

As of ATL 7.0, CComModule is obsolete: see ATL Module Classes for more details.


      ATL_DEPRECATED HRESULT UpdateRegistryClass(
   const CLSID& clsid,
   LPCTSTR lpszProgID,
   LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID,
   UINT nDescID,
   DWORD dwFlags,
   BOOL bRegister 
   const CLSID& clsid,
   LPCTSTR lpszProgID,
   LPCTSTR lpszVerIndProgID,
   LPCTSTR szDesc,
   DWORD dwFlags,
   BOOL bRegister 


  • clsid
    The CLSID of the object to be registered or unregistered.

  • lpszProgID
    The ProgID associated with the object.

  • lpszVerIndProgID
    The version-independent ProgID associated with the object.

  • nDescID
    The identifier of the string resource for the object's description.

  • szDesc
    A string containing the object's description.

  • dwFlags
    Specifies the threading model to enter in the registry. Possible values are THREADFLAGS_APARTMENT, THREADFLAGS_BOTH, or AUTPRXFLAG.

  • bRegister
    Indicates whether the object should be registered.

Return Value

A standard HRESULT value.


If bRegister is TRUE, this method enters the object's standard class registration in the system registry.

If bRegister is FALSE, it removes the object's registration.

Depending on the value of bRegister, UpdateRegistryClass calls either RegisterClassHelper or UnregisterClassHelper.

By specifying the DECLARE_REGISTRY macro, UpdateRegistryClass will be invoked automatically when your object map is processed.


Header: atlbase.h

See Also

CComModule Class