
使用列表框或组合框输入选择条件时,您可能希望能够指定所有记录。 AddAllToList 过程说明了如何在组合框顶部添加 (All) 项。

要使用 AddAllToList 过程,必须将组合框或列表框的 RowSourceType 属性设置为 AddAllToList

可以通过设置组合框或列表框的 Tag 属性来指定要添加到列表中的 (All) 以外的项。 例如,可以通过将 Tag 属性的值设置为 来1;<None>添加到<None>列表的顶部。

Function AddAllToList(ctl As Control, lngID As Long, lngRow As Long, _ 
lngCol As Long, intCode As Integer) As Variant 
Static dbs As Database, rst As Recordset 
Static lngDisplayID As Long 
Static intDisplayCol As Integer 
Static strDisplayText As String 
Dim intSemiColon As Integer 
On Error GoTo Err_AddAllToList 
Select Case intCode 
Case acLBInitialize 
' See if function is already in use. 
If lngDisplayID <> 0 Then 
MsgBox "AddAllToList is already in use by another control!" 
AddAllToList = False 
Exit Function 
End If 
' Parse the display column and display text from Tag property. 
intDisplayCol = 1 
strDisplayText = "(All)" 
If ctl.Tag <> "" Then 
intSemiColon = InStr(ctl.Tag, ";") 
If intSemiColon = 0 Then 
intDisplayCol = Val(ctl.Tag) 
intDisplayCol = Val(Left(ctl.Tag, intSemiColon - 1)) 
strDisplayText = Mid(ctl.Tag, intSemiColon + 1) 
End If 
End If 
' Open the recordset defined in the RowSource property. 
Set dbs = CurrentDb 
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(ctl.RowSource, dbOpenSnapshot) 
' Record and return the lngID for this function. 
lngDisplayID = Timer 
AddAllToList = lngDisplayID 
Case acLBOpen 
AddAllToList = lngDisplayID 
Case acLBGetRowCount 
' Return number of rows in recordset. 
On Error Resume Next 
AddAllToList = rst.RecordCount + 1 
Case acLBGetColumnCount 
' Return number of fields (columns) in recordset. 
AddAllToList = rst.Fields.Count 
Case acLBGetColumnWidth 
AddAllToList = -1 
Case acLBGetValue 
If lngRow = 0 Then 
If lngCol = intDisplayCol - 1 Then 
AddAllToList = strDisplayText 
AddAllToList = Null 
End If 
rst.Move lngRow - 1 
AddAllToList = rst(lngCol) 
End If 
Case acLBEnd 
lngDisplayID = 0 
End Select 
Exit Function 
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "AddAllToList" 
AddAllToList = False 
Resume Bye_AddAllToList 
End Function


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