ScopeFolder.Path 属性 (Office)

获取一个 String 类型的值,该值指示 ScopeFolder 对象的完整路径。 此为只读属性。



表达 一个代表 ScopeFolder 对象的变量。


以下示例显示“我的计算机”中每个目录的根路径。 为了检索此信息,该示例首先获取“我的计算机”根目录中的 ScopeFolder 对象。 此 ScopeFolder 的路径将始终为“*”。 与所有 ScopeFolder 对象一样,根对象包含 ScopeFolders 集合。 此示例循环访问此 ScopeFolders 集合,并显示其中每个 ScopeFolder 对象的路径。 这些 ScopeFolder 对象的路径将为 A:\C:\等。

Sub DisplayRootScopeFolders() 
 'Declare variables that reference a 
 'SearchScope and a ScopeFolder object. 
 Dim ss As SearchScope 
 Dim sf As ScopeFolder 
 'Loop through the SearchScopes collection 
 'and display all of the root ScopeFolders collections in 
 'the My Computer scope. 
 For Each ss In SearchScopes 
 Select Case ss.Type 
 Case msoSearchInMyComputer 
 'Loop through each ScopeFolder collections in 
 'the ScopeFolders collection of the 
 'SearchScope object and display the path. 
 For Each sf In ss.ScopeFolder.ScopeFolders 
 MsgBox "Path: " & sf.Path 
 Next sf 
 Case Else 
 End Select 
 Next ss 
End Sub



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