接至內部網路。

因為 run 方法是在個別執行緒上呼叫的,所以其他執行緒可以在網路完全連接之前傳送訊息給網路。 _source 資料成員是 unbounded_buffer 物件,會緩衝從應用程式傳送至代理程式的所有輸入。 為了確定網路處理所有輸入訊息,代理程式會先連結網路的內部節點,然後將該網路前端 (connector) 連結至 _source 資料成員。 這會確保不會在網路形成過程中處理訊息。

因為在這個範例中網路是以資料流程 (而不是控制流程) 為基礎,網路必須向代理程式表示它已完成處理每個輸入值,以及 Sentinel 節點已收到其值。 這個範例使用 countdown_event 物件以表示所有輸入值都已處理,使用 concurrency::event 物件以表示 Sentinel 節點收到其值。 countdown_event 類別使用 event 物件,在計數器值達到零時發出訊號。 每次資料流程網路前端收到值時,它會遞增計數器。 網路的每個終端節點在處理輸入值之後,它會遞減計數器。 在代理程式形成資料流程網路之後,它會等候 Sentinel 節點設定 event 物件,以及等候 countdown_event 物件表示其計數器已達到零。

下列範例顯示 control_flow_agentdataflow_agentcountdown_event 類別。 wmain 函式會建立 control_flow_agentdataflow_agent 物件,並使用 send_values 函式將一系列的隨機值傳送給代理程式。

// dataflow-agent.cpp 
// compile with: /EHsc 
#include <windows.h>
#include <agents.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

using namespace concurrency;
using namespace std;

// A basic agent that uses control-flow to regulate the order of program  
// execution. This agent reads numbers from a message buffer and counts the  
// number of positive and negative values. 
class control_flow_agent : public agent
   explicit control_flow_agent(ISource<int>& source)
      : _source(source)

   // Retrieves the count of negative numbers that the agent received.
   size_t negatives() 
      return receive(_negatives);

   // Retrieves the count of positive numbers that the agent received.
   size_t positives()
      return receive(_positives);

   void run()
      // Counts the number of negative and positive values that 
      // the agent receives.
      size_t negative_count = 0;
      size_t positive_count = 0;

      // Read from the source buffer until we receive 
      // the sentinel value of 0. 
      int value = 0;      
      while ((value = receive(_source)) != 0)
         // Send negative values to the first target and 
         // non-negative values to the second target. 
         if (value < 0)

      // Write the counts to the message buffers.
      send(_negatives, negative_count);
      send(_positives, positive_count);

      // Set the agent to the completed state.
   // Source message buffer to read from.
   ISource<int>& _source;

   // Holds the number of negative and positive numbers that the agent receives.
   single_assignment<size_t> _negatives;
   single_assignment<size_t> _positives;

// A synchronization primitive that is signaled when its  
// count reaches zero. 
class countdown_event
   countdown_event(unsigned int count = 0L)
      : _current(static_cast<long>(count)) 
      // Set the event if the initial count is zero. 
      if (_current == 0L)

   // Decrements the event counter. 
   void signal() {
      if(InterlockedDecrement(&_current) == 0L) {

   // Increments the event counter. 
   void add_count() {
      if(InterlockedIncrement(&_current) == 1L) {

   // Blocks the current context until the event is set. 
   void wait() {

   // The current count. 
   volatile long _current;
   // The event that is set when the counter reaches zero. 
   event _event;

   // Disable copy constructor.
   countdown_event(const countdown_event&);
   // Disable assignment.
   countdown_event const & operator=(countdown_event const&);

// A basic agent that resembles control_flow_agent, but uses uses dataflow to  
// perform computations when data becomes available. 
class dataflow_agent : public agent
   dataflow_agent(ISource<int>& source)
      : _source(source)

   // Retrieves the count of negative numbers that the agent received.
   size_t negatives() 
      return receive(_negatives);

   // Retrieves the count of positive numbers that the agent received.
   size_t positives()
      return receive(_positives);

   void run()
      // Counts the number of negative and positive values that 
      // the agent receives.
      size_t negative_count = 0;
      size_t positive_count = 0;

      // Tracks the count of active operations.
      countdown_event active;
      // An event that is set by the sentinel. 
      event received_sentinel;

      // Create the members of the dataflow network. 

      // Increments the active counter.
      transformer<int, int> increment_active(
         [&active](int value) -> int {
            return value;

      // Increments the count of negative values.
      call<int> negatives(
         [&](int value) {
            // Decrement the active counter.
         [](int value) -> bool {
            return value < 0;

      // Increments the count of positive values.
      call<int> positives(
         [&](int value) {
            // Decrement the active counter.
         [](int value) -> bool {
            return value > 0;

      // Receives only the sentinel value of 0.
      call<int> sentinel(
         [&](int value) {            
            // Decrement the active counter.
            // Set the sentinel event.
         [](int value) { 
            return value == 0; 

      // Connects the _source message buffer to the rest of the network.
      unbounded_buffer<int> connector;

      // Connect the network. 

      // Connect the internal nodes of the network.

      // Connect the _source buffer to the internal network to  
      // begin data flow.

      // Wait for the sentinel event and for all operations to finish.

      // Write the counts to the message buffers.
      send(_negatives, negative_count);
      send(_positives, positive_count);

      // Set the agent to the completed state.

   // Source message buffer to read from.
   ISource<int>& _source;

   // Holds the number of negative and positive numbers that the agent receives.
   single_assignment<size_t> _negatives;
   single_assignment<size_t> _positives;

// Sends a number of random values to the provided message buffer. 
void send_values(ITarget<int>& source, int sentinel, size_t count)
   // Send a series of random numbers to the source buffer.
   mt19937 rnd(42);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
      // Generate a random number that is not equal to the sentinel value. 
      int n;
      while ((n = rnd()) == sentinel);

      send(source, n);      
   // Send the sentinel value.
   send(source, sentinel);   

int wmain()
   // Signals to the agent that there are no more values to process. 
   const int sentinel = 0;
   // The number of samples to send to each agent. 
   const size_t count = 1000000;

   // The source buffer that the application writes numbers to and  
   // the agents read numbers from.
   unbounded_buffer<int> source;

   // Use a control-flow agent to process a series of random numbers. 
   wcout << L"Control-flow agent:" << endl;

   // Create and start the agent.
   control_flow_agent cf_agent(source);

   // Send values to the agent.
   send_values(source, sentinel, count);

   // Wait for the agent to finish.

   // Print the count of negative and positive numbers.
   wcout << L"There are " << cf_agent.negatives() 
         << L" negative numbers."<< endl;
   wcout << L"There are " << cf_agent.positives() 
         << L" positive numbers."<< endl;  

   // Perform the same task, but this time with a dataflow agent. 
   wcout << L"Dataflow agent:" << endl;

   // Create and start the agent.
   dataflow_agent df_agent(source);

   // Send values to the agent.
   send_values(source, sentinel, count);

   // Wait for the agent to finish.

   // Print the count of negative and positive numbers.
   wcout << L"There are " << df_agent.negatives() 
         << L" negative numbers."<< endl;
   wcout << L"There are " << df_agent.positives() 
         << L" positive numbers."<< endl;

這個範例 (Example) 會產生下列範例 (Sample) 輸出:



請複製範例程式碼,並將它貼在 Visual Studio 專案中,或貼在名為 dataflow-agent.cpp 的檔案中,然後在 Visual Studio 的 [命令提示字元] 視窗中執行下列命令。

cl.exe /EHsc dataflow-agent.cpp



下列範例顯示 log_agent 類別,這個類別與 dataflow_agent 類別類似。 log_agent 類別實作非同步記錄代理程式,會將記錄訊息寫入檔案和主控台。 log_agent 類別可讓應用程式將訊息分類為資訊、警告或錯誤。 它也會讓應用程式指定每個記錄分類要寫入檔案、主控台或兩者。 這個範例會將所有記錄訊息寫入檔案,而且只將錯誤訊息寫入主控台。

// log-filter.cpp 
// compile with: /EHsc 
#include <windows.h>
#include <agents.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

using namespace concurrency;
using namespace std;

// A synchronization primitive that is signaled when its  
// count reaches zero. 
class countdown_event
    countdown_event(unsigned int count = 0L)
        : _current(static_cast<long>(count)) 
        // Set the event if the initial count is zero. 
        if (_current == 0L)

    // Decrements the event counter. 
    void signal()
        if(InterlockedDecrement(&_current) == 0L)

    // Increments the event counter. 
    void add_count()
        if(InterlockedIncrement(&_current) == 1L)

    // Blocks the current context until the event is set. 
    void wait()

    // The current count. 
    volatile long _current;
    // The event that is set when the counter reaches zero. 
    event _event;

    // Disable copy constructor.
    countdown_event(const countdown_event&);
    // Disable assignment.
    countdown_event const & operator=(countdown_event const&);

// Defines message types for the logger. 
enum log_message_type
    log_info    = 0x1,
    log_warning = 0x2,
    log_error   = 0x4,

// An asynchronous logging agent that writes log messages to  
// file and to the console. 
class log_agent : public agent
    // Holds a message string and its logging type. 
    struct log_message
        wstring message;
        log_message_type type;

    log_agent(const wstring& file_path, log_message_type file_messages, log_message_type console_messages)
        : _file(file_path)
        , _file_messages(file_messages)
        , _console_messages(console_messages)
        , _active(0)
        if (_file.bad())
            throw invalid_argument("Unable to open log file.");

    // Writes the provided message to the log. 
    void log(const wstring& message, log_message_type type)
        // Increment the active message count.

        // Send the message to the network.
        log_message msg = { message, type };
        send(_log_buffer, msg);

    void close()
        // Signal that the agent is now closed.


    void run()
        // Create the dataflow network. 

        // Writes a log message to file.
        call<log_message> writer([this](log_message msg)
            if ((msg.type & _file_messages) != 0)
                // Write the message to the file.
                write_to_stream(msg, _file);
            if ((msg.type & _console_messages) != 0)
                // Write the message to the console.
                write_to_stream(msg, wcout);
            // Decrement the active counter.

        // Connect _log_buffer to the internal network to begin data flow.

        // Wait for the closed event to be signaled.

        // Wait for all messages to be processed.

        // Close the log file and flush the console.

        // Set the agent to the completed state.

    // Writes a logging message to the specified output stream. 
    void write_to_stream(const log_message& msg, wostream& stream)
        // Write the message to the stream.
        wstringstream ss;

        switch (msg.type)
        case log_info:
            ss << L"info: ";
        case log_warning:
            ss << L"warning: ";
        case log_error:
            ss << L"error: ";

        ss << msg.message << endl;
        stream << ss.str();

    // The file stream to write messages to.
    wofstream _file;

    // The log message types that are written to file.
    log_message_type _file_messages;

    // The log message types that are written to the console.
    log_message_type _console_messages;

    // The head of the network. Propagates logging messages 
    // to the rest of the network.
    unbounded_buffer<log_message> _log_buffer;

    // Counts the number of active messages in the network.
    countdown_event _active;

    // Signals that the agent has been closed. 
    event _closed;

int wmain()
    // Union of all log message types.
    log_message_type log_all = log_message_type(log_info | log_warning  | log_error);

    // Create a logging agent that writes all log messages to file and error  
    // messages to the console.
    log_agent logger(L"log.txt", log_all, log_error);

    // Start the agent.

    // Log a few messages.

    logger.log(L"===Logging started.===", log_info);

    logger.log(L"This is a sample warning message.", log_warning);
    logger.log(L"This is a sample error message.", log_error);

    logger.log(L"===Logging finished.===", log_info);

    // Close the logger and wait for the agent to finish.



這個範例也會產生 log.txt 檔案,包含下列文字。



請複製範例程式碼,並將它貼在 Visual Studio 專案中,或貼在名為 log-filter.cpp 的檔案中,然後在 Visual Studio 的 [命令提示字元] 視窗中執行下列命令。

cl.exe /EHsc log-filter.cpp



