
The !exchain extension displays the current exception handler chain.

!exchain [Options]


Options One of the following values:

Displays information that is relevant for debugging a C++ try/catch exception, if such an exception is detected.

Displays information that is relevant for debugging a C++ try/catch exception, even when such an exception has not been detected.

Displays information that is obtained by walking the CRT function tables, even if a CRT exception handler was not detected.



The !exchain extension is available only for an x86-based target computer.


The !exchain extension displays the list of exception handlers for the current thread.

The list begins with the first handler on the chain (the one that is given the first opportunity to handle an exception) and continues on to the end. The following example shows this extension.

0:000> !exchain
0012fea8: Prymes!_except_handler3+0 (00407604)
  CRT scope  0, filter: Prymes!dzExcepError+e6 (00401576)
                func:   Prymes!dzExcepError+ec (0040157c)
0012ffb0: Prymes!_except_handler3+0 (00407604)
  CRT scope  0, filter: Prymes!mainCRTStartup+f8 (004021b8)
                func:   Prymes!mainCRTStartup+113 (004021d3)
0012ffe0: KERNEL32!GetThreadContext+1c (77ea1856)