在 SharePoint 中使用 .NET 客户端对象模型创建和删除帖子并检索社交源

了解如何使用 SharePoint .NET 客户端对象模型创建和删除微博帖子及检索好友动态订阅源。

什么是 SharePoint 中的社交源?

在 SharePoint 中,社交源是一组表示对话、各篇微博帖子或通知的线程。 线程包含根帖子和一组回复帖子,表示对话、各篇微博帖子或通知。 在 .NET 客户端对象模型中,源由 SocialFeed 对象表示,线程由 SocialThread 对象表示,帖子和答复由 SocialPost 对象表示。 若要在 .NET 客户端对象模型中执行与源相关的核心任务,请使用 SocialFeedManager 对象。 本文将介绍如何创建控制台应用,以便使用 .NET 客户端对象模型处理社交源。

有关使用 SocialFeedManager 的详细信息或有关使用其他 API 处理社交源的信息,请参阅 在 SharePoint 中使用社交源

设置开发环境以使用 SharePoint .NET 客户端对象模型来处理好友动态订阅源的先决条件

若要创建使用 .NET 客户端对象模型处理社交源的控制台应用,需要满足以下条件:

  • SharePoint 配置有“我的网站”,并为当前用户和目标用户创建了个人网站,同时当前用户关注目标用户,且目标用户撰写了几篇帖子

  • Visual Studio 2012

  • 对登录用户的 User Profile Service 应用的完全控制访问权限


如果未在运行 SharePoint 的计算机上进行开发,请获取包含 SharePoint 客户端 程序集的 SharePoint 客户端组件下载。

创建使用 SharePoint .NET 客户端对象模型处理社交源的控制台应用

  1. 打开 Visual Studio,依次选择"文件"、"新建"、"项目"。

  2. 在"新建项目"对话框中,从对话框顶部的下拉列表中选择".NET Framework 4.5"。

  3. 在"模板"列表中,选择"Windows",然后选择"控制台应用程序"模板。

  4. 将项目命名为 SocialFeedCSOM,然后选择"确定"按钮。

  5. 将引用添加到以下程序集:

    • Microsoft.SharePoint.Client
    • Microsoft.SharePoint.ClientRuntime
    • Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles
  6. Program 类的内容替换为以下其中一个方案的代码示例:

  7. 若要测试控制台应用程序,请在菜单栏上,依次选择"调试"和"开始调试"。

代码示例:使用 SharePoint .NET 客户端对象模型发布文章和回复到好友动态

下面的代码示例发布当前用户的帖子和回复。 它演示了如何:

  • 定义文章内容。 此示例包括了该文章中的一个链接。

  • 使用 CreatePost 方法并将 null 作为 targetId 参数传递,将帖子发布到当前用户的源。

  • 使用 GetFeed 方法获取当前用户的新闻源类型

  • 遍历此源,查找可以回复的所有线程,并获取线程和帖子的相关信息。

  • 通过使用 CreatePost 方法并将线程标识符作为 targetId 参数传递来回复帖子。


运行代码前,请先更改 serverUrl 变量的占位符值。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Social;

namespace SocialFeedCSOM
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Replace the following placeholder value with the target server URL.
            const string serverUrl = "http://serverName/";

            Console.Write("Type your post text:  ");

            // Create a link to include in the post.
            SocialDataItem linkDataItem = new SocialDataItem();
            linkDataItem.ItemType = SocialDataItemType.Link;
            linkDataItem.Text = "link";
            linkDataItem.Uri = "http://bing.com";

            // Define properties for the post.
            SocialPostCreationData postCreationData = new SocialPostCreationData();
            postCreationData.ContentText = Console.ReadLine() + " Plus a {0}.";
            postCreationData.ContentItems = new SocialDataItem[1] { linkDataItem };

            // Get the client context.
            ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(serverUrl);

            // Get the SocialFeedManager instance.
            SocialFeedManager feedManager = new SocialFeedManager(clientContext);

            // Publish the post. This is a root post, so specify null for the
            // targetId parameter. 
            feedManager.CreatePost(null, postCreationData); 

            Console.WriteLine("\\nCurrent user's newsfeed:");

            // Set parameters for the feed content that you want to retrieve.
            SocialFeedOptions feedOptions = new SocialFeedOptions();

            // Get the target owner's feed and then run the request on the server.
            ClientResult<SocialFeed> feed = feedManager.GetFeed(SocialFeedType.News, feedOptions);

            // Create a dictionary to store the Id property of each thread. This 
            // code example stores the Id so you can select a thread to reply to.
            Dictionary<int, string> idDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            // Iterate through each thread in the feed.
            for (int i = 0; i < feed.Value.Threads.Length; i++)
                SocialThread thread = feed.Value.Threads[i];

                // Keep only the threads that can be replied to.
                if (thread.Attributes.HasFlag(SocialThreadAttributes.CanReply))
                    idDictionary.Add(i, thread.Id);

                    // Get properties from the root post and thread.
                    // If a thread contains more than two replies, the server returns
                    // a thread digest that contains only the two most recent replies.
                    // To get all replies, call SocialFeedManager.GetFullThread.
                    SocialPost rootPost = thread.RootPost;
                    SocialActor author = thread.Actors[rootPost.AuthorIndex];
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}. {1} said \\"{2}\\" ({3} replies)",
                        (i + 1), author.Name, rootPost.Text, thread.TotalReplyCount));
            Console.Write("\\nWhich thread number do you want to reply to?  ");

            string threadToReplyTo = "";
            int threadNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
            idDictionary.TryGetValue(threadNumber, out threadToReplyTo);

            Console.Write("Type your reply:  ");

            // Define properties for the reply. This example reuses the 
            // SocialPostCreationData object that was used to create a post.
            postCreationData.ContentText = Console.ReadLine();

            // Publish the reply and make the changes on the server.
            ClientResult<SocialThread> result = feedManager.CreatePost(threadToReplyTo, postCreationData);

            Console.WriteLine("\\nThe reply was published. The thread now has {0} replies.", result.Value.TotalReplyCount);

代码示例:使用 SharePoint .NET 客户端对象模型检索社交源

以下代码示例检索了当前用户和目标用户的动态。 它演示了如何:

  • 使用 GetFeed 方法获取当前用户的 PersonalNewsTimeline源类型

  • 使用 GetFeedFor 方法获取目标用户的个人源类型

  • 循环访问动态以查找所有非引用线索并获取有关线索和文章的信息。 引用线索表示包含有关另一个线索的信息的通知。 例如,如果用户在帖子中提到某人,则服务器将生成包含指向原帖和帖子其他元数据的链接的 MentionReference 类型的线索。

有关订阅源类型的详细信息,请参阅订阅源类型概览。 有关引用线程的详细信息,请参阅 引用 SharePoint 社交源中的线程和摘要线程


运行代码前,请先更改 serverUrltargetUser 变量的占位符值。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Social;

namespace SocialFeedCSOM
    class Program
        static string owner;
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Replace the following placeholder values with the target
            // server URL and target thread owner.
            const string serverUrl = "http://serverName/";
            const string targetUser = "domainName\\\\userName";

            // Get the client context.
            ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(serverUrl);

            // Get the SocialFeedManager instance. 
            // Load the instance to get the Owner property.
            SocialFeedManager feedManager = new SocialFeedManager(clientContext);
            clientContext.Load(feedManager, f => f.Owner);

            // Set parameters for the feed content that you want to retrieve.
            SocialFeedOptions feedOptions = new SocialFeedOptions();
            feedOptions.MaxThreadCount = 10; // default is 20

            // Get all feed types for current user and get the Personal feed
            // for the target user.
            ClientResult<SocialFeed> personalFeed = feedManager.GetFeed(SocialFeedType.Personal, feedOptions);
            ClientResult<SocialFeed> newsFeed = feedManager.GetFeed(SocialFeedType.News, feedOptions);
            ClientResult<SocialFeed> targetUserFeed = feedManager.GetFeedFor(targetUser, feedOptions);

            // Change the sort order to optimize the Timeline feed results.
            feedOptions.SortOrder = SocialFeedSortOrder.ByCreatedTime;
            ClientResult<SocialFeed> timelineFeed = feedManager.GetFeed(SocialFeedType.Timeline, feedOptions);

            // Run the request on the server.

            // Get the name of the current user within this instance.
            owner = feedManager.Owner.Name;

            // Iterate through the feeds and write the content.
            IterateThroughFeed(personalFeed.Value, SocialFeedType.Personal, true);
            IterateThroughFeed(newsFeed.Value, SocialFeedType.News, true);
            IterateThroughFeed(timelineFeed.Value, SocialFeedType.Timeline, true);
            IterateThroughFeed(targetUserFeed.Value, SocialFeedType.Personal, false);


        // Iterate through the feed and write to the console window.
        static void IterateThroughFeed(SocialFeed feed, SocialFeedType feedType, bool isCurrentUserOwner)
            SocialThread[] threads = feed.Threads;

            // If this is the target user's feed, get the user's name.
            // A user is the owner of all threads in his or her Personal feed.
            if (!isCurrentUserOwner)
                SocialThread firstThread = threads[0];
                owner = firstThread.Actors[firstThread.OwnerIndex].Name;
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\\n{0} feed type for {1}:", feedType.ToString(), owner));

            // Iterate through each thread in the feed.
            foreach (SocialThread thread in threads)

                // Ignore reference thread types.
                if (thread.ThreadType == SocialThreadType.Normal)

                    // Get properties from the root post and thread. 
                    // If a thread contains more than two replies, the server returns
                    // a thread digest that contains only the two most recent replies.
                    // To get all replies, call SocialFeedManager.GetFullThread.
                    SocialPost rootPost = thread.RootPost;
                    SocialActor author = thread.Actors[rootPost.AuthorIndex];
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("  - {0} posted \\"{1}\\" on {2}. This thread has {3} replies.",
                        author.Name, rootPost.Text, rootPost.CreatedTime.ToShortDateString(), thread.TotalReplyCount));

代码示例:使用 SharePoint .NET 客户端对象模型从社交源中删除帖子和回复

下面的代码示例删除当前用户个人订阅源中的帖子或回复。 它显示如何:

  • 使用 GetFeed 方法获取当前用户的个人源类型

  • 遍历此源中的线程,获取根帖子和回复的相关信息。

  • 使用 DeletePost 方法删除根帖子、回复或线程 (删除根帖子会删除整个线程) 。


运行代码前,请先更改 serverUrl 变量的占位符值。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Social;

namespace SocialFeedCSOM
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Replace the following placeholder value with the target SharePoint server.
            const string serverUrl = "http://serverName/";

            // Get the client context.
            ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(serverUrl);

            // Get the SocialFeedManager instance.
            SocialFeedManager feedManager = new SocialFeedManager(clientContext);

            Console.WriteLine("\\nCurrent user's personal feed:");

            // Set the parameters for the feed content that you want to retrieve.
            SocialFeedOptions feedOptions = new SocialFeedOptions();

            // Get the target owner's feed (posts and activities) and
            // then run the request on the server.
            ClientResult<SocialFeed> feed = feedManager.GetFeed(SocialFeedType.Personal, feedOptions);

            // Create a dictionary to store the Id property of each post and
            // reply. This code example stores the Id so you can select a post
            // or a reply to delete.
            Dictionary<int, string> idDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            // Iterate through each thread in the feed.
            for (int i = 0; i < feed.Value.Threads.Length; i++)
                SocialThread thread = feed.Value.Threads[i];
                SocialPost rootPost = thread.RootPost;

                // Only keep posts that can be deleted.
                if (rootPost.Attributes.HasFlag(SocialPostAttributes.CanDelete)) 
                    idDictionary.Add(i, rootPost.Id);

                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}. \\"{1}\\" has {2} replies.",
                        (i + 1), rootPost.Text, thread.TotalReplyCount));

                    // Get the replies.
                    // If a thread contains more than two replies, the server returns
                    // a thread digest that contains only the two most recent replies.
                    // To get all replies, call SocialFeedManager.GetFullThread.
                    if (thread.TotalReplyCount > 0)
                        foreach (SocialPost reply in thread.Replies)

                            // Only keep replies that can be deleted.
                            if (reply.Attributes.HasFlag(SocialPostAttributes.CanDelete)) 
                                idDictionary.Add(i, reply.Id);

                                SocialActor author = thread.Actors[reply.AuthorIndex];
                                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\\t{0}. {1} replied \\"{2}\\"",
                                    (i + 1), author.Name, reply.Text));
            Console.Write("\\nEnter the number of the post or reply to delete. "
                + "(If you choose a root post, the whole thread is deleted.)");
            string postToDelete = "";
            int postNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
            idDictionary.TryGetValue(postNumber, out postToDelete);

            // Delete the reply and make the changes on the server.
            ClientResult<SocialThread> result = feedManager.DeletePost(postToDelete);

            // DeletePost returns digest thread if the deleted post is not the
            // root post. If it is the root post, the whole thread is deleted
            // and DeletePost returns null.
            if (result.Value != null)
                SocialThread threadResult = result.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("\\nThe reply was deleted. The thread now has {0} replies.", threadResult.TotalReplyCount);
                Console.WriteLine("\\nThe post and thread were deleted.");


如何:在 SharePoint 中向帖子添加提及内容、标签以及网站和文档的链接
