
使用 Rows 属性或 Columns 属性来处理整行或整列。 这些属性返回一个 Range 对象,该对象代表单元格区域。 在以下示例中, Rows(1) 返回 Sheet1 上的第一行。 然后,该区域的 Font 对象的 Bold 属性设置为 True

Sub RowBold() 
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(1).Font.Bold = True 
End Sub

下表举例说明了使用 RowsColumns 属性的一些行和列的引用。

Reference 含义
Rows(1) 第一行
Rows 工作表上所有的行
Columns(1) 第一列
Columns("A") 第一列
Columns 工作表上所有的列

若要同时处理若干行或列,请创建一个对象变量并使用 Union 方法,将对 Rows 属性或 Columns 属性的多个调用组合起来。 下例将活动工作簿中第一张工作表上的第一行、第三行和第五行的字体设置为加粗。

Sub SeveralRows() 
    Dim myUnion As Range 
    Set myUnion = Union(Rows(1), Rows(3), Rows(5)) 
    myUnion.Font.Bold = True 
End Sub

提供的示例代码: Dennis Wallentin、 VSTO & .NET & Excel 本示例删除所选区域中的空行。

Sub Delete_Empty_Rows()
    'The range from which to delete the rows.
    Dim rnSelection As Range
    'Row and count variables used in the deletion process.
    Dim lnLastRow As Long
    Dim lnRowCount As Long
    Dim lnDeletedRows As Long
    'Initialize the number of deleted rows.
    lnDeletedRows = 0
    'Confirm that a range is selected, and that the range is contiguous.
    If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
        If Selection.Areas.Count = 1 Then
            'Initialize the range to what the user has selected, and initialize the count for the upcoming FOR loop.
            Set rnSelection = Application.Selection
            lnLastRow = rnSelection.Rows.Count
            'Start at the bottom row and work up: if the row is empty then
            'delete the row and increment the deleted row count.
            For lnRowCount = lnLastRow To 1 Step -1
                If Application.CountA(rnSelection.Rows(lnRowCount)) = 0 Then
                    lnDeletedRows = lnDeletedRows + 1
                End If
            Next lnRowCount
            rnSelection.Resize(lnLastRow - lnDeletedRows).Select
            MsgBox "Please select only one area.", vbInformation
         End If
        MsgBox "Please select a range.", vbInformation
    End If
    'Turn screen updating back on.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


Sub Delete_Empty_Columns()
    'The range from which to delete the columns.
    Dim rnSelection As Range
    'Column and count variables used in the deletion process.
    Dim lnLastColumn As Long
    Dim lnColumnCount As Long
    Dim lnDeletedColumns As Long
    lnDeletedColumns = 0
    'Confirm that a range is selected, and that the range is contiguous.
    If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
        If Selection.Areas.Count = 1 Then
            'Initialize the range to what the user has selected, and initialize the count for the upcoming FOR loop.
            Set rnSelection = Application.Selection
            lnLastColumn = rnSelection.Columns.Count
            'Start at the far-right column and work left: if the column is empty then
            'delete the column and increment the deleted column count.
            For lnColumnCount = lnLastColumn To 1 Step -1
                If Application.CountA(rnSelection.Columns(lnColumnCount)) = 0 Then
                    lnDeletedColumns = lnDeletedColumns + 1
                End If
            Next lnColumnCount
            rnSelection.Resize(lnLastColumn - lnDeletedColumns).Select
            MsgBox "Please select only one area.", vbInformation
        End If
        MsgBox "Please select a range.", vbInformation
    End If
    'Turn screen updating back on.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


Dennis Wallentin 是 VSTO & .NET & Excel 的作者,该博客专注于适用于 Excel 和 Excel Services 的 .NET Framework 解决方案。 Dennis 已经从事 Excel 解决方案开发超过 20 年,同时也是“专业 Excel 开发:使用 Microsoft Excel、VBA 和 .NET 开发应用程序的权威指南(第 2 版)”的合著者。


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