DeviceStatus Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The DeviceStatus type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage Returns the memory usage of the current application in bytes.
ApplicationMemoryUsageLimit Returns the maximum amount of memory that your application process can allocate in bytes.
ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage Returns the peak memory usage of the current application in bytes.
DeviceFirmwareVersion Returns the firmware version running on the device.
DeviceHardwareVersion Returns the hardware version running on the device.
DeviceManufacturer Returns the device manufacturer name.
DeviceName Returns the device name.
DeviceTotalMemory Returns the physical RAM size of the device in bytes.
IsKeyboardDeployed Indicates whether the user has deployed the physical hardware keyboard of the device.
IsKeyboardPresent Indicates whether the device contains a physical hardware keyboard.
PowerSource Indicates whether the device is currently running on battery power or is plugged in to an external power supply.


See Also


DeviceStatus Class

Microsoft.Phone.Info Namespace