将数据、架构和相关表导出为 XML

ExportXML 方法可用于导出表中包含的数据和格式设置,以及指定的任何其他数据。

若要指定要导出的其他数据,必须使用 CreateAdditionalData 方法创建 AdditionalData 对象。 然后,使用 Add 方法添加要随主表一起导出的其他表。

以下过程说明如何在将表导出为 XML 时包括其他数据。 “订单”表随若干其他表一起导出。 架构和格式也分别导出为单独的 .xsd 和 .xsl 文件。

Private Sub ExportRelTables() 
   ' Purpose: Exports the Orders table as well as  
   ' a number of related databases to an XML file. 
   ' XSD and XSL files are also created. 
   Dim objAD As AdditionalData 
   ' Create the AdditionalData object. 
   Set objAD = Application.CreateAdditionalData 
   ' Add the related tables to the object. 
   With objAD 
      .Add "Order Details" 
      objAD(Item:="Order Details").Add "Order Details Details" 
      .Add "Customers" 
      .Add "Shippers" 
      .Add "Employees" 
      .Add "Products" 
      objAD(Item:="Products").Add "Product Details" 
      objAD(Item:="Products")(Item:="Product Details").Add _ 
         "Product Details Details" 
      .Add "Suppliers" 
      .Add "Categories" 
   End With 
   ' Export the Orders table along with the additional data. 
   Application.ExportXml acExportTable, "Orders", _ 
       "C:\Orders.xml", "C:\OrdersSchema.xsd", _ 
       "C:\OrdersStyle.xsl", AdditionalData:= objAD 
End Sub


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